good question,
and once again, most of the answers turn out to be extremely general. here's mine:
- i try to get eye contact and gauge her reaction... it's either go or no go depending on her expression. if she scowls at me, then there's certainly no point in going in.
but usually, it's difficult to make eye contact with women... they don't seem to be open to looking a stranger in the face.
in that case, i try to initiate ANY INCIDENTAL INTERACTION (tm
... ask them about what they're reading or whatever the surrounding will support. my theory is: it is COMPLETELY innocent but SHE KNOWS EXACTLY what you're doing. if she's interested, she responds with interest and i proceed.
if she's not interested and answers quickly or distractedly, i'm gone and no harm done. not much risked.
i feel like i may not be doing things exactly right or am not being agressive enough... any correction would be appreciated.
finally, i've noticed that there might be a "dance" involved in a self enclosed area like a bookstore... if you check out a chick and relocate and later you find her in your vicinity, she might be signaling an approach. confirmation anyone?