How do you deal with all the texts from your plates?


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2016
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So far DJing has been good to me. Last couple nights just for kicks went on a ex-plate rampage, meaning I hit some of my old plates in between my regular plates.

It was all fun, I mean we humans are such creatures of habit that one of those former plates I found right at the spot where I thought I'd find her on a Saturday night. As soon as she saw me I grinned and she smiled and 45 minutes later I was banging her at her home.

So now that I got my little story out of the way, I think my only problem (senior DJs) is how to deal with the constant text bombarding, I mean I dont really care about replying to text messages but at some point I get tired and even sometimes psyched out of letting them think we are in a relationship, even when all I do is do booty calls after 5-6 regular dates.

I will be frank, I have let go of some hot plates because of the emotional toll. How do you senior DJs deal with all that drama?


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2016
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So just to elaborate, sometimes I even delete the flurry of text messages I receive without reading because reading them has affected me psychologically...hope that makes sense


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2008
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- Establish your boundaries via your actions that you aren't in it for the long term

- If it's too late for boundaries tease her about ''being one of those stalker types lol I knew I should've trusted my gut about you''

or you need to get better at screening girls for potential clinginess


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2016
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Thats a good point, I think I have done it but not assertive enough. Some of them ask me: "how come you never answer your phone?"


"how come you only come to my place but I never come to yours?"

My usual response is "I only pick up the phone when its my mom or pops" that makes them nuts but forgive me.

I guess I will have to act jealous or stalkish lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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ignore them , reply when you feel like it they are your plates not the other way around


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2016
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How has it affected you psychologically? Can you give me some examples?
For example there this one chick that usually gives me headaches when I read her text messages. For example this weekend she gave me headaches and anxiety after she begged me to see her Friday although she knew I dont see her Fridays, then she made a tantrum for me to see her Saturday afternoon and I said no, although I did go bang her around 2am that night on my way back from sarging. Then just yesterday I had felt great all day, no texts from her on anyone, good. Then later in the evening while I am spending some quality time with my son the flurry began. I got a headache just from even without reading most of it except the last part:

"but you don't have to come, so no pressure"

So then I went out sarging but came home an hour later, didnf feel well, felt emotionally drained, its like some of these girls they crave a LTR so bad it has like bad karma or something. Another example, that ex-plate I hit on Saturday that I took to her home before I banged super clingy girl, she also began to imply: "well perhaps you can hang out all day tomorrow, come watch the game".... I told her that I turn to an iguana on Sundays, I dont do anything to conserve energy. She still texted me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2013
Reaction score
Paradise or Hell - You choose
For example there this one chick that usually gives me headaches when I read her text messages. For example this weekend she gave me headaches and anxiety after she begged me to see her Friday although she knew I dont see her Fridays, then she made a tantrum for me to see her Saturday afternoon and I said no, although I did go bang her around 2am that night on my way back from sarging. Then just yesterday I had felt great all day, no texts from her on anyone, good. Then later in the evening while I am spending some quality time with my son the flurry began. I got a headache just from even without reading most of it except the last part:

"but you don't have to come, so no pressure"

So then I went out sarging but came home an hour later, didnf feel well, felt emotionally drained, its like some of these girls they crave a LTR so bad it has like bad karma or something. Another example, that ex-plate I hit on Saturday that I took to her home before I banged super clingy girl, she also began to imply: "well perhaps you can hang out all day tomorrow, come watch the game".... I told her that I turn to an iguana on Sundays, I dont do anything to conserve energy. She still texted me.
Its quite normal. Some people want something more when they feel a connection with you. There's no need to have an headache from it. Just ignore like you have done.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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When you live on your own terms you make all the rules. So there is really nothing to "deal with". Its your way or the highway.

Any woman you f*ck often enough will usually want more. I always tell them I am too busy focusing on my goals to have a real relationship but, I am ok with something casual. Casual means exactly what it sounds like: No emotional sh!t and no commitment. B!tches love the challenge of trying to seduce you into a relationship.. so they will try.

I make no attempts to "keep plates around". They are all free to leave anytime they want and I will not try to stop them or talk them out if it. Oddly, this makes them stick around longer. Only when they believe a LTR relationship with me is 100% hopeless do they eventually move on. This can take a while. But f*cking me several times is a form of investment so they don't give up that easily. The hotter ones have big egos and believe they can manipulate me into doing what they want.. you know.. because they are a "prize" and what man would turn down a LTR with a hottie? Doesn't make sense right?

I've had plates hang on pretty long waiting for something more. On average I can get several mouths of mileage out of one plate. Some come and go for years. They date other men, then come back for sex in between break-ups, etc. I'm basically a walking dildo. I don't give a sh!t what happens.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2016
Reaction score
When you live on your own terms you make all the rules. So there is really nothing to "deal with". Its your way or the highway.

Any woman you f*ck often enough will usually want more. I always tell them I am too busy focusing on my goals to have a real relationship but, I am ok with something casual. Casual means exactly what it sounds like: No emotional sh!t and no commitment. B!tches love the challenge of trying to seduce you into a relationship.. so they will try.

I make no attempts to "keep plates around". They are all free to leave anytime they want and I will not try to stop them or talk them out if it. Oddly, this makes them stick around longer. Only when they believe a LTR relationship with me is 100% hopeless do they eventually move on. This can take a while. But f*cking me several times is a form of investment so they don't give up that easily. The hotter ones have big egos and believe they can manipulate me into doing what they want.. you know.. because they are a "prize" and what man would turn down a LTR with a hottie? Doesn't make sense right?

I've had plates hang on pretty long waiting for something more. On average I can get several mouths of mileage out of one plate. Some come and go for years. They date other men, then come back for sex in between break-ups, etc. I'm basically a walking dildo. I don't give a sh!t what happens.
Lol walking dildo haha Oh man you make me feel like a chump haha. I love that **** you said, busy with my goals etc. It's better than using the I'm sick not feeling well excuse, which I think has actually affected me. I feel like a new man already!!!


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2016
Reaction score
All I can say is, make sure if you're taking a screenshot to send to one of em that a different girl's push notifications aren't visible in the shot...yes that happened
Haha a little off topic but very true. I have that stuff down to a science, my POF notifications dont go off on dates, I remember one time some girl texted me "Where are you, you bastard?" while in bed watching youtube at doubletree with one of my clingy girls.

I turned the phone to the side but eventually clingy girl brought it up LOL I had no explanation haha