How do I apply the DJ techniques to high school classes/parties?


Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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Hey guys, I spent a good 6 hours reading some of Pook's stuff along with some excerpts from the DJ Bible, and I feel so enlightened.

I've gotten down the idea that I must love myself and want to date me, before I can expect girls to want to date me. I understand that I must be the prize to be one, not the other way around. Also, I should never place a girl on a pedestal.

Today, I made an effort to make EC with as many girls as I saw in the hallway, just to build confidence. I'm a sophomore in HS by the way. Some chicks think I'm cute, but I don't care about that too much. I workout 3-4 times a week, I wear clean clothes, shave, all that good stuff.

Summer is almost here for us and I want this to be the Summer that I am changed forever. I want to pick up chicks and have fun for once in my life. I want to have some times I will never forget, and not look for a chick to settle down with for a while. I want to be with a new chick every few weeks, dating a few at a time.

I know I'm still new to all of this and I'm trying to take in so much at one time, but I really am curious to how I can apply this to my classes, or in the hall, or at parties. When I make eye contact with a girl, I don't necessarily go talk to her. I used to freeze up, but I just pretend they are ugly or dudes and I can feel really comfortable talking to them.

I really have no idea how to make it known I'm attracted to a girl either after talking briefly. The only thing I know that seems obvious is when I ask them for their number, then ask them to meet up sometime. I guess that should be enough, but the first encounter with a girl doesn't have too much escalation besides getting number and incidental kino.

So any DJ's with experience with this that could give me some tips, that would be awesome. Thanks!


Don Juan
May 9, 2011
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Oh yeah, I'm also visiting some old friends at the beginning of the summer which means partying everyday for two weeks meeting chicks I'm gonna never see again, so I feel I should take advantage there too.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2009
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As a senior in High School hopefully i can help you out. I have had a girlfriend for a while so ive been out of comission but I've hooked up with a few girls at parties and I've seen it done loads of times. Here's some tips to help you:

Confidence- I'm sure you already know this but it's super key in a party situation when the way people percieve for from across the room is really half of the battle. Just act like you own the place. Don't be quiet. Make sure everyone knows your having a genuinly awesome time. Smile and laugh.

Talk to girls- You can't hook up with someone you havent said a word to (for the most part) so don't hesitate to talk to a girl you think is hot. That being said, don't put all of your focus on the girls. As I said before, enjoy yourself and enjoy your friends. Address your bros first when entering a group, then the HB's

Persistence (sexual escalation)- This is KEY. Let me give you an example. I was at a party and this girl I knew (HB 5, chubby) was telling me how this guy was like raping her. I know the kid, and he gets a fair amount of girls. I watched him and he would just put his arm around her and pull her over and was like "play pong with me", getting in her personal space, and really it seemed like he was a big creep. Anyways fast forward 3 hours its now like 4 in the morning. I see her run off with him to a room. Fast forward 2 more hours. Getting up in the morning she's like "wheres (creep) i want to talk to him". I talk to the guy cause I'm friends with him and he says "man that girl is obbsessed with me. It's ok though i hooked up with another girl too thats better". So to recap: he came on strong, persisted to the point of creepines, made his move, and then she was in love with him. This can be taken too far however, so try it out on a girl or two and see how far you can go. Basically golden rule is unless its a outright "no", keep talking to the girl/ trying to isolate her

Lastly Closing- this part is actually the easiest i think. If its a high school party everyone is probably wasted. Once you lay the ****y and funny on a girl and persist with it, you can just tell her to come upstairs with you. Or, if your bold and its a dark party, just grab her and make out with her without saying really anything in front of everybody.

Some things that are BAD:
. My one friend who was being the nice guy and talking to this girl with out very much sexual persistence or escalation, right before we had to leave he said "hey i know this is kind of weird but do you want to come downstairs with me?" (actually he might have said "hook up with me") either way BIG fail. Without having a good confident aura, the worst thing you can do is ask her to make out with you. That's making it seem like a favor. You should be doing HER a favor by hooking up with her. I actually think that if my friend had just been like "come downstairs with me I want to talk to you" it wouldve worked.

Anyway good luck and have a good time.


Don Juan
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for te advice man.

So today I continued my confidence and maintaining eye contact, even with random strangers. I make conversation with girls when I can during class.

We had a work day in one of my classes. There's this one chick who is pretty hot, not too many guys seem to go for her, but better for me I guess. I hadn't talked to her that much but she knows a couple of the guys in my class (nothing romantic).

Well today I got some kino by taking her flip flop which made her playfully touch me and stuff to get it back. It seemed to have gone pretty well, as dumb as it sounds.

Anyway, I want to escalate, get her number and go from there. It would just be trying to find the right time to ask her, I don't want to do it with the whole group. I'll probably do it at some point when she's leaving class alone.

I know this little thing may seem insignificant, and I'm sure it is, but it's a big step for me and becoming a Don Juan. I'm not gonna focus on her, but I think there's something there.

Any advice for me to be successful? I don't necessarily want a LTR, but I want to get a kiss and maybe more from her, but I gotta get the date first. So any advice y'all got for me would be awesome!


Don Juan
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
samson95 said:
Thanks for te advice man.

So today I continued my confidence and maintaining eye contact, even with random strangers. I make conversation with girls when I can during class.

We had a work day in one of my classes. There's this one chick who is pretty hot, not too many guys seem to go for her, but better for me I guess. I hadn't talked to her that much but she knows a couple of the guys in my class (nothing romantic).

Well today I got some kino by taking her flip flop which made her playfully touch me and stuff to get it back. It seemed to have gone pretty well, as dumb as it sounds.

Anyway, I want to escalate, get her number and go from there. It would just be trying to find the right time to ask her, I don't want to do it with the whole group. I'll probably do it at some point when she's leaving class alone.

I know this little thing may seem insignificant, and I'm sure it is, but it's a big step for me and becoming a Don Juan. I'm not gonna focus on her, but I think there's something there.

Any advice for me to be successful? I don't necessarily want a LTR, but I want to get a kiss and maybe more from her, but I gotta get the date first. So any advice y'all got for me would be awesome!

So would it be a good or bad idea to just shoot for the number tomorrow after class or something? I've talked to her some now, so it's not like I'm a complete stranger.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
I would say to your flip flop incident that any kino is good kino, so good job. In terms of getting her number, I would do it sooner rather than later. If you were joking around with her and she's having a good time just be like "hey give me your number and i'll call you sometime" or something. It's not that smooth but if you came on confident I don't see her saying no. I think a big thing that everyone seems to miss at first (including me) is that while it's good to get advice on forums like this to get started, it can turn into a crutch. Go into things with the mindset of Hey let's give this a try and instead of asking about whether you should ask for a girl's number or kiss her or something, just go with your instinct. Do whatever you want to do. If it backfires then hey, who cares? Mistakes are the only way we improve.


Don Juan
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
So we took a test today and I hardly got to talk to her, but she still seems interested. We have free time tomorrow, so I'll get her interested some more with my ****y/funny and some kino.

I notice she walks alone after our class to her locker so i figure thats the best time to get the number. Is it a good idea to walk up behind her after class, maybe touch her arm or back to initiate kino, then smile and be like "Hey blah, what's your number?" So then I'll walk off, give it a few days and call her sometime over the weekend to set up a date.

Let me know what y'all think of this.