Hi,so there is this girl in class that I'm interested in.I talked to her a few times before and it went well.I want to take the next step and ask her for her number(or even asking her out directly but I'd rather get to know her more 1st) but the problem is we are always surrounded by other girls,they are her friends but I know all of them too as all of us are in the same class.I think it would be awkward for both of us(or for me at least) if I asked her for her number when all these people are around.I thought about asking her to talk alone for a min but that might be awkward too.I got her facebook but I didn't ask her for that either,I just searched but I still don't wanna add her as she might think I don't have enough couragr to ask her for her number in reality.Actually I know someone who liked her too and he added her on facebook without even talking to her and it ended up with her blocking him.She is single btw.