Master Don Juan
well, i recently befriended an ironsmith and am going to take up learning to forge,mold and cast random stuff.
when my parents heard about it from my nosy landlord....they started to say "oh you wanna be macho...." ":he thinks he is manly now"
and just the other day i invited my dad to go hunting for pheasants when i get back home after 4 fawking years...
"oh you are so cruel, i like to feed animals,not kill them"
other random bvlsh!t
"bah you should stick ONLY to your day job" :yawn:
"date a girl that is from your race" NO,i like asians.
"you suck"
"shut up "
"oh come back here and live with us!" <<<<they want me to go back to that sh1thole.:crackup:
my question is,how do i deal with this?
if it was a b1tch ill just next her, but i cant next my family....even though they are everything i stand against
when my parents heard about it from my nosy landlord....they started to say "oh you wanna be macho...." ":he thinks he is manly now"
and just the other day i invited my dad to go hunting for pheasants when i get back home after 4 fawking years...
"oh you are so cruel, i like to feed animals,not kill them"
other random bvlsh!t
"bah you should stick ONLY to your day job" :yawn:
"date a girl that is from your race" NO,i like asians.
"you suck"
"shut up "
"oh come back here and live with us!" <<<<they want me to go back to that sh1thole.:crackup:
my question is,how do i deal with this?
if it was a b1tch ill just next her, but i cant next my family....even though they are everything i stand against