How do women view...


Apr 9, 2010
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Generally speaking, a man is admired by other men for the simple fact that he had sex with multiple women because he has alpha male characteristics which include genes, social status and personality such as ambition, discipline, dedication, determination, cool, calm, collected, etc.

How do women view this though? Do they avoid these men?

I think alpha females have that instinct in the back of her mind that she want these type of men because of her selfish desires to have him and not let other women get their hands on him. Alpha females are confident that she has what it takes to keep this man.

However beta females avoid these type of men because they don't have what it takes to keep these men from having sexual relationships with other females because of their insecurity.

I think when dealing with women, we need to first determine what their heirachy rank is. The Don Juan Bible comes in handy when dealing with alpha females, but some of the material could backfire if we're dealing with beta females.

But what exactly are characteristics of an alpha/beta female? It has to be more than just physical looks.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
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You can't apply the alpha concept to women the way you do with men.
The "leaders" of female groups aren't determined by their personality traits. They're completely determined by how much attention they get from males. That's why they're usually the hottest ones. So it behooves any girl to act MORE feminine if they desire higher status in their group. Not slvtty though, even though slvtty get a lot of attention from males, my theory is that they're ostracized for stealing all the men which is why so many women fear being labelled as slvts. Evolutionary instinct and all that, but I digress.

The "beta" low status females you're talking about are simply the ugly ones or the ones that don't act feminine enough and thus don't get much interest from guys. If you're really set on getting these girls then yeah maybe you'll have to adjust your game.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
SeymourCake said:
How do women view this though? Do they avoid these men?
Remember, what women say and do is not always the same thing.

Most women will never admit to others, and sometimes to themselves, that they are attracted to a lot of these types of men. They will badmouth, trash, hate on, and put down other women who get involved with them, yet as soon as they run into one of them that tingles their vag, they will rationalize how he is not like that. I guess, a lot of times they can't admit it to themselves.

If she is attracted to the man, she right away will avoid putting him into the sleazy, dirty, womanizing pig she considers these type of guys to be. Think about it, what women wants to be with a man who had to settle for her. She wants to know that you have/had options, yet you choose to be with her. Or as they say, Nobody wants to eat in an empty restaurant.

When you are about to make a purchase, you usually go by recomendation, read reviews, and see what other users are saying about the product or service; same thing women do when choosing or when rationalizing. They want somebody who already is pre-approved, pre-selected by other women. The man with options is what they want, because it is obvious he has desired qualities women seek.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2010
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I agree, women want men who have had multiple sex partners.

This is proof that you are desired, therefore your value inadvertently goes up.

I always think It's better to give off the notion that you've bedded a plethora of women while keeping it ambiguous on the exact amount.

It's almost always better than saying you've only had a few, from personal experience that is.