How do you become fearless?


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2009
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I don't necessarily mean fearless as in "fearless" in approaching women.

I guess fearless in life.

E.g. Not afraid to stick up for yourself.

Not afraid to date hot women eventhough other men will hate you for it or start to disrespect you for it.

Not afraid to go after what you want in life, despite what people think.

What has helped you with this if anything?

Martial Arts, Skydiving, bunjee jumping, triathalon training, education?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
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Telling myself that nothing matters in the end with a smile on my face combined with not jerking off. The first gets my logical mind set in the right place and the latter makes me very agitated when I'm confronted with a challenge that only goes away if I act upon it.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2009
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Dedication said:
Telling myself that nothing matters in the end with a smile on my face combined with not jerking off. The first gets my logical mind set in the right place and the latter makes me very agitated when I'm confronted with a challenge that only goes away if I act upon it.

you feel not jerking off has helped you?

I have tried that, but only last a few


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2004
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dont laugh that is solid advice. Also what did it for me is realizing that people will take you for everything they can if you dont take them worse. Read stockholder posts made a HUGE difference, specifically evil ways.


Don Juan
May 3, 2009
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4 Once again I'm posting this link, hope the mods don't get mad. It will help you learn to "man up."

Most of what we are afraid of, IMO, is physical violence. That's why the average dude would be afraid to hit on a hot girl: Hot girls have dudes around who are less soft than the average dude.

What helped me with it was confronting my mortality, and realizing that it's better to take whatever risks I wanted to take than to just die without ever trying. After all, you lose it all in the end, so go ahead and risk it now.

Check out this video for an example of an emotional domination that would send off a bunch of triggers and scare the crap out of the average guy:

If that gets your blood flowing, then use that process from the first link.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2009
Reaction score
Isko said: Once again I'm posting this link, hope the mods don't get mad. It will help you learn to "man up."

Most of what we are afraid of, IMO, is physical violence. That's why the average dude would be afraid to hit on a hot girl: Hot girls have dudes around who are less soft than the average dude.

What helped me with it was confronting my mortality, and realizing that it's better to take whatever risks I wanted to take than to just die without ever trying. After all, you lose it all in the end, so go ahead and risk it now.

Check out this video for an example of an emotional domination that would send off a bunch of triggers and scare the crap out of the average guy:

If that gets your blood flowing, then use that process from the first link.

THanks, good stuff! I did not read the whole thing, but what i read seemed good.

I also watched the video.

I guess Marines and those trained in Special forces have completely mastered fear.

I bet skydiving or bungee jumping would also help.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
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Belmar2009 said:
you feel not jerking off has helped you?

I have tried that, but only last a few
Oh hell yeah! It helped me a lot about controlling my own emotions and understanding different feelings that my body actually feels. But most importantly it gets me from the observer rol and into a man of action.

But you said you tried it huh? How many times. Just once? I had to try it for 8 months, going on and off being able to stop for a couple of days and sometimes a week, afther a while it got easier and easier. The most i've held out was 5 months, its funny how I think that porn just bores me right now. When I try to jerk I just lose interrest, its like eating healthy for a year and going back to sweet snack. It doesn't give you a good feeling at all anymore.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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Once you are no longer afraid to die. Is when you become truly fearless. Every powerful leader, every great man has quoted that "when you stop being afraid to die, is when you become fearless" or " when you stop being afraid to die is when you start to actually start to feel alive"


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
Don't think of mastering fear as the absence of fear; it is always there, with the exception of the stupid. The rub about courage is that you don't get it until after you do the thing you're afraid of.

It's never as bad as you thought it would be, and even when it is, there's no sense in crying over spilled milk anyway. It is an incredible rush to face your fears and to finally expose them in the light of day. I know it well; I served in the Marines, I have recently taken a huge business risk, and I jump out of airplanes for fun. All of these things are terrifying in their own ways, yet time and time again I make the conscious decision to plow through it.

And as if facing your fears isn't uncomfortable enough, discovering where they lie is half the battle. See, our vision is always skewed when we look at ourselves. Fear is a sneaky bastard, and it often manifests itself in ways not easily attributable to it's real cause. I find it convenient when I run into something I really don't want to do, "Ok, what's the fear here?" It will make you rationalize wasting your life away, so the price you pay lies in vigilance and then cowboying the F up to become your own hero.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2009
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Julius_Seizeher said:
Don't think of mastering fear as the absence of fear; it is always there, with the exception of the stupid. The rub about courage is that you don't get it until after you do the thing you're afraid of.

It's never as bad as you thought it would be, and even when it is, there's no sense in crying over spilled milk anyway. It is an incredible rush to face your fears and to finally expose them in the light of day. I know it well; I served in the Marines, I have recently taken a huge business risk, and I jump out of airplanes for fun. All of these things are terrifying in their own ways, yet time and time again I make the conscious decision to plow through it.

And as if facing your fears isn't uncomfortable enough, discovering where they lie is half the battle. See, our vision is always skewed when we look at ourselves. Fear is a sneaky bastard, and it often manifests itself in ways not easily attributable to it's real cause. I find it convenient when I run into something I really don't want to do, "Ok, what's the fear here?" It will make you rationalize wasting your life away, so the price you pay lies in vigilance and then cowboying the F up to become your own hero.

Thanks for the info and thanks for serving.

I was never in the military, but always wondered how I would react to someone screaming in my face and putting me down. It has to be HARD not to take that stuff personally.

What was more fearful, stepping on those yellow footprints at Parris Island or MCRD San Diego awaiting the wrath of the drill instructors or jumping out of the plane for the first time?


Jul 30, 2003
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Belmar2009 said:
Thanks for the info and thanks for serving.

I was never in the military, but always wondered how I would react to someone screaming in my face and putting me down. It has to be HARD not to take that stuff personally.

What was more fearful, stepping on those yellow footprints at Parris Island or MCRD San Diego awaiting the wrath of the drill instructors or jumping out of the plane for the first time?

The yellow footprints aint sh1t, you arent "scared" at that point, but you are slightly stunned and about to get even more wrecked when you step off the prints LMAO. Good times.

I remember the Drill Instructor getting on the bus, and he went off like a freakin cannon! I have never seen such an intensity in a individual in my life, not even in future Drill Instructors. Dealing with being putdown is not so hard, your more worried about fking up and screwing everybody else over. But there are times you want to snap, no joke lol.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
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I'm still not entirely where I want to be in this regard, but I've made a lot of progress. One thing that has really helped me a lot is conditioning myself to enjoy that feeling. You know the feeling, the one where you're about to do something that takes balls, and you feel the fear that makes you not want to do it? And then you just say **** it, and do it anyway? It's uncomfortable at first, but now I get a rush out of it, and that makes so much easier.


New Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Belmar2009 said:
THanks, good stuff! I did not read the whole thing, but what i read seemed good.

I also watched the video.

I guess Marines and those trained in Special forces have completely mastered fear.

I bet skydiving or bungee jumping would also help.

I have a big thing with fear in general myself so i looked up ways to kind of get over that and just grow the balls to deal with last summer i went skydiving and even though sky diving..does help in some senses ..while free falling my mind went blank and i just accepted it for what it was parachute could of failed at that very moment and i wouldnt of panicked it's a very euphoric feeling ..even though it's killed the fear of being up high or doing anything high like going on roller coasters (which i was afraid of)..i still do have fears of confrontations and of rejection not just with females but in general ..