How do I get a girl that likes me out of my life?


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2006
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Okay, so there's this girl that likes me, and I can tell she likes me a lot. Before winter break, she stopped by my room almost every day and overstayed her welcome (she would stay for at least 3 hours just waiting for something to happen). I am kind of to blame for this though, and it makes the situation a lot tougher. One night I went to a party with her and a friend, and when we got back to my room, she decided that she was going to sleep in my bed with me, uninvited. Well, being the drunken idiot that I was, I made out with her pretty hardcore 3 times. The next day she came over for like 4 hours before finally leaving for break. She has been text messaging me constantly trying to get together over break. I have avoided getting together, but I know for sure that when I get back from break she's going to stop by constantly, which wouldnt bother me too much if not for the fact that she stays for 3-5 hours every time. I thought I kind of liked her at first, but her boring, annoying personality just makes her look like sh!t, and she definitely isn't hot enough for me to waste my time with her. I'm actually starting to hate this girl, but it seems like she thinks that we're about to be an item. She's definitely not my type at all. She's tall, gangly, awkward, and pale, and she pretends to like football and tries to talk about it all the time, almost always coming off as a jackass. And the overstaying her welcome thing really p!sses me off.

My question is this: How do I get rid of this girl without compromising my dignity? My friends say that I should start acting disgusting, farting, etc, or just be a jackass, but there is no way that I'm making myself look bad just so some stupid b!tch gets the hell away from me. I don't care if she still likes me or whatever, but I don't want to hook up with that again.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2004
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As normal, your friends advice is bad.

When she pops round, why are you letting her in? You are under no obligation to. Tell her you are studying. She will get the hint.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2006
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Well the thing with this girl is that she doesn't get the hint. She'd be like "Oh, what are you studying", and proceed to make the crappiest jokes of all time about it. I seriously can't stand her and I'm still pretty p!ssed at the fact that she had the audacity to stay over in my bed and make out with me when I was drunk (she only had like 2 beers all night, but I still know that I only have myself to blame). She overstays time and time again, and I know I'm going to have a short fuse once this next semester starts. But even now as I talk I know that once she does come over I'm going to be all nice about it and not tell her to leave and get out of my life. This girl wants to hang out like 24/7. She even tries to go to the gym together. I probably wouldn't mind if she was at least hot enough.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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If you don't care about her feelings...then everytime she comes within say, 35 ft of you, scream get away from me you ugly b.itch! until she gets the hint.

If you care about not hurting her feelings, then you can't. She has to be the one that quits liking you.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
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Thunder Bay Ontario
Why not make her your project and make her hot?

LoL I had to say it. just let her know sorry you can't be hanging around so much, and you are annoying me, ease up.



Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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hold up. so shes hot enough to make out .. not once but 3 times? and all times were hot enough to say "hardcore" but not hot enough to fuk? and she slept in the same bed as u?

IM SERIOUSLY missing something


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
hammahamma said:
My question is this: How do I get rid of this girl without compromising my dignity? My friends say that I should start acting disgusting, farting, etc, or just be a jackass, but there is no way that I'm making myself look bad just so some stupid b!tch gets the hell away from me. I don't care if she still likes me or whatever, but I don't want to hook up with that again.
You're friends are jackasses and thier advice is chillingly juvenile :mad:

Just let her know you either:

would rather suck on a pole than blow in a hole
or have a threeway with her and her mother.

Chicks gone. You're welcome.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Try this - Go completely over the top, gung-ho AFC on her ass. Then sit back and watch her run for the hills.:cool:


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Ripper said:
Try this - Go completely over the top, gung-ho AFC on her ass. Then sit back and watch her run for the hills.:cool:
ONLY those who are AFC in thier heart will advise others to follow the same bullsh!t. Horrible advice.

Even in joking DO NOT ACT AFC. That leads to other excuses to act like every other dullard.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2006
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sexy_kuta said:
hold up. so shes hot enough to make out .. not once but 3 times? and all times were hot enough to say "hardcore" but not hot enough to fuk? and she slept in the same bed as u?

IM SERIOUSLY missing something
Well here's an idea of how hot she is: I would probably let her bl0w me (if I was really horny), but there's no way that I would reciprocate, and I don't want to put my d!ck near her "area". Plus, when we made out, I was drunk, thus my judgement was impaired.

