How do the rules apply whith depressed girls?


New Member
Jul 2, 2005
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depressed girls?

Guys, Just like you would not buy or ride in a
car that is broken down or prone to problems,
you would not want to pursue or get involved with any girl who is messed up in the head. Seeing it way too many times with my guy friends getting
tangled up in the drama of 'dating' a hot chick
who is mental---great sex or not, you are getting in a car with tires that are about to blow out....
The mental drain in suustaining a 'relationship' with these types will wear thin that initial sex attraction...and women who deal with men from a position of weakness will do 'anything' to 'keep' you. Be careful. Not worth it.
There are plenty of quality girls out there---move forward and keep looking!