Lishy said:
Can I do anything to stop this from happening?
Stop what from happening? Him making his own decisions about wanting to talk to you or not?
Some guys, like me dont like GF's constantly trying to talk everyday. Like Chris Rock said, "Fvck me, Fed me, and shut the Fvck up." It may seem a little harsh but it's pretty accurate.
What was so important that you had to talk to him?
Get him to register here, and we'll get this guy into shape sosuave style.
BTW, you girls seem pretty cool, but is this a typical LS thread. I am curious as to what kind of nonsense you are used to hearing over there. When you ask us questions here, expect some tough answers. If you can hang with that, you'll do fine. If you are looking for some consolation with boy problems, you may not get the answers you are hoping for.
In general, the respected women here post in threads where they can contribute a relevant and valuable incite for men and women who are trying to improve themselves. They don't start many threads asking how to deal with guys strange behavior, and there's a reason for it.
I'm not discouraging you from posting whatever you want, but try also to get a sense of what is really going on here. There are many threads that confuse the real purpose of this site. If you look deep enough you will find it, and hopefully have something to contribute. It can take a while to really tune in to the true value of this place.