Warboss Alex said:
I met my sweetheart when I was a 'small' 230-240 (small for me anyway
) and she was barely half my size, no problems with attraction there whatsoever.
ditto here.
Warboss Alex said:
What you should aim for is a bodyweight/size/strength/leanness that makes YOU happy and confident.. because a happy, confident guy is always a million times more attractive regardless of aesthetics.
bingo! this is the key. if you're expecting a great body to reel women in, forget it. you always have to be out there and in control, or else the ones who will go after you will be the controlling types. I don't care who you are, you don't want that ****, and if you claim you do, then you sure as hell deserve it! (been there, done that, lucky not to be paying alimony to the wench[es]!)
finally, the title to this thread is a fallacy. I've never seen anyone get bigger than he or she wanted. even if you could somehow end up in with lifting addiction, it's self-curing: the returns to any particular level of effort are always diminishing, and it only takes one nice break to remind you why this **** is so demanding. if you can't find the willpower to give up something that's this hard to maintain, then it really, really sucks to be you. you need one of those controlling types (see above) to kick your beta male ass into submission