how difficult is it to date HOT women who are under 25, when you are 50+ yrs old?


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
you can make all the plans you want,life will fock them up for you. Having GOALS is good,but expect the unexpected. The poster is right-as far as the "Rules", rules are made to be broken-if not by you, by life.

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
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It is funny that in our society today, even the weirdest of sexual couples are celebrated, while a relationship between a man and a woman can be considered "odd" because of a preconceived notion about age differences.
Exactly what I'd like to hear Miss Teen USA say if asked by Perez Hilton.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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MrLuvr said:
So are we supposed to make our dating choices now based on whether or not it "looks odd" to other people? I think a fat guy with a skinny chick looks odd, a tall girl with a short guy looks odd, and to be even more controversial, many people think a white guy with a black girl looks odd. Then there is the ultimate in "oddness", two guys dating each other. So, what should all these couples do? Stop dating because other people think it looks "weird".

It is funny that in our society today, even the weirdest of sexual couples are celebrated, while a relationship between a man and a woman can be considered "odd" because of a preconceived notion about age differences.
You can do whatever you wish to do. Like I said I am not in my 40's or 50's yet and maybe my opinion will change then. But my dad is 62 and if he dated a 21 year old I would think that is odd. I would pat him on the back congratulate him but I would probably think to myself this has to be a very strange girl to be taking it up the ass from my dad every night.

That being said do what you want to do. I don't think I would get serious with a girl 20 years younger than me. I don't want to be older than there dads. 7-15 years younger is the sweet spot in my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
seth03 said:
I don't understand how you guys that are far older than me still don't understand the importance of thinking far ahead in life.
OH, we do indeed plan ahead. IF we did not, we would not have survived and prospered. I would applaud you for planning your career path, your wealth creation and even your way home tonight BUT you cannot plan much of your romantic life and neither should you.
YOu can certainly have clear expectations and standards, and you need to be ready to walk away from low quality women or women who do not make the cut, however your romantic and sexual opportunities and experiences will just present themselves to you, spontaneously.

NO planning required...enjoy the ride.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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STR8UP is right, an average 50 year old would need some sort of status to boost his chances to be hitting 21 year olds. Why people tend to think money will result in banging hot girls is because people with status tend to have money..its the status that gets them in the limelight, and what gets them girls well into their later years.

Status doesn't mean like being the leading scorer for the clevelend cavaliers, but rather maybe a nightclub owner in a city or something. Basically, someone who is very involved with everyone around them. Being a doctor and having money doesn't mean you'll have a lot of friends, which also doesn't equate to social success.

I don't understand how you guys that are far older than me still don't understand the importance of thinking far ahead in life.

Why do you think people test designs before releasing them? You can plan far ahead, yes, but planning also has diminishing returns. To be able to project what happens in 20 years is likely impossible. What happens if you have a medical mal practice? Have cancer? Get married? There are simply too many variables involved.


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2004
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Thanks for the responses. I think you guys misunderstood my description of planning ahead, in this context. I don't mean planning things out strictly and making sure things happen only one way no matter what, for the next 70 years of my life. More like thinking about the future, how some things might be more difficult for me than they are now (dating young women), and what I can slowly put more focus on as I get older so that those things are not as difficult had I not thought about them when I was young. For along with making sure I stay in shape and keep my finances in order through old age, as I get older and have more disposable income, I am going to try to focus my attention on avenues where I can build my social status and connections within a community (such as the nightclub owner example) that I can get closer to living all my wildest dreams now and as I get older.
Dec 7, 2007
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Ignore those who say not to worry too much about the future. Think hard about what you are thinking and try to find an answer now itself. I think it is important as it will influence your decision whether or not to settle with someone. Of course settling means you are out of the dating field where you loved playing so much once.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
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Hey...I almost forgot.....

I have a friend of a good friend who is 68, he kicked a$$ in the real estate business. He has two girfriends, one who is 25 in Vietnam, another who is 30 in Malaysia. Of course, by the time you're 50 these countries will own the US but for guys like me the door is still open. :up:


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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Andy_Dufresne said:
Hey...I almost forgot.....

I have a friend of a good friend who is 68, he kicked a$$ in the real estate business. He has two girfriends, one who is 25 in Vietnam, another who is 30 in Malaysia. Of course, by the time you're 50 these countries will own the US but for guys like me the door is still open. :up:
Ummm.. a ho that doesn't see any other Johns when you are in town isn't exactly what I would call a "girlfriend".

