I assume by "show me how it's done" you mean give you an example of how to figure out if a girl is into you. Because if you understood what I was saying you know that women are into you, or not into you - all you have to do is not fvck it up.
Here is the deal. All you have to do, is be you. Don't be this AFC that you see in the movies with the flowers, or the poems because THAT'S not you, the same as don't bother with silly rules and tactics because they ALSO aren't you. Follow the simple steps:
1. Approach
You need to approach first, if you haven't done this already. Before you go in, realize that she's feeling you, or she's not so it's EASY. Don't take it personally if she's not because who knows what kind of day she's having, or if she has a boyfriend, or if she doesn't like short guys, or asian guys, etc. It's all what's happening in HER mind. You can't change it, don't bother. Just be real and push until she stops you. During the conversation make her feel comfortable. You might have to do the majority of the talking in the beginning because a lot of women (regardless of their IL) won't feel relaxed enough yet to just jump in and fill the conversation. In fact, I'd say the MORE interested she is, the less she says because she's worried about saying something stupid. Talk, start topics that she can relate to.
2. Number/Kiss Close
Depending on where you are do either. Or both. At clubs I almost ALWAYS kiss close if I'm dancing. After the kiss close the number is (almost) automatic. If she doesn't give a phone number, or turns down your kiss, you can do one of two things. If you want ONS, or a girl who's going to fvck soon, leave if she didn't kiss you. She's not into you, regardless of what she tells you. If she declines the kiss because you think you moved to fast you COULD back off and build some more rapport - THEN number close. If she rejects your number close then by all means, eject.
3. The Phone Call
Call when you want. I won't give a certain amount of days because it won't matter. When you call her, just chat it up. Make friendly conversation. Then say THIS:
"Hey what days are you free this week?"
She'll give you a few days, or will say, "actually I'm busy all this week." in that case you ask her about the following week. If she gives you 2 days, choose one and say "Ok well lets get together on Thisday." If she doesn't accept, eject. If she does accept, so far so good.
4. The Follow Up
I would call a day prior or so, although I know a lot of you guys don't dig that. My theory is that if she's going to reject me, she's going to reject me whether I call or not. I don't want her to go on the date with me just because she didn't have the CHANCE yet to flake. If she's out I want it to be because she LIKES and WANTS to be out with me. therefore I'll give her a lot of chances to flake if that's what she wants to do. If she calls you, or you call her and she cancels the plans you had, for any reason....I eject. This means that she made plans OVER your plans. If her exuse sounds legit then you can give her ONE more chance, MAYBE. But no more than that.
5. The Date
Take her out somewhere to get to talk to her. Coffee and dessert is fun. Make her laugh, help her relax and enjoy herself. You can say whatever you want, whenever you want. Remember, the attraction is happening in HER head. Then make it a point to come back to your, or her place to "watch a movie". I recommend going the massage to kiss route. If she doesn't kiss me, I eject. I don't have time for girls with those "don't kiss on the first date" rules because I can only imagine what rules she has set up for when sex will take place.
6. The Aftermath
If she kissed you, this means she MAY be interested. You just have to set up situations where she has to SHOW you she's interested. Not tell you. My friends say "Oh well she said she had to make a doctors appointment that's why she couldn't show up". It's such ashame. Just set them up to where they HAVE to show you how much they care based on their actions. If they fvck up, move on to the next. Don't take it personally.