how can i talk to really popular girls??

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
And of course these "men" up in here are going to really want to sharpen their teeth on an easy target...

Everyone who replied to this dissing him and telling this poor guy to read that wack-a$$ piece of shyt DJ Bible - if you don't have anything NICE to say, don't say it at all.

Look, Shiraz. You're problem isn't really just apporaching the POPULAR girls, it's apporaching girls period.

The best thing to do is to start off approaching "normal" girls first, and work your way up.

The best way to approach a girl is to just go up there and talk to her as if you already know her. DO NOT try to "charm" or impress her. All you are trying to do is make her able to identify you in a crowd. Your best pickup line if you don't know what to say is "Hey, how are you?"

And to those guys talking shyt - if you really wanted him to read the bible, you could have told him to do it in a much nicer way like what REAL "DJ's" would do.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
The truth of the matter is you cannot sucessfully approach these "really popular" girls. This is because of the facts you've mentioned: they're in groups, etc. You have to find individual girls that aren't with other people. The max I'd recommend is two if you can handle them, or bring a wing. Other then that, don't approach groups since it's a waste of your time. Their shields are up and all their really looking to do is compete with each other, not give away their #'s.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
Originally posted by R3N3GAD3
The truth of the matter is you cannot sucessfully approach these "really popular" girls. This is because of the facts you've mentioned: they're in groups, etc. You have to find individual girls that aren't with other people. The max I'd recommend is two if you can handle them, or bring a wing. Other then that, don't approach groups since it's a waste of your time. Their shields are up and all their really looking to do is compete with each other, not give away their #'s.
and where did this theroy of yours came from?


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Craig Reeves
And of course these "men" up in here are going to really want to sharpen their teeth on an easy target...

Everyone who replied to this dissing him and telling this poor guy to read that wack-a$$ piece of shyt DJ Bible - if you don't have anything NICE to say, don't say it at all.

Look, Shiraz. You're problem isn't really just apporaching the POPULAR girls, it's apporaching girls period.

The best thing to do is to start off approaching "normal" girls first, and work your way up.

The best way to approach a girl is to just go up there and talk to her as if you already know her. DO NOT try to "charm" or impress her. All you are trying to do is make her able to identify you in a crowd. Your best pickup line if you don't know what to say is "Hey, how are you?"

And to those guys talking shyt - if you really wanted him to read the bible, you could have told him to do it in a much nicer way like what REAL "DJ's" would do.
Blah blah blah blah. This isn't his first post, he's been told to read the Bible about a bajillion times already. He already asked this exact same question last week. Sorry, I don't have tolerance for the ignorant.

"Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention. "


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
go for 2 if you could handle them?


This isn't a duel or a 2v1 knife fight to the death. Jesus. You're creating barriers for yourselves by imagining that girls...

You know what, if you don't know it now, me telling you about it wont change you. Just know that you have a long way to go from 'omg 2 girlz wutz do I do?'. Honestly, your priorities are in the wrong order.

But just for the sake of partial revolution in yourself, answer this question:

What do you WANT?

once you have that list, answer this:

What do you NEED?


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by LikRetsam
go for 2 if you could handle them?


This isn't a duel or a 2v1 knife fight to the death. Jesus. You're creating barriers for yourselves by imagining that girls...

You know what, if you don't know it now, me telling you about it wont change you. Just know that you have a long way to go from 'omg 2 girlz wutz do I do?'. Honestly, your priorities are in the wrong order.

But just for the sake of partial revolution in yourself, answer this question:

What do you WANT?

once you have that list, answer this:

What do you NEED?
Of course it's not a knife duel otherwise I'd run away :eek:

I feel that individual girls are more likely to not create barriers for themselves, and create the list you speak of in their head. If there with more people, they will in most cases create those walls in order to keep their reputation amoung their friends. If suddenly their giving out their number, making out, etc in front of their friends, societys conditions are obviously going to place the image that this girl is a 'slut', when in reality we know she's not.

