zzeitgeist, you are a 14 year old confused kid in a 22 years old's body, and also a self-righteous nerd that loves to argue and prove his point.
"The point of the post is to point out that you don't have to be a "perfect alpha male" to get the girl."
It's NOT the point of your thread, and deep down you know it. You are frustrated and jealous of those guys and angry because - how come THEY get these girls, and I do not?? They aren't supposed to because they are doing it wrong, so how dare girls like them more than me -- cuz I'm the one that knows all the rules!?
And Warrior says it how it is - that's why many posters here don't like people such as him, or me... -- because we see right through be bull$hit.
You should have said thank you but instead your ego got the best of you (as it usually does) and you got all riled up and defensive. Why because you are sure that you're right, and Deangelo cannot be wrong either! That's why I called you a kid.
Don't ever say "dude relax" to a person 10 years older than you, especially if he is trying to help you.
I would suggest joining player supreme's site. Much less BS over there- and he actually wants his members to grow in the game - not discuss facebook people whose status you check on a regular basis. Are they concerning themselves with your business as much as vice versa? Didn't think so.
I wrote this because I used to be like you, doing these things as well. Every word of your post, and the way of phrased everything - is a result/description of having your head up your a$$. So you should be focused on pulling your head out of your ass instead of stuffing your mind with even more bull$hit - such as this.
"The point of the post is to point out that you don't have to be a "perfect alpha male" to get the girl."
It's NOT the point of your thread, and deep down you know it. You are frustrated and jealous of those guys and angry because - how come THEY get these girls, and I do not?? They aren't supposed to because they are doing it wrong, so how dare girls like them more than me -- cuz I'm the one that knows all the rules!?
And Warrior says it how it is - that's why many posters here don't like people such as him, or me... -- because we see right through be bull$hit.
You should have said thank you but instead your ego got the best of you (as it usually does) and you got all riled up and defensive. Why because you are sure that you're right, and Deangelo cannot be wrong either! That's why I called you a kid.
Don't ever say "dude relax" to a person 10 years older than you, especially if he is trying to help you.
I would suggest joining player supreme's site. Much less BS over there- and he actually wants his members to grow in the game - not discuss facebook people whose status you check on a regular basis. Are they concerning themselves with your business as much as vice versa? Didn't think so.
I wrote this because I used to be like you, doing these things as well. Every word of your post, and the way of phrased everything - is a result/description of having your head up your a$$. So you should be focused on pulling your head out of your ass instead of stuffing your mind with even more bull$hit - such as this.