Don Juan
Ok, this classmate of mine LJBF'd i want to go NC on her by not texting, chatting or talking to her anymore. But do I still smile or nod at her when we walk past each other? I honestly like her very much, but it looks like she's just using me to be her emotional tampon when she needs someone to cheer her up, while I do believe that she has shown little interest in me but not 0%, but me being AFC just made it worse, I also feel some awkwardness when we talk in person or when she's left alone with me and she's said thru text that she's sorry if she's making me feel like she's a snob sometimes because maybe she really feels awkward with me (liking her). I wanna move on, but I also hope at the back of my mind that she would contact me or ask me, what's up or why I'm not talking to her anymore, what should I do if ever that happens or what could I do to raise the chances of her missing me, we have a 1 hr class, 3x a week, I sit in front of her during class.