If you have any particular ways of approaching groups sucessfully I'd be very interested to hear about them :)


Don Juan
May 29, 2004
Reaction score
Ask your girl
Just go up to her, and be smooth, relaxed, and care-free of anything that might happen. Limit your talking, and don't get to happy.


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
,-._|\ ................... ............ / Aus \ ..
Originally posted by JBalfour4
Just go up to her, and be smooth, relaxed, and care-free of anything that might happen. Limit your talking, and don't get to happy.
He's 14. He'll probably pop a boner before doing any of those things.

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
I feel that individual girls are more likely to not create barriers for themselves...
Actually...quite the opposite.

If done properly, approaching a girl in a GROUP of other girls is actually much more rewarding than approaching her when she is alone.

Here's the trick:

If the girl is in a group of other girls, approach them ALL as if they are just one girl. Do not single out a single one of them. Act as if they are all just one girl. For instance....

*I see a very attractive woman I would like to talk to, but she's with a group of OTHER attractive women. I walk up to the group of girls...*

Me: Hey, how are y'all doing?

*they respond - almost always warmly*

Me: Y'know, I saw y'all and for some reason felt like y'all were people I'd like to get to know. I'm Craig.

*They'll usually introduce themselves, and I have successfully entered*

The trick is, is to approach them ALL at the same time like you would approach only ONE girl. DO NOT single one of them out at first - wait until later to do that.

The reason why a GROUP of girls is easier is for this:

- She will respond more openly to you because she feels SAFER with her friends.

- She's talking with her friends already, so she's already in a SOCIAL vibe

- If you are cool to her FRIENDS, she will naturally expect for you to be cool to her, too, so she will trust you more.

- Conversation cannot get boring nearly as quickly because there's just more minds contributing to the conversation.

- It is proven that women are much more sexually open when they are social and talking to their friends - this is one of the reasons that women like looking at porn with their friends while guys prefer looking at porn alone.

- Any competition mindset will be reserved only to the sub-conscious if the women you are dealing with are worth their salt, as to how you are not going to be "hitting on them", or trying to "mack on them" - if you know how to talk to women you will be strictly concentrating on having fun and engaging in exciting and positive conversation.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
I mostly use Gunwitch theories and my own ideas when approaching individuals but I'll have to try approaching groups as well. Should I be reciving eye contact from over 50% of the group before approaching? I really don't feel like having co*kblocks in my way.

Haha, this is going to be akward.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego
- take them off thier pedistool(sp?)
- show them you dont give a **** about what they think
- be better/cooler than her inner clique

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
I mostly use Gunwitch theories and my own ideas when approaching individuals but I'll have to try approaching groups as well. Should I be reciving eye contact from over 50% of the group before approaching? I really don't feel like having co*kblocks in my way.
Well don't think of them c.o.c.k blocks. Think of them as a way to bring you closer to your main target. Thinking negatively about the girl(s) that you are approaching is never a good thing.

- take them off thier pedistool(sp?)
- show them you dont give a **** about what they think
- be better/cooler than her inner clique
The tone of that post sounds to me that you are assuming that all attractive girls are snotty, stuck up, and "on a pedistal".

If this is the case, what's the use in approaching them then?

Again, thinking negatively about the girl(s) you are approaching is never a good thing.

Don't go up there assuming that the girl is going to be stuck up and have a huge B!tch Sheild; approach those girls with the assumption that they are going to be open and friendly and TREAT THEM AS SUCH - don't treat them as if you are expecting the WORST from them.

There is NEVER a need to ever "take a woman off her pedistal", if the girl happens to be stuck up, unfriendly, or snotty, you find somebody who is NOT stuck up, unfriendly, or snotty.

It is not your job to try and IMPROVE a girl's attitude. Just because she's hot does NOT at all permit her to act like a b!tch.

This is because of the fact that there are plenty of even HOTTER women who have GOOD attitudes. Why waste your time trying to get a hot woman off her pedistal when you could find a hot woman who isn't ON one to begin with?

