How Do I Stop This ?


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Please Help I am going nuts. I met this woman over 2 years ago. She was not single, but she said she liked me hung around me etc. Well she cut contact with me all together. It has been 1 year since we talked and she even may have played me. So if she may of played me I should hate her right? wrong!!! I apparently don't..... I am so pathetic it sucks. I analyzed her for months and months. I begged friends to give me there opinions on her. I even paid a girl who knew her to analyze everything she did or said to me. Sad I know... Now I am at the point where I say that I don't care and I quit analyzing things. But I hear somebody say her name, go to the city she lives in, see a car like hers and I get sick it feels like somebody punched me in the chest and I get so depressed.... Now I know how stupid this is to act like this. I talk to other woman. But still this persists. What is wrong and how can I stop it ?????


Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
P-Town 503
Before everyone comes in here and tells you to start dating/seeing/fucking other women, you need to ask yourself what the hell it is/was about this girl that has you off the deep end.

She can't be perfect because she's human.

Also, why did she cut contact with you?


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
I analyzed her for months and months. I begged friends to give me there opinions on her. I even paid a girl who knew her to analyze everything she did or said to me. Sad I know...

I almost choked on my food while reading that....

What was so special about this girl that you would PAY someone to watch her...


Step 2: Go talk to the girl, its obvious you need to settle things with her.

Step 3: GO find the girl you paid and get your money back, because in the end your going to find out she wasnt worth the sum you paid. :)
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
I suggest you change your name to "Water-Boy"!!:rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Funny :D .


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
You'll kick yourself when you realise how much time you've wasted pining after this one girl, when you could have been out and about meeting others.

You need to make a personal decision to:
a) Forget about her
b) Move on

Not half-hearted, not an "I'm going to have a look around" - but you come back to pining away. It's like the fat guy lamenting over why he's fat, while eating a twinkie. If he were serious about losing weight, he'd eliminate that twinkie from his cupboard, and anything else like it. Apply that same approach to this girl. Trust me, you aint young forever - go out and meet someone else.

Also, I suggest reading the article "Be a Man" by Pook, and take a long, hard look at yourself.

But you need to make a conscious decision, and get that girl out of your head.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
I suggest you change your name to "Water-Boy"!!:rolleyes:

Anyways, you have to figure out what made you want her so bad. As someone else mentioned she isn't perfect so if you can discover what abouther was such bait for you, you can find it in other women.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Out There
dude you have an obssession problem... nobody can make you stop thinkin about her. but yourown self.... by doing all the things you did relating to this girl... will torture your feelings even go out and meet new women is the best advice that anybody can give you .... sodont look any further....



Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
I have been waiting for you to change your name to "Post-Wh0re" once you do that I will change my name to water_boy!!! WTF do you do go out and brag to woman I have over 2800 posts on wanna give me your number? Not to mention the other posts I have seen where you answer the question then add another with nothing put "X" to further raise your post count. Or your post months ago where you are bragging that you made it to 1000 posts

Guys who answered Thanks for the advice. Now let me give you some advice back.
1. Click on User CP
2. Click Edit Ignore list
3. Type in "Post_Wh0re" in the box then click update list.
4. Now you are FREE!!!:D
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
WOW, relax dude - it was just a joke - put the gun down and call the dogs off!!!! Dude, I have the answer for you but since you gave me such a harsh tongue-lashing I shall withhold my counsel!!

Don't put me on "Ignore" unless you want to see pages upon pages upon pages of empty space!!

AFK - he doesn't 'own me' because he made a remark - I think you are trying to start a cyber-fight!! Put up your dukes!! :mad:


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
WOW, relax dude - it was just a joke - put the gun down and call the dogs off!!!! Dude, I have the answer for you but since you gave me such a harsh tongue-lashing I shall withhold my counsel!!
:rolleyes: Quit acting like he owes you something and give advice, or quit with the pretense. Since you know so much more about it than us, and all :rolleyes:

Water, I agree with AFC_007's advice here.

Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Well Water Man like they say the first step to dealing with any problem is identifying it. Yeah your an AFC and yeah you have bad, bad oneitis. But what matters is your here now, and hopefully ready to bury the past.

The important thing is that the desire to change is your own. Not because you are motivated by some woman to change for her, or because your friends or family want it. Change can only occur if you truely want to change.

So it seems that emotion tends to get the better of you, and along with that notion of the hollywood perfect relationship. First realize this: EMOTION IS THE ENEMY OF LOGIC. It will get you to do stupid things, it will cause you to ruin your life and people will use it against you to own you.

Like Puetro Rican Lover, he insulted you, even jokingly. He could see you were emotional and stuck a sharp verbal barb in you. He got you to all angry and to spew out some barbs of your own. As a consequence he got offended and won't share any advice with you. Of course emotion is also the enemy of Puetro Rican Lover because out of spite he is holding back the info and not helping a striving afc to become a DJ, this also has consquences. Because if every time a DJ got fustrated with an AFC and refused to share their wisdom this site would be useless as it would be like a university without the teachers.

That aside lets get on to the second issue. A lot of guys out there have been to put it lightly misinformed and mislead about dating, women, sex and relationships and marriage. Nothing is perfect in this life and all of those things I just metioned are not perfect either. Yet society, the media, and even your own parents will tell you how wonderful love is and how perfect it can be. What they should be saying is that yes you can have a good relationship but it takes a lot of work, luck and the right people to pull it off. The thing about finding even a decent chick to date is that you have to screen out a lot of potential dates because they are either not compatible, pyscho, gold diggers, or commitment junkies.