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
You may not be factoring in that life isn't a straight path, that it's impacted by randomness, dead ends, obstacles and unforeseen circumstances. I think it's a trait of your age to make such plans; my son, who's in his 20's, also has a tendency to map it out. I'm saying that a factor may be that while it's a healthy, practical goal to stay fit into your older years, you probably will find that, while sexually appealing, 21 year old chicks will be then to you rather annoying to hang with. The club scene, for example, that they love and thrive in, you may get to the point where you've done it so much that you don't favor one more second of being jostled, crowded, elbowed, have drinks spilled on you and are starting to lose some hearing from the decibel levels of the POMP! POMP! POMP! of the music being spun for the chance to hit on some intoxicated post-teenies who spend the majority of their days posting their latest juvenile whines on Facebook. They'll be more into some goofy looking other post-teenies dressed in untucked white striped shirts with a baseball cap on backwards anyway rather then a man of substance, class and culture that you'll be when you're 50, simply because to them you're old enough to be a dinosaur, "Eeeewwww - that's like, ummmmmmm, soooooo creepy, you know!". I don't even like the idea that some goon bouncer eyes me over to decide whether I get in or not, dammit. I can buy him over 100 times, WTF are you? I'll take my business somewhere else, know what I mean? ;)

Hey, I'm 54, in great shape, looking way younger then my years, successful and even now I still can't map these things out exactly.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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lookyoung said:
That being said do what you want to do. I don't think I would get serious with a girl 20 years younger than me. I don't want to be older than there dads. 7-15 years younger is the sweet spot in my opinion.
Well, at 33, you are going to be in trouble if you get serious with someone 20 years younger.

But, more to the point, I have dated a 20 year old and also a 30 year old that were at the same level of maturity. In fact, I would say the 20 year old had more going on for her. The 30 year old still wanted to party every weekend, date multiple guys etc.. etc.. So, you really can't judge someone's behaviour and compatiblity solely by age. If I am going to have to deal with the same kind of behaviour with a 30 year old as I would a 20 year old, I would rather go with the 20 year old.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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MrLuvr said:
Well, at 33, you are going to be in trouble if you get serious with someone 20 years younger.

But, more to the point, I have dated a 20 year old and also a 30 year old that were at the same level of maturity. In fact, I would say the 20 year old had more going on for her. The 30 year old still wanted to party every weekend, date multiple guys etc.. etc.. So, you really can't judge someone's behaviour and compatiblity solely by age. If I am going to have to deal with the same kind of behaviour with a 30 year old as I would a 20 year old, I would rather go with the 20 year old.
No kidding. lol Are you be serious or a smart A$$. If your being serious than you are talking to the wrong guy. I wouldn't fuk a girl that was under 18 Which is legal consent were I live. If your being a smart ass than your talking to the wrong guy. I have fuked more girls than 99.8% of the guys on this website. I am not one of these SS KBJ's ok buddy. I know the game inside out so talk to me with some respect and not like a typical nerd. I don't mean to be an ******* but I am just being honest here.

What I meant was when I am 41 like yourself I probably would not date a girl that is 21. When I am 41 I would look to date girls in the 26-34 age range. At 33 I look to date girls that are 20-26. If I was 41 I would fuk a 21 year old however I am sure.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
lookyoung said:
No kidding. lol Are you be serious or a smart A$$. If your being serious than you are talking to the wrong guy. I wouldn't fuk a girl that was under 18 Which is legal consent were I live. If your being a smart ass than your talking to the wrong guy. I have fuked more girls than 99.8% of the guys on this website. I am not one of these SS KBJ's ok buddy. I know the game inside out so talk to me with some respect and not like a typical nerd. I don't mean to be an ******* but I am just being honest here.

What I meant was when I am 41 like yourself I probably would not date a girl that is 21. When I am 41 I would look to date girls in the 26-34 age range. At 33 I look to date girls that are 20-26. If I was 41 I would fuk a 21 year old however I am sure.
Respect is earned, not demanded. You seem to be taking all this a little too personally. If you get this upset every time someone disagrees with you, you have anger management issues. If you have game, good for you. So? What do you want me to do about it? Get over yourself, and learn to relax.


New Member
May 17, 2009
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Hey Seth03,

Good question! I'm 49 and back into things after a divorce (ugh) so I actually have first hand experience with this.

I am ripped (MMA) plenty of cash but 5'7" which is a pretty big negative when you add it to the age thing. Most chicks guess my age is 35, I have had more than one become really interested but only to blow me off when I told them my real age. Good riddance. Here are some notes:


The kind of training you do is important, there are very few guys my age who train with weights who still look good but guys who do bodyweight training/martial arts/gymnastics can look fantastic into their 50s-60s-70s and beyond. So be really careful about the nutrition and stick to age-friendly training. Running and lifting are really bad for the joints so I would avoid these if you can.

Social Interaction

a) the 21-25 year old chicks will definitely be attracted bigtime to hot/ripped older guys but will pull back at the last minute because of social pressure. however once you try out a couple of older chicks you will not be that impressed with the younger ones.

b) the hot 30 somethings and 40 somethings are dwindling in number and tend to date 25 year olds. the cougar thing is happening because so many younger chicks are overweight/obese that any woman who is reasonably in shape in her 30s/40s/50s can date an endless string of buff guys in their 20s.

c) this leaves you kind of in a dead zone once you are over 40, when I was younger there were LOTS more attractive 30-40-50 year old women, but the obesity epidemic is hitting there bigtime and now there are almost no good looking women over 30. So you have no choice but to go for the younger ones and the very rare 30-40 year old survivors.

d) there is not really anything you can do about this, if you get married thinking you can avoid being alone in your 40s-50s the wife can always divorce you for a younger guy and put you in the same situation as if you were single the whole time. Except if you get divorced you have all of your current and future assets confiscated and your kids taken away.

e) there is a lot of benefit in going out there and getting shot down, the way I view this is that it is the Olympics of seduction. If you have your own business you will find your sales skills going through the roof from all the mind reading and social observation.

