^Here is your problem. You are focusing on "getting" the woman (or women

) instead of focusing on the women getting you. The goal shouldn't be getting a woman to go on a date with you, the goal should be to find a woman who is interested in you. If she flakes you, you should be happy that you didn't waste time with a disinterested chick.
A woman is guilty of disinterest until proven otherwise. If she flakes she isn't interested. Also stop trying to "display value". This is the number one thing that will put you in a place you don't want to be in with a chick.
Robyn923b: "How is displaying value bad? All it does is raise her interest level!"
Mr. Fantastic: "When you display value the woman's interest level in you as a person doesn't go up, she is only interested in the things you can offer her ergo she still isn't interested in you. Before you were a loser who couldn't do anything for her, after displaying value you are just a loser who can offer her things. This is the type of woman you should avoid."
Robyn923b: "So are you saying I'd be happier with a woman who could care less what I offer her?"
Mr. Fantastic: "Exactly. That's why the golden rule to weed out women is 'see how she treats those who can do nothing for her.' Most women are more interested in what you can offer them (whether it be money, status, good sex, etc.), than who you are as a person. Which is why they go for the the star's and celebrities."
Never look for signs of interest because your vanity will get in the way and ambiguous things will turn into signs of interest. If you assume they are disinterested you will have them proving themselves to you.
If she will talk/
text you but won't date you, she's not interested in you. If she will have sex with you but won't kiss you, she is not interested in you. If she flakes on you and she dates you irregularly, she is not interested enough in you. What you are looking for is a chick who will go out of her way to be with you. Even then that doesn't guarantee that she is interested in you.
I once knew a man who was making a six figure salary at a job he didn't want (some corporate job

) and hated his life because of it. After a while he said fvck that and quit his job to spend his time hunting and taking other people hunting. He was much happier but barely made a fraction of what he made at his corporate job. His wife left him because he quit his job and could no longer support the lifestyle she wanted. This is failure. Not getting a woman isn't failure, but being with a disinterested woman is failure.
Spend more time weeding out disinterested chicks and less time worrying about building interest.