How do I play this?


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
This is my first post here. I've read a lot on here but I guess I need some guidance.

There's a chick at the diner I go to I've been Interested in for a while. She's always friendly when we chat. I recently got out of a 3 yr LTR and figured she would be a good way to move on. I never really pursued it, but one day I bet her if the lottery ticket I bought lost that she could buy me dinner. With a big grin on face of course. She said " I dont know, not on my salary." I said I would pick up the tip. I never did get an answer yes or no.

So I ask a co worker about her. Turns out she has a BF. but she is always complaining that he's too controling. So I figured fck it I will just leave her my # and if she leaves him maybe she will hit me up.

So am I totally fvcked or can I do something better. I play ****ey funny all the time with her. And before you say leave her alone for a while, I can't always since its where I eat or get coffee everyday before work. ( small town problems).

Any help is greatly appreciated.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Don't expect her to call you. This isn't how girls operate. I doubt you have generated enough interest for her to trade in her current guy or even jeopardize her situation by cheating on him. I'd continue cultivating this relationship. Eventually she will grow tired of her boyfriend and you can be her rebound guy.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
So should I keep using her as a testing grounds, or should I back off?

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah keep after it "like you just don't care".

Is this the only girl you have in your gun sights?

Look at it like you are a salesman. Just because you talk to a potential customer and hand out your business card doesn't mean you will earn that persons business. I work a job where there is an endless supply of salesman trying to get in my "pants" if you will. They all pull the same cheap tricks. The ones that convince me they have the most to offer are the ones I form relationships with. 90pct of them are an annoyance. Their offers for free meals don't mean schitt.

If this girl is hot, she has a line of guys 10 deep doing the same thing you are doing. You need to stand out from the crowd.

If the ****y/funny is working for you then keep it up. Increase this girls temperature and push things a little further and see where it goes. Pay attention to her body language.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
She's the biggest target right now. I'm trying to keep my options open but unless I go out somewhere I dont really run into a lot of women in my day to day business.

She's one who has to have a lot of attention. She will ask any male customer " aren't you going to tell me how good I look today?" But not with me. Probably because I would make fun of her.

Some days she asks me if I went to such and such event that she has interest in going to an some days she says nothing unless I say something first.

The more I talk about it the more I feel that she is toying with me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
I don't see this going anywhere. Sure continue to be playful with her and tease her from time to time but I wouldn't bother taking it further since she doesn't seem that interested. Go ahead and invite her out if you want but I bet she'd flake on you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
It's all a bunch of cute yakkity yak until you ask her out and you get a concrete yes or no out of her. Until then it'll just be an over-analytical game you're playing with yourself. You're right, she very well may be toying with you. She may be waiting for you to ask her out. She may be just looking for attention because it feeds her ego. There are ∞+1 possibilities.

So go in the diner, eat your food, and either ask her what she's doing on XXXday or forget about it. It really is that simple. You want the girl? Start making attempts towards getting her. If she says she has a BF or says no, not a problem, at least you asked. Trust me, she'll keep you in mind if she's lookin for some new fun.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
I appreciate the advice. I think I'm going to keep turning up the wick and go for it.