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Whatever happened to that strange little phenomeon called speaking... girls, are girls are girls are girls... talk to them, they are practically begging you to.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
Whatever happened to that strange little phenomeon called speaking... girls, are girls are girls are girls... talk to them, they are practically begging you to.
Speaking to a girl!? My God man! That is insane! Under NO circumstance should you EVER just speak to a girl. That might show interest! We can't be having that. Geez man, you are a wild one.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
Speaking to a girl!? My God man! That is insane! Under NO circumstance should you EVER just speak to a girl. That might show interest! We can't be having that. Geez man, you are a wild one.

No kiddin...but even worse than that...what if she knew you wanted a taste of her cooter *gasp*

Unstead you should become a hermit and watch porn for the rest of your life so you can be a gentleman and have the ejaculation rate of a 12 year old.:D


Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
toronto, canada
popular girls... most of the time, they TURN ME OFF.

Why? Cuz most of em are arrogant b!ttches who think they own the world... and think they're so pretty and all...

They good for practice of DJ skills and speed seduction tho and also good for f*ckbuddy.

But for LTR... BLEEEEHHHH!!!!! :mad:


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2004
Reaction score
Alright, Craig, I have to ask. Wouldn't it be a little awkward to approach a whole group of girls that you have no connection with whatsoever, just to introduce yourself? I don't know, man, it just seems really, really awkward to walk up to them and introduce. Especially in a setting with a lot of other people around, like school. It just doesn't seem like the easiest way.

Other than that, you are right and I agree with you in most cases. Hating on other people doesn't get you anywhere. And it seems like a lot of the people in this thread aren't too sure of what they are saying. And one more thing, I don't think Shiraz checks this anymore.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
walk up to popular girl _____ (insert name here) and begin talking in the socially excepted language of your area, which most probably english. Seriously dude its not that hard. Once I was like OMG! hot popular girls! Then this site came along and now its easy to talk to popular chics. At first I thought they would be all stuck up and unfriendly, but it turned out most of them are actually friendly, and wouldnt mind talking to u, that is unless u have the reputation of a rapist. . . Keep this in mind, the first time is always the hardest, the more you do something the easier it is. The first time I asked a hot girl to dance I was soooo nervous, and now its as easy as pie. So go for it, it only gets easier as u go. I would tell you to read the bible, but I have yet to do that myself, I seem to do perfectly fine without it. I'm sure one of these days I'll get around to it and break through barriers that I didnt even know about. But until then, I'll just manage as I do now, just fine. Life isnt all about chics, have fun, live, and dont try too hard to get with those popular chics.

jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
!Robin Hood country, Uk!
Originally posted by Evil-Rom
He's 14. He'll probably pop a boner before doing any of those things.
Lol. Damn 14 year olds. Wait till you can grow some facial hair, then wait till they grow some titties.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
the only reasion it seems awkward is because your VIRGIN to it

approaching a group of hot chiks is the best thing that you can do......

there is the girl you want in the group ..... think of the people around her as arrows pointing to her...... each person has a connection to her....... dont approach the girl you want first just approach some people she knows.... thoes people will lead you to other people.... then thoes will lead you to more people.... and if you havent have any contact with her by now then now you can directly approach her. because basically all her friend will knowyou and they can give you extremly good social rapport... shell belike wow i want to find out about this guy .... you make her think shes getting you but in reality you got her from the out side in.

YOU CAN APPROACH HER DIRECTLY if you want but you know ... its a popular chik and usualy thoes *****es only go with what other people think it HOT so if she doesent know shyt about you , you have to make her feel that attraction reather then just befriendsing her friends then they can do that for you.

me personaly i think popular chick arnt worth it... i think there is no such thing as popular really, because theres different cliques.... there could be the popular chick in the goth clique .... the popular chick in the white boy clique ... the opular chick in the black clique.... there all people ... just be saying their popular you kind of give them power they shouldent have.