Except plenty of hot girls are flaking on ‘great men’ that would make great babies (6 figures, handsome, 6 foot etc) for some deadbeat loser that won’t
text them back because he’s playing call of duty and getting high
1. You assume that women aren't totally screwed up and dysfunctional (which they are)
2. You assume whatever way women do things and whatever they think is the "true way" and we just have to find how to get in on it.
3. The one's chasing the Dopper Gamer Loser are broken themselves and have no internal functioning compass. The goal isn't to become the Loser to get the girl, the goal is to avoid the idiot woman who wants the loser. Her physical attractiveness doesn't make her a prize.
Women are EXTREMELY conflicted within themselves between their biology -vs- their social programming of a feminist & hedonistic society.
So you follow the biology and the way things SHOULD be,...then let the misfits (even if they are the majority) go to rot. You aren't going to save society. It's too far gone. You just save yourself. We don't follow the women,...that would make them the leader. We lead and let the women who are worth saving follow us.