How do I let a girl know that I am intersted?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
We are already friends (although we havent known eachother for a while) and the more I know her, the more I start to like her. Yes I may be friend zone'd, but it's worth a shot. How can I let her know subtely that I am interested?

Also, would you guys have any tips on how to act with her and how to interpret if she might be interested in me or not, how to react to those signs, etc etc.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
I think you should be able to tell if she's into to you like that. Read it in their eyes, their body language. Their exuberrance for you when they're in your company.

You've said how you feel about her to us. How does she feel about you? Is very keen to meet up with you? How are you reading the situation at the moment in regards to her feelings towards you?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
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Makkaveli101 said:
I think you should be able to tell if she's into to you like that. Read it in their eyes, their body language. Their exuberrance for you when they're in your company.

You've said how you feel about her to us. How does she feel about you? Is very keen to meet up with you? How are you reading the situation at the moment in regards to her feelings towards you?
That's the problem. It sounds so easy written or in theory, but when I'm with her I don't think about that. Yes she looks a lot at me and smiles a lot when around me or whatnot, but I don't know if she's like that with everyone or not, and since we don't have common friends it's hard to get input from others, I'm basically on my own.

However, I invited her to a party recently and one of my friend told me he was getting mixed signals from her. He said at some times he felt she was interested in me, at some times he didn't feel that. In other words, it's not that easy to read and I'm far from being an expert at that.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Instead of wondering and waiting, what's stopping you from making a move on her?

Why do you need "indications of interest" to make an advance?

Until you do, you're nothing more than her girlfriend.


New Member
Dec 21, 2006
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If you've been LJBF and you want to get with this girl, prepare to put in a good amount of time. I've got out of the friendzone with huge success. But then again, I might not of been there in the first place. This is what I did:

DO NOT tell her how you feel.
Ask HER for advice about women you're "seeing" EX: I'm going on a date next week, but i'm undecided where to take her, any suggestions?
DO NOT be her emotional tampon. If she throws feelings at you, change the subject fast but do so in a caring way.
If she's feeling upset or you can sense she's about to throw feelings at you, say something like, "Look, whatever it is that's bothering you, I hope you feel better about it later"
Stop giving her the time and day. Your time is money, it's spent improving yourself and DATING other women.

These are the major ones I can think from the top of my head.

What i'm trying to say is LJBF her. Throw subtle hints her way that you're seeing women. She'll begin to see why other women are interested in you and you'll become mysterious.


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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BannedGod said:
We are already friends (although we havent known eachother for a while) and the more I know her, the more I start to like her. Yes I may be friend zone'd, but it's worth a shot. How can I let her know subtely that I am interested?

Also, would you guys have any tips on how to act with her and how to interpret if she might be interested in me or not, how to react to those signs, etc etc.
It appears that she is not interested in you. I say that because women are very obivious when they are....


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Derek Flint said:
Instead of wondering and waiting, what's stopping you from making a move on her?

Why do you need "indications of interest" to make an advance?

Until you do, you're nothing more than her girlfriend.[/QUOTE}

If you own up to the concequences of letting her know you're intrested, you'll be at an impass. The worst that can happen is she tells you she's more interested in being your friend, which honestly isn't the worst thing that can happen to you. If she tells you this, then you know you can place your endevors into something/someone else, thus saving you time and progressing with your life. Stalling is a horrible idea because, obviously, you aren't going anywhere. Action leads to progression and understanding and your unfortold destiny. Do it! Keep moving because that's the rule of the world and none of us is an exception to that.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
My personal favourite way to let a chick know I like her is to show her my ****


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Well she doesn't use me as an emotional tampon at all... As a matter of fact, she never talks about her problems or emotional stuff to me


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
In The South
I became friends with a lady friend I had hoped to someday marry but I kept my feelings to myself in hopes she would know how I felt about her cause I would help her with things and basically be there for her. As time went on I became fustrated cause this lady was so hot and I would watch her go on dates with other guys but remember I was her buddy and only hopeing she would really know how I felt about her. Then the unthinkable happen the lady I so admired married her first cousin and the best part was there was not signs that he was even around.

This experience put me into a depression and to the point I didn't trust women but since coming here I see where I made my mistakes then for I was an example of a complete wuss and totally less a man and more or less her girlfriend.

Bottom line tell her where you stand get it in the air with her if she doesn't like the idea of you two being a pair find someone else and don't spend another oz of emotion invested with her for it will screw you up in the long run be the man between you two.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
BannedGod said:
We are already friends (although we havent known eachother for a while) and the more I know her, the more I start to like her. Yes I may be friend zone'd, but it's worth a shot. How can I let her know subtely that I am interested?

Also, would you guys have any tips on how to act with her and how to interpret if she might be interested in me or not, how to react to those signs, etc etc.
Why don't you just ask her out for a movie or coffee? Seems so simple to me. Then take her out dancing. If your not man enough to let her know this will surely tell her what your intentions are.

Good Luck,



Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
CraigMack said:
Why don't you just ask her out for a movie or coffee? Seems so simple to me. Then take her out dancing. If your not man enough to let her know this will surely tell her what your intentions are.

Good Luck,

Well, if this helps, so far we already went on a movie date, I invited her to a friend's party and yesterday I spent the whole day at her house. I donnu I get mixed feelings from her, but I think part of it is because of what her friends told me, that she is the type of girl to let a guy think she's interested but then turn him down... I don't really believe that because she doesn't look like that type of girl, but it made me be all the more cautious.