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How Do I get THIS body???


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
How Do I get THIS body???
Try spiking his drink with Rohypnol and shoving him in the back of your car! :)

Seriously though, you've got some great info in this thread and there's plenty more in this forum. However, it's not ALL about cutting. If you've got no muscle beneath your bodyfat, you can't expect any definition regardless of your genetics. Abs are just like any other muscles - they need working out in order to develop and if you neglect them, they go soft and flat.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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organizedconfusion said:
when you dropped weight,did you notice stretch marks?? if so how do you get rid of them? my arms and the parts around my chest are like road maps..i am not even gonna mention my legs..whoops..:crazy:
I've got them really badly too on my arms and stomach. Cocoa butter is supposed to be one of the best solutions, but I've not had the patience to use it daily as recommended so can't personally verify whether it's effective or not.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
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Jariel said:
I've got them really badly too on my arms and stomach. Cocoa butter is supposed to be one of the best solutions, but I've not had the patience to use it daily as recommended so can't personally verify whether it's effective or not.
i used cocoa butter for a bit and it didn't really do anything..just made it shiny so they were harder to see :confused:


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Jariel said:
Try spiking his drink with Rohypnol and shoving him in the back of your car! :)


i was temped to say something similar :D but i wanted to see if anyone else would :eek:

did you guys watch the last episode? where Vinci was MIA again and everyone was looking for him? poor bastard,all that success as a model and still unhappy :( ..just proves that money,looks and woman don't always mean happiness...


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Rockstar said:
Mind Over Matter, how cleanly did you eat back in your early days with the 20 sets a day/ 5 days per week? I'm at around 170 right now with a bit of a beer gut and I've recently started working out again. And also, what kind of cardio did you do, if any?
Only cardio I did was muay thai in the evenings about 2 times a week.

I ate very very cleanly, (just lean sources of protein like tuna / chicken, didn't even eat steak then), drank only water and green tea, and kept all my carbs in check (no carbs after 6pm). if i ever got hungry i'd have a protein shake mixed with milk and that'd fill me up. eating this way is what set me on the right path, because when i lost the fat and wanted to get big, all i did was increase the protein up by a little bit (i.e. an extra chicken breast or a few more cans of tuna) over time. the key is to make eating / working out a habit, then maintain it.

and nope, i didn't get stretch marks on my chest or abs, but i got some on my delts.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
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Paradise (with rain)
Did you lose strength when you were cutting Mind over Matter?
I kinda wanna drop my BF% but dont wanna work out more days a week. I think I might be able to eat better (assuming my parents are willing to buy healthy food) right now Im at about 195 and would like to drop to 170 by around july without loosing strength. 25 lbs in 2 months without strength loss. Possible? Healthy? I am liking what my workout has been doing and I can feel myself getting stronger. This is my workout Here What changes would I have to make to get what I wanted?


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
No I didn't lose strength mostly because I was careful of how much I increased my weigths by. When I was trying to lose my gut I increased my max by 5lbs (on last set) every 2 weeks, as opposed to when I started bulking up and did 5 lbs a week. Btw I'm referring to compounds here.

If you eat properly and rest enough, you wont lose strength. You lose strength if you don't eat enough protein, don't get enough sleep, and eat low carbs prior to workouts. If you eliminate these 3 errors you should be able to make some gains while burning a lot of fat.

Hope this helps.

As for your workout, don't change anything. Keep it up for about 6 months now that you've started it. At this point, your body is untrained and a consistent stimulus is what it needs to grow. Maintain your routine and you will make gains. The only time I'd ever recommend changing your routine is when you start hitting peaks (i.e. can't add 5 more lbs to your max). That's when you go and try something different. But for now, stick with what you are doing. The more days and effort you put in, the more it will all come together.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
I think the Muay Thai training was a big part of getting a body like that.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
Quick question. I know that super high reps train slow twitch muscles, but what exactly does that mean? Are you adding some mass, or what exactly is happening the muscles you train for endurance? Do they get leaner? Add some mass?


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Muay Thai training definetly helped me, but it wasn't the big part. There were plenty of guys at my dojo who trained harder then me but never worked out, thus never developing their body to the point where I was. You can only do so much without the weights. Plus some of my friends have used 5day split 20 set workouts to get lean as well, while not doing MT.

Quick question. I know that super high reps train slow twitch muscles, but what exactly does that mean? Are you adding some mass, or what exactly is happening the muscles you train for endurance? Do they get leaner? Add some mass?
You will get some mass, but not as much if you trained in the low rep range (i.e. strength training). The thing is, if you only train for strength, you wont develop slow twitch fibres, so you will still be missing some mass. That's why some weeks you should take a break from strength training and do some endurance work. Big reason why I think the DC widowmaker squat is effective at building big legs is because it trains both fibres with 2 sets. Now I use this method with almost all compounds. But you wont have to worry about that until you're at least 2 years in.