How do I react to an insult?


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Aurora, CO, USA
There are several different ways you can react to an insult. You can try and make a comeback, walk away,beat up the individual who made the comment or make some kind of suave dj comment. I think that most of the time these choices reflect an inner self which is hurting. What else is wrong with these particular actions? They are a complete waste of energy and of time. Trying to hurt someone or look good is a complete waste of time and energy. Why not go do something productive like dj? <br>What should you do?<br>
<b>Do not give the insult power. </b>
What do I mean by this? Well everyone on this earth creates emotions for themselves, nobody or nothing else creates it for them. We are the creators of our world. By feeling the need to come back is giving the insult power. You might say that when there is a group watching and goes "oooooh!" it gives it power. Well, it really does not. It just seems that way to the person taking the insult and is interpretted on a much larger scale.
Once you have accomplished this you can lay down a joke if thats your nature. Just a thought. Peace.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
exactly, YOU (and your central nervous system ;)) are responsible for every emotion you feel, every thought you have, and every negative experience you percieve as such. :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
We are taught that we need to react to insults, which is the very reason you are asking this question.

I like the term "respond" rather then "react" because respond indicates a sense of control, whereas react indicates a sense of a triggered action that is programmed into the self.

Here is how I respond to every insult that gets flung my way: I relax.

Believe it or not, most people get tense, which causes you to become "upset." Upset, meaning you puff your chest out, your thoughts start going hay-wire about how to reply, and all the energy in your body goes up. You are no longer centtered adn balanced.

Relax. Become Aware. And Respond.

You asked "How do I react...": My answer: Relax.

From there, if you listen to your intuition, which is only available while relaxed mind you, you'll know your best route to take.

Also, take into account who insulted you. Was it your friend? Was it just some nobody who is trying to disturb your inner DJ peace and tranquility?

If it's your friend be clear with them. Tell them, you don't insult your friends and if they are interested in remaining friends with you, you demand the same respect. Your the alpha fvcking male. If it's a nobody, are they even worth your time? I dont' waste my time, and I don't appreciate people wasting my time. If someone is wasting my time with an insult, i'm not going to waste my time giving them my energy in response.

random afc

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2002
Reaction score
good job guys. nice, solid post. although i think it will take a little practice, i think i like the idea. it's important to realized that many people aren't worth the wasted energy and shold be ignored.