how can i project Alpha male qualities better?


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
I've read the DJ Bible and i've tried to apply these principles in my life better, but it seems to have given me a false sense of confidence or alpha nature.

I feel alpha, but nothing really seems to have changed, so i must not be alpha.
In conversation, i usually start by being interested in the person i talk to, find out about them etc. but when it boils down to it, once i know about them there seems to be nothing else to talk about, and it comes down to a "hey whats up?"
"oh nothing much" kinda thing, and when i do get a topic i cant make the conversation interesting enough to keep the person talking.

I decided to be more active even though my schedules pretty tight. So
I found a good sport/hobby that i think will help improve me; MMA.
Im hoping this will help a little.

Im not sure if its my amazing ability to bore people or what, but i need some help spicing up these conversations with people.
( I know what your going to say WarAgainstBeastism, im going to get the book as soon as i can haha).

Onto the women, i find it hard to attract ANYBODY, i can talk with them and apply some DJ stuff, but the result is always the same. It seems like the only ones i can get are the ones already interested in me.

I just want to be the guy everyone wants to be around and have a good time with, think you guys can help me get into the right direction?

Im also wondering if i should do a Field report, is that really necessary?


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
Instead of trying to emulate "Alpha" characteristics, why don't you become your personal definition of an "Alpha" male. Everyone has different definitions. When I think of an Alpha male, I think of the ideal man I would like to be.

So write down yours, and then start to do those things.

I want to be an Olympic wrestler. So I spend my time eating like a Olympian, working like a Olympian, practicing like a Olympian, and thinking like an Olympian.

Why are your conversations dull? I don't know you, but I'm going to assume that your dull. Become interesting. What are things that interests you? Start to do those things. Dive into it, and give yourself to it.

Don't do things for other people, you'll never get far doing anything for others. Your doing yourself a dishonor and whatever your doing a dishonor. I'm going to use wrestling. I love being around people who are passionate about wrestling as I am. They love to push themselves, they love to learn, they love to win. Trust me, you can tell a person who likes what their doing from a person who doesn't genuinely enjoy what they're doing.

Do it for yourself, do it because you enjoy it, do it because it gives you pleasure.

How to make friends is a excellent book. My brother read it and was surprised at the results. He let a friend borrow it, and hasn't got it back since, but your post reminded me of the book, so I'm going to hop on it.

I would do a field report.

Good luck man! :up:


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2010
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kevin1198 said:
I've read the DJ Bible and i've tried to apply these principles in my life better, but it seems to have given me a false sense of confidence or alpha nature.

I feel alpha, but nothing really seems to have changed, so i must not be alpha.
In conversation, i usually start by being interested in the person i talk to, find out about them etc. but when it boils down to it, once i know about them there seems to be nothing else to talk about, and it comes down to a "hey whats up?"
"oh nothing much" kinda thing, and when i do get a topic i cant make the conversation interesting enough to keep the person talking.

I decided to be more active even though my schedules pretty tight. So
I found a good sport/hobby that i think will help improve me; MMA.
Im hoping this will help a little.

Im not sure if its my amazing ability to bore people or what, but i need some help spicing up these conversations with people.
( I know what your going to say WarAgainstBeastism, im going to get the book as soon as i can haha).

Onto the women, i find it hard to attract ANYBODY, i can talk with them and apply some DJ stuff, but the result is always the same. It seems like the only ones i can get are the ones already interested in me.

I just want to be the guy everyone wants to be around and have a good time with, think you guys can help me get into the right direction?

Im also wondering if i should do a Field report, is that really necessary?
The term "alpha" has to be way overused on this forum. You don't become alpha by trying to be alpha. To me, becoming "alpha" is something that just happens when everything in your life is going the way you want it.

Your concern really sounds like it has more to do with the social aspect of things than anything else.

First off, you cannot be "the guy everyone wants to be around and have a good time with" because not everyone will like you, especially if you become popular. Some people will hate you (jealously) for being popular. However, what you can be is yourself. Just open up a bit to people, don't be afraid to say something stupid, speak your mind.

People will like you and like to be around you when you act like yourself. You have to actually be a fun person...don't fake it by using "dj principles". Have fun at school and don't be overly serious. Flirt with girls: joke around with them, tease them, smile, be fun.

Don't over think things here and try to be something you are not. Just have some fun with this stuff and the rest will follow.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
the question is, is it possible to be fun in school and still have the teachers love you and get good grades?


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
kingxxxman said:
the question is, is it possible to be fun in school and still have the teachers love you and get good grades?
Be a fun guy and everyone, teachers included will like you, especially if you keep up your work.
Feb 20, 2010
Reaction score
You can read all the advice in the world, but some of the best ways to gain experience are from visual examples. Especially body language....which isn't even a type of oral communicaiton anyway, so reading about it can only do so much. Here's some cool videos detailing "Alpha behavior" more thoroughly.

Edward Norton in American History X -- Not sure if you've seen this movie, but its one of my favorites. Even if you haven't, this guy does a detailed video on what a confident man acts like, using scenes from the film.

James Bond in Casino Royale -- Doesn't need an explanation haha

Really though it boils down to being confident in yourself, not giving a sh*t, blah blah.....can't be explained in to too great of detail with useless words, just watch the videos


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
thanks for the visual examples, it has helped improve my body language greatly!

I'll start a FR soon. i just need a little more time. haha