Your new mindset should be that concept of love between people is not perfect, because people are involved. Doesn't make relationships any less fun or for that matter sex any less fun, but you can't blindly give anyone the benifit of the doubt. TRUST MUST BE EARNED. Girls who act like flakes and lead guys on cannot be tolerated. You must take the lead in the relationship, you must decide who, when and where and why you are going to date and even committ. The whole saying "The man may pick but the woman chooses." line is a load of crap. The minute you give up control she will give up interest.

By now you should realize some of this, which is the silver lining for all of us when we were AFCs and got burned bad. We learned something from it and decided to change. We all have done and now its your turn. Check out the DJ Bible, check out Pook and Anti-Dump posts and ask questions and even try the boot camp thing and you will start to mold yourself into something more if thats what you are looking for.

-Grey Fox
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Ok water-man I have the cure for what ails you!!

You must call this girl up and get an outright rejection or an acceptance to your asking her to go out!! Only do this if you know that she is single!!

If it's been over a year that you have been longing for her then this is at the point of obsession and you'll always have regrets if you didn't pursue her at full force and get a definitive answer now!!

Only if you do this will you move on with pursuing other women in a satisfactory manner knowing that your first choice has definitely denied you!! Or maybe she'll accept you. You'll never know until you try.

Doing this will get her out of your system once and for all!!!


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Yeah. Do what PRL said. Call her up and spit that mad DJ game. If you get rejected, then move on to plan b. But just go knowing that you can pull this off. She is only human though, so don't be all nervous around her like she is some greek goddess.
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Water_Man
Please Help I am going nuts. I met this woman over 2 years ago. She was not single, but she said she liked me hung around me etc. Well she cut contact with me all together. It has been 1 year since we talked and she even may have played me. So if she may of played me I should hate her right? wrong!!! I apparently don't..... I am so pathetic it sucks. I analyzed her for months and months. I begged friends to give me there opinions on her. I even paid a girl who knew her to analyze everything she did or said to me. Sad I know... Now I am at the point where I say that I don't care and I quit analyzing things. But I hear somebody say her name, go to the city she lives in, see a car like hers and I get sick it feels like somebody punched me in the chest and I get so depressed.... Now I know how stupid this is to act like this. I talk to other woman. But still this persists. What is wrong and how can I stop it ?????
I guess I was in a similar situation, met and AW with a BF. She plaeyd me. Had trouble cutting her off because she had so much control of me. I finally cut her off but I was alone and single for 4 months and then I hear from her again and I go running back for more punishment. Guess what? She played me even more and it hurt me even more. I've cut her off for good this time.

Also a while ago when I was a TOTAL AFC I became obsessed with this chick who dissed me and I tried for ages to get her attention, analyzing her every move until I realised that I was being PSYCHO and pathetic. Then I stopped in an instance.

You are obsessing and it's ridiculous, I don't think you TRUELY realize how ridiculous you are sounding. How well did you know this girl? The fact that you're so obsessed and obviously think she is "perfect" for you and no woman can match up tells me you didn't really know her that well. EVERYONE has their bad points.

I have a feeling you might get shot down if you ask her out. I hope you do. Sorry man, but if you don't then you're going to scare her off anyway because you are obssessed.

STAY AWAY FROM HER. You are acting totally psycho and you will end up scaring her off. She is not THE ONE, there is no such thing as THE ONE. I have met "the one" plenty of times in my life, only with different names, personalties and looks.

You are obviously not trying hard enough to meet women, maybe you're shy and have trouble opening up to women, and since she was the only one that really knew you, you are obsessed.

My point is, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HER. You are acting crazy, know I don't think you're nuts. I just think you are behaving like you are nuts!

Leave it alone, realise how stupid you're being and how many oppertunites you are missing because of your oneitis. Girls are RIGHT UNDER your nose but you don't even CARE!


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Thanks guys. I don't talk to her or even try to talk to her. I KNOW what the problem is. It is that I am Obsessed with trying to figure out if she played me in the first place or not. I just have a NEED to know. That is why I asked everyone that I know what they think. So I guess once I get a idea if she played me or not then I can rest at least some.

Now if she was not playing me then I know why she quit talking to me. You will laugh your asses off if I told you what I told her friend. Even months of no contact her friend sends me a SMS on my cell phone telling me that this girl is single now. I of course thought oh she wanted me to know.


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
Get back in contact with her.
Ask her out.
If yes- great!
If no- tell her "You played me :mad: "

If she admits, you have your answer.
If she denies, laugh and tell her you'd still like to be friends with her.

If she ends up hating you- it was never anything to start with.
If you end up as friends, hey great! a new friend.
If you end up in bed together, right on.

Those are the basic three things in which one WILL happen.

Go out there and make one of them happen, or you will sit here and never know.
You are the one who needs to do something about it, or nothing will ever happen.
It is up to you to trigger one of these events.

Quit reading this. Go and do it!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
Reaction score
San Diego East County Mountains
Originally posted by Water_Man
...I KNOW what the problem is. It is that I am Obsessed with trying to figure out if she played me in the first place or not. ...
If ya gotta ask, you were!!:mad:
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Watermelon Man, ask your friend if she can "accidently" bring you two together at a club or something and you coincidentally bump into her at the club. This may be better than calling her abruptly and scaring her.