Lol... maybe I'm just unique in that if I'm gonna be around a girl, I enjoy some good conversation. She had a degree in environmental science, ie, a STEM field, but at that it's not worth defending her - let's go into the crux of the matter.
This site has gotten a little odd. Does no guy here enjoy a conversation with a girl? Is it entirely one-sided as in, you want to screw a hole and walk away? If you don't give a damn what comes out of the woman's mouth, then why not just get fleshlight and have at it? Are you so jaded that there's nothing about a woman that can be attractive besides her looks?
No reason to be bitter. There's a lot of worthless ****s out there. Some of them are in fact, hot, and fine for a night. If I'm gonna be with women, though, I'm gonna be with ones I enjoy being around. If I'm gonna date a girl, facts beyond how she looks matters. Because seriously, a smart, good looking girl that can keep up in a conversation, cook, and **** well is a fine find. I damn well respect a women who's had the sense to take care of herself while her peers trashed themselves silly riding the carousel.