Come to China, I'll hook you up with good quality girls. Lots of chicks here want to get married.
The good part of being with a girl for awhile is you can always say "Hey remember when _____ ". You can't get that with a bunch of one nighters. And I don't agree with you perpetual singletons, having a support base in the form of a wife is great. I come home to a cooked meal and whenever I want a type of food, she goes to work in that restaurant to learn how they make it and preps it for me. She takes care of me when I'm sick, fvcks me when I'm horny. Plays with me when I'm bored. Getting ready for a baby [with someone I can trust] is extremely important. I think finding the 'right' kind of girl for a family is important... you can sex a string of trashy one nighters and end up with a bastard or you can forge a relationship and strong bonds/history with someone and create a family. At least you can tell your kid that they weren't born out of a *** dumpster.
Some men want a family, why fault them for that. If you want to stay in never neverland, thats your perogative but getting back to my main point, all the best men are cutting themselves out of the gene pool...yeah you can have kids when you are 50, but will you really want them by then? Will you be young enough at 70 to show your kids the world. Will you even live that long? I'd rather pass on my genes with a good woman than take that gamble.
And for those that don't want kids... its better you stay single anyway, there are men who DO want children, I'm one of them. No child wants to be born into a broken family.