How do you create attraction


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Dirty $outh
Derek Flint said:
I couldn't disagree more with what you stated above which I bolded.

Lowering someone's value to raise your own value is about as AFC as it gets.

People who actually are "High Value" don't need to demonstrate it, or "Neg" or anything else.

They can demonstrate High Value without saying a word.

People with Low Value tend to resort to tricks and tactics and "Negs" and other gimmicks to falsely inflate their value.
I should have worded that is A way that you CAN create attraction which the OP was asking "how do you create attraction". But in a fun and playful way is afc? I didn't say bash her till she feels like sh!t? .....
So all the techniques on this site are worthless and you don't need them because you're high value? Then what are you doing on this site if you have such high value and all you need to do is DHV a girl w/o saying a word to her? You expect a guy that may not be attractive to that HB10 initally, to just act high value without her even seeing it and him demonstrating it? This site is filled with tactics and techniques, neg's, push and pull, which can work to create attraction. What's the point if you don't convey that value for her to recognize? You can't just walk past a HB10 and just expect her to see your value all the time, there is a reason why you use negs on HB10's and use less tactics on HB1-3' then I guess everyone here is low value, because they aren't DHV'ing a girl w/o saying a word?......