Hope this helps!


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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aarfaarfgotcha said:
Hey Seth03,

Good question! I'm 49 and back into things after a divorce (ugh) so I actually have first hand experience with this.

I am ripped (MMA) plenty of cash but 5'7" which is a pretty big negative when you add it to the age thing. Most chicks guess my age is 35, I have had more than one become really interested but only to blow me off when I told them my real age. Good riddance. Here are some notes:

OK, but what is the bottom line? What age women are you dating then, if at all? On the one hand you say that the younger ones blow you off when they find out your real age, and then on the other you say that there aren't any attractive 30+ women around, so you have to go after the young ones. So, where does that leave you?

And at what point is the age discussion coming up? Are you pushing it? Are they asking? I think it is better not to bring it out in the open. If you force her to think about the age thing, then that is the reaction you might get. Though there are some girls that would still be genuinely interested. A 21 year old is just having fun, so why force her to confront the age issue anyway?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
MrLuvr said:
Ummm.. a ho that doesn't see any other Johns when you are in town isn't exactly what I would call a "girlfriend".
You should look for three things in a dramatically younger woman: 1) asian; 2) asian; 3) asian.


Don Juan
May 21, 2008
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Durban SA
Well, let me tell my experiences after my divorce with younger women in their twenties. I do find them attractive - but since I have kids that age I am not interested in dating them. Its called a generation gap for a reason!

I look very good for my age and its been a bit of a mind fvck that they find me sexually attractive. I think women go for a good bod just like we do. Plus the fact that I dress well - have bucks. Maybe could have a young GF, but do I want to?

No, once you have got over the fact that there is more to a women than mere s*x after having more than your fair share of them. Then you will settle down in having one quality woman (a couple of years younger) who can relate with you and you can have fun with.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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Ballie said:
Well, let me tell my experiences after my divorce with younger women in their twenties. I do find them attractive - but since I have kids that age I am not interested in dating them. Its called a generation gap for a reason!

I look very good for my age and its been a bit of a mind fvck that they find me sexually attractive. I think women go for a good bod just like we do. Plus the fact that I dress well - have bucks. Maybe could have a young GF, but do I want to?

No, once you have got over the fact that there is more to a women than mere s*x after having more than your fair share of them. Then you will settle down in having one quality woman (a couple of years younger) who can relate with you and you can have fun with.
100% subconscious conditioning of your mind, as a result of social pressure, to believe that you should be dating women closer to your age. That, or you are scared of being rejected by younger women so you prefer to play in your comfort zone.

There is very little difference in the maturity level of a woman in her mid to late 20s and one in her late 40s. You can have fun more fun with a woman in her 20s, without having to deal with the bitterness of an over the hill, post menopausal woman.

I don't understand how a 50 year old guy can't relate to a normal, educated 25 year old for example. Have you been living under a rock for the last 25 years? My 70 year old mom can relate to my 8 year old nephew. Just the other day they were discussing American Idol.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2007
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Wow. Good discussion.

I am leaving the country to be with a woman who is shaping into a LTR with me.

But meanwhile: the last few weeks I have been hanging with a 30 year old-
smart, beautiful, and HOT. More than anything else she is FUN. She knows where I'm going and the the only things she had to say was, Is her a$$ as good as mine and you better come back soon.

I do prefer younger women, no two ways, but for me the ultimate arbiter is how attractive I find a woman and how it feels to be with her.

That said, when I came here a couple of years ago my biggest enemy was me- almost all the negatives voiced in this thread were rattlng around in my head and I had to systematically pulverize them. There's still some residual self-rejection left but nothing like before.

I get it now- when you see what you want walk up to it, confirm your initial attraction and then go for it.

I was on a plane two days ago; a beautiful tart in the form of a flight attendant was standing in the middle as I approached my seat and I was friendly to her as I always am, for the fun of it.
I don't know what people thought and I don't care, but for the rest of this flight this woman made every effort to be around me. She repeatedly flirted with me and marched up to my seat and would squat down, look in my eyes and we would chat like we were in an intimate cafe. She clearly did not care what people thought although she was not doing to it the point of neglecting her job.

This sort of thing happens to me on an almost daily basis now. My ego would love to think it's because I'm gorgeous, smart, charismatic. I'm not rich.
I know the reason- it's because I go for what I'm attracted to and what I want. Do I always get a positive response? No. So what. The positive responses end up being women I WOULD want to be with.

I'm not being falsely modest- I am reasonably attractive and smart and funny, and that has to be indispensable but by far the greatest factor is my drive.

So now I am navigating towards an LTR and potentially giving up all this booty. You should see the 30 year old, six feet tall, flaming red hair, tight abs, see through shirts and no bra... and best of all, calling me and telling me she wants to see me. Believe me the woman who is pulling me is extraordinary and worth checking out for LTR consideration, and I give myself credit for the evolution in my outlook so that in the five minutes I spent with her the night we met, I knew what to do- be myself without any stops.