There's no way that I'm going to go AFC for anybody. I was AFC throughout high school and I'm just starting to get this DJ thing down. I'm not going to make myself look like a chump for some stupid girl's sake. Tell me what you think of this idea: How about I go to the house that she goes to to party, and I find a girl to make out with in front of her? Is that too harsh? I figure that at the worst I'll get a reputation as a player and that might not be half bad. Honestly I don't care about this girl's feelings, I care more about how my rep/respect level gets affected, but I figure instead of kind of giving her the cold shoulder for a few weeks, I'll just end it with one blow.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
sounds good. or you could just grab your balls and tell her in a serious way that you don't like her and you want to see less of her.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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San Diego, CA
Hamma, there's a way to figure this out without messing around with this girl. Seriously, all it takes is a minimal contact. Lock your door and put up away messages even if you are actually in the room. Don't stay in one place with her long enough to have her anchor you down. If you pass by her on the street, only acknowledge her presence when she greets you first.

If she's still around, she'll definitely ask where you've been. If all else fails, just tell her you were on a date. In fact, find another girl so this one will get off of you.

Just remember one thing, this girl is practically the female equivalent of a flaming AFC. I'll bet you know what it felt like to Crash and Burn. Let her down easy.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Never act like an American Football Conference, though discussing the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 may is boring as all hell.

That said, here are two ways I have tried to deter a stalker:
1. Call her a lot while you're drunk. The later (always past 2 AM) the better.

2. Tell her you're in a jam and need to borrow $10,000. Pray that she doesn't give it to you.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
I have a great idea...

tell her that you're not interested. man the fvck up!

or you can say that you like someone else.. same sh!t.

you made the bed you lie in... irony? ... give it to her straight up, she'll back off. you owe it to her to be honest - you let it happen.

good luck bro.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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KarmaSutra said:
ONLY those who are AFC in thier heart will advise others to follow the same bullsh!t. Horrible advice.

Even in joking DO NOT ACT AFC. That leads to other excuses to act like every other dullard.
Ok, just to help you untwist your panties, I'll clarify. I said it slightly tongue-in-cheek. More a sort of 'wouldn't it be quite fun to see how quick you could get her to lose interest'. A sort of reverse pick up if you will.

However, ultimately, if it gets her off your back, then what do you care? Who cares if she thinks you're a wuss?! You led her to believe that. You are in fact the one in control. At the end of the day you get the desired result. All that matters.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
Ripper said:
Ok, just to help you untwist your panties, I'll clarify. I said it slightly tongue-in-cheek. More a sort of 'wouldn't it be quite fun to see how quick you could get her to lose interest'. A sort of reverse pick up if you will.

However, ultimately, if it gets her off your back, then what do you care? Who cares if she thinks you're a wuss?! You led her to believe that. You are in fact the one in control. At the end of the day you get the desired result. All that matters.
Well the thing is that girls have FRIENDS, and they LOVE to talk. So if word gets around that I'm a goofball, AFC chump, then I'm back to square one. It may sound selfish, but I'm not going to change the way I act to the detriment of myself, just so some girl doesn't feel bad about herself. She once told me a story of a guy that liked her and she was basically bashing the guy and trying to sound funny, so she's no innocent person. All I really care about in this situation is either: 1- I get rid of her and still keep my respectability up (while always working to improve it, of course), or 2) maybe there is some way that I can use her to make myself look more attractive to other girls. Like maybe I can tell them a funny story about this annoying girl who wouldn't stop stalking me, or like I said before I could try to find a girl to hook up with at a party, and then the annoying girl will get mad and try to "get back" at me by telling everyone that I'm a player, which I may be able to use to my benefit. I may be exploiting this girl or whatever, but if you knew her, then I think you wouldn't mind doing the same. Plus I'm still steamed about the time she slept in my bed when I was drunk. (She actually tried to do it once before by pretending to be locked out of her house, but I had her sleep on the floor).


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
hammahamma said:
All I really care about in this situation is either: 1- I get rid of her and still keep my respectability up (while always working to improve it, of course), or 2) maybe there is some way that I can use her to make myself look more attractive to other girls.
Women are not stupid. Keep your game pure dog, no one likes to hear someone ripping on someone else, it'll make you look conceited...

ESPECIALLY if its a chick that's crazy about you, the other girls aren't gonna praise you for being a d!ck to her... my word, they'll smile in a minute, and call you an a$shole to all their friends in the next....

you need to man up, tell her staight up "IM NOT INTERESTED" , you'll get her respect, and you won't lose face by coming off as an a$s and trying to exploit her... intelligent people see through that sh!t like clingwrap.

this is my second reply, don't ignore it this time man..

good luck, i've been there too.