How can I go about turning my ex gf into a fvck buddy?


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
We've been broken up for a month, and i just wanna have sex with her again sooo bad!! Im completely over the relationship, im not emotionally attached AT ALL. I just wanna be fvck buddies with her and have some fun. Is there any way I can do this? We havent talked since I broke up with her.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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Yes it's possible only if you two are still on speaking terms. Invite her over sometime to hang out and just be sexual with her.

Be smooth too. If you two sit on a couch and she sits too far away, neg her to get her closer then wrap your arm around her and kiss.

If your relationship was meaningful at all and she still has the hots for you it's easy to get extra fvcks out of ex girlfriends. Just be sexual.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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I would advise you dont...


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
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GuanYu said:
Yes it's possible only if you two are still on speaking terms. Invite her over sometime to hang out and just be sexual with her.

Be smooth too. If you two sit on a couch and she sits too far away, neg her to get her closer then wrap your arm around her and kiss.

If your relationship was meaningful at all and she still has the hots for you it's easy to get extra fvcks out of ex girlfriends. Just be sexual.
Ya see thats the thing we like dont talk at all anymore...we havent spoken since the day I broke up with her. And im not sure if she still has the hots for me theres really no way to tell at this point...can anyone give me advice on what I would say? Like what would I reply if she was just like "oh youre just trying to use me for sex"

William Vass

Don Juan
Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
find another girl to bone, there will be so much emotion/drama involved and after you fvck her she'll be all lovey dovey after, asking you when the two of you are getting back together and you'll think in your head "oh ****".

Believe me, I've been on a dry spell before and convinced myself that I was still inlove with my ex girlfriend so I got her back into my bed with some serious charming... after the deed was done, yea the sex was great, but I could feel her getting all invested into me again talking about our future and a voice in my brain said "abandon ship".

It's just an ego boost to know you still have control of her emotions or a place in her heart.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
William Vass said:
find another girl to bone, there will be so much emotion/drama involved and after you fvck her she'll be all lovey dovey after, asking you when the two of you are getting back together and you'll think in your head "oh ****".

Believe me, I've been on a dry spell before and convinced myself that I was still inlove with my ex girlfriend so I got her back into my bed with some serious charming... after the deed was done, yea the sex was great, but I could feel her getting all invested into me again talking about our future and a voice in my brain said "abandon ship".

It's just an ego boost to know you still have control of her emotions or a place in her heart.
Hahaha exactly...I just wanna give the whole thing a try to see how it pans out, and im sure i'll gain some sort of experience from it. Has anyone ever accomplished something like this though? Or could anyone give me some pointers on what I would say in ****? Like what would be my answer to that question if she asked about our future?


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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eaglez1177 said:
Im completely over the relationship, im not emotionally attached AT ALL.

i just wanna have sex with her again sooo bad!!
That doesn't make sense. You either want to have sex with any girl, or you just want to have sex with her, which means you are emotionally attached.

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
DonJuan11 said:
That doesn't make sense. You either want to have sex with any girl, or you just want to have sex with her, which means you are emotionally attached.
Whats wrong with him still lusting over this girl?
Are you emotionally attached to every girl you want to see naked?

Eaglez, like what some people have suggested, invite her over and just make a move on her if things are going good.
All you need to say to her is "hey its been awhile, do you want to hang out and catch up some?"
Then be flirtly and make your move. The comfort and intamacy is already there so it should be pretty easy for her to go along with it.

Just make sure you know what you could be getting yourself into and learn from it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Five To One said:
Whats wrong with him still lusting over this girl?
Are you emotionally attached to every girl you want to see naked?

Eaglez, like what some people have suggested, invite her over and just make a move on her if things are going good.
All you need to say to her is "hey its been awhile, do you want to hang out and catch up some?"
Then be flirtly and make your move. The comfort and intamacy is already there so it should be pretty easy for her to go along with it.

Just make sure you know what you could be getting yourself into and learn from it.
DonJuan: Read the bold. lol.

Yea I know what im getting myself into. But im like totally unattached to her emotionally so whatever she says or does, I really just wont care about lol. I mean whats the worst thing that can go wrong?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Since you two don't speak anymore I don't think she's worth your time. Clearly she's moved on. If you contact her now and try to initiate hookups you're letting her know that you probably don't have any other prospects at the moment and that lowers your value. When chicks know or think other women don't want you then they'll lose interest.

Spend your time and energy finding new girls.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
I'm in the same situation... but I know she'd be heartbroken even more if I pushed her away once more.

Damn, I'm just too nice I guess!


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2002
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Camp Pendleton, Ca
eaglez1177 said:
Yea I know what im getting myself into. But im like totally unattached to her emotionally so whatever she says or does, I really just wont care about lol. I mean whats the worst thing that can go wrong?
I'm going to pause and think about exactly what's the worst that could happen...

I'm noticing a decided tendency in your postings gravitating towards the "I". Not that I'm saying it's wrong to selfishly look after your own needs, but it proves that you're not thinking this through entirely. She's the one you need to worry about in this scenario.

You acknowledge that she may end up asking questions, wanting to get back together, that sort of thing. It's goes well past that.

Logistically, you have an incredibly difficult footing to make this happen. Love is a return on an emotional investment. The more you emotionally invest in this girl, the more attached (positively or negatively, even if it's just being frustrated that's she's not sleeping with you) the both of you will become. The attachment factor icreases the chance of retribution exponentially. It will turn bad, at which point you're going to have to turn to damage control, and it will be messy. What was once a sweet girl is now going to be psycho-stalker-witch-from-hades, if she doesn't kill herself or you before she's through.

Don't think it could happen? Imagine this scenario: A girl breaks up with you. After an extended period of time with absolutely no contact whatsoever, she returns. Whether or not she specifically states it, there is an assumption that she wants to get back together. So you hook up again and for a while things are going swell when you notice she seems bored again and leaves. The first thought that goes through your head is WTF? Then it becomes obvious that you're being used for sex. Next (because we're thinking from a female perspective here) is a rehash of all the insecurities that would explain why you were rejected twice. Then comes self-loathing. Then comes hate. It starts out as hate for yourself because you allowed yourself to get played. It then morphs into a hatred of her because of all the pain you feel at her hands. Then it's only a thought, a breath, or a whisper to seeking vengeance, i.e.: rewarding your pain with her pain.

Good sex puts or keeps alot of people in bad situations. Don't do it. Not worth it.


P.S.: If you need any further reason not to go there, think tactically. You may still have some credbility with her friends and associates as a sexual partner. When things start going sour again, you're poisoning not only everyone she comes in contact with, but everyone who hears about it, primarily females. You are essentially putting a large, warm, yellow halo around yourself in the dating pool.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Five To One said:
Whats wrong with him still lusting over this girl?
Are you emotionally attached to every girl you want to see naked?

No, but if a girl finds out you absolutely have to have sex with her and won't go anywhere else, she'll make life a living hell for you.
"Oh, he absolutely has to have sex with me and won't go anywhere else? Sweet. Now I know I got him! Lets see how far we can milk it and drain his time, energy and resources to pump my ego before he may think otherwise."