how can I help my friend?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
he went out with a girl who's pretty cute(i'd rate her an 8 on my scale but as we all know everyones scale is different). anyways he likes her, she doesn't like him but think he's a nice guy. honestly i think she only went out with him for the reason i'm about to mention. here's where i feel bad for him. the HB8 says that since he's such a nice guy she thinks he'd be perfect for her friend, so she tries to set them up. you can see where this is her friend is a dog, i'm sorry for putting it that way but it's true, she's just u-g-l-y. he's not interested in the slightest bit but he feels like he owes it to the HB8 to go out with her friend for some ungodly reason. i told him he doesn't owe her a damn thing but i can't seem to convince him otherwise. in his mind he must be thinking if he goes on a date with this ugly that the HB8 will change her mind about him. he doesn't want to hurt the HB8's feelings he help me help my friend! if it were me and this girl tried to pull the switch-er-oo on me i'd tell her to go to h*ll fast and if she thinks that ugly friend of hers is in my league she's sadly mistaken. that's just me though. any suggestions?

1 Bad Dude

Don Juan
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah. Pretty much what exhumed said. However, try this:
"You will NEVER get to fvck hb8 if you go out with her friend. She approached you for the purpose of roping you into her friend. If you go along with it you are forever going to be a chump in her eyes. PERIOD. Why? Because hb8 believes her friend is beneath her and you going out with UG will solidify you as being beneath her as well."
Maybe that'll work.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
1 Bad Dude said:
Yeah. Pretty much what exhumed said. However, try this:
"You will NEVER get to fvck hb8 if you go out with her friend. She approached you for the purpose of roping you into her friend. If you go along with it you are forever going to be a chump in her eyes. PERIOD. Why? Because hb8 believes her friend is beneath her and you going out with UG will solidify you as being beneath her as well."
Maybe that'll work.

THIS !!!

I would go even further: "You will NEVER EVER fvck hb8, because she's trying to hook you up with a UG, BRO, a UG. Do you really wanna that in your life ? Don't you think she would wanna keep you for herself if she really want it you? Listen, your only chance (and it's a small one) of going out with HB8 is to cut contact and check out some another chicks.''