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How a DJ can be the “Worlds Greatest Dad”.


Master Don Juan
Jun 12, 2006
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Discussing kids on a DJ site does not seem to make much sense. So I expect few responses to this. But I’m willing to bet there are more “mature” men with kids perusing this site than is advertised.

I write this because it’s NOT written anywhere else.

Being a mature man with kids seems like the very antithesis to sarging the ladies. Think again! Just as kids are oh so great at tax time, so too are they the worlds greatest opportunity to increase your value in the eyes of women.

So don’t run away from the little boogers, go get ‘em and listen up.

I have 4 kids myself and am a single father. After finding this site last year I struggled to incorporate the principles of DJism to my life. On the surface, much of the info here does not seem to apply. However, those who truly grasp what a DJ is understand that the principles of DJism are quite compatible, actually preferable to the AFC in fatherhood.

I cannot speak for all single dad’s so for simplicity I list some Do’s and Don’ts from my actual real life experiences thus far in the journey.

DO NOT deny, conceal or avoid your children. This is the obvious “traditional” social norm, but from a DJ’s standpoint any semi-interesting relationship you get into the topic of kids will come up and if you blink, you lose. Period. This does not mean you need to be the idiot gushing father proclaiming your love for your kids every minute. This is boring. Kids are extremely powerful status symbols: for many women, more powerful than money and job. Does a DJ brag about his accomplishments? Never. Let women pull it out of you, let THEM brag on you.

DO NOT use your kids as an excuse for your problems/lack of game/unhappiness. Avoidance and blame lead to resentment. If you resent your kids then YOU have a problem and only YOU can fix it. Man up! Admit that even without kids you’d most likely STILL suck as a DJ.

DO sign up for PTA, school outings, and volunteer for school functions. Yeah it helps the school, bla bla. But, what are schools absolutely full of? Well educated, intelligent, young women. Many of them unmarried.

DO NOT EVER drink alcohol around your kids in public. My views on alcohol are it messes up your game, but beyond that, you obviously drove the little devils to the function and you’d better believe female eyes are on your every move in public.

DO NOT EVER bang your babysitter or nanny. These women are sacred, cherished creatures that will spread word of your “evil ways” faster than you can say “blue balls”. Now, nothing wrong with the sister or friend, or even mother of the babysitter.

DO take your kids to parks. There are few men in parks and many single mommies. Although it’s often preached here not to go after single mommies, the reason is the complexity of the single mommy’s situation and the inevitable baggage. If you have kids and are involved with their lives then hopefully you have skills to use to screen out messed-up mommies before they suck you into their lives. Translation: if you have your sh*t together with kids you can spot those that don’t a mile away. Keep those that don’t a mile away.

DO get your kids involved in sports and be involved yourself. True story: Brad’s mommy liked to wear these jeans that had lots of holes in them to the softball games. Brad’s mommy was hot. Brad’s mommy had not had sex for six years (until this year).

DO take your kids shopping, out to eat, to “kid places”. No, you won’t be pulling any F-closes, but digits are easier with your young “bros”. Sarging is easier with wingmen as it gives you social proof and confidence. Kids can be both.

DO realize that you will be in more unusual, sometimes uncomfortable places, than James Bond. 4 hour bus trips, sleep-overs, hockey games, Brad’s mommies bedroom with Brad knocking on the door. It does take serious presence and true DJ skills to be comfortable in the many environments you will find yourself. You will find that compared to this, sitting at a bar coming up with a ****y + Funny comment is ridiculously simple.

DO realize that even young un-married women will find you attractive thanks to good ole social programming. After all, you’ve done something none of your young competition has done, you’ve reproduced and you are a provider. There’s more power there than you realize. In these cases you introduce your children to them only when asked. And, lets be honest, these are not LTR’s, they most likely will not be factors in your kid’s lives. Have some fun. You deserve it.

DO give yourself a holiday from your kids every now and then. That’s where those babysitters and nanny’s come in.

DO continue to work on yourself as a separate individual from your kids. You will suck as a dad AND a DJ if you don’t take care of number one.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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I need to take some of the pictures of my nieces and nephews off of my fridge!

One or two of each might be ok, but I can't tell you how many women have walked in, glanced at the fridge door plastered with pictures of kids, and asked me "Are ALL of those YOURS????" lol I make it clear that they are my nieces and nephews, and a look of relief usually comes over their faces.

I'm sure there are advantages to having kids when you are a man, but the reaction I get from most younger women tells me that they would probably prefer that you NOT have children, at least not too many of them, haha. It's also not nearly the negative for men than it is for women, for obvious reasons.

If I had my own though I would do the same thing you do- use it to my advantage.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
I have a 12 year old and find her to be the most prolific l'il DJ'ette I've yet to encounter (with a little help from her old man :rock: ). She is well aware of " the game " and the Players in it.


Oct 25, 2001
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It's really nice to see a guy on here show value for children instead of referring to them as "baggage".

Kids are awesome...and women usually love kids. I can't even count how many times I've heard women discussing how great some guy is because they saw him being a great father.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
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Well, I know from personal experience that about 80% of women do NOT want a single father, regardless if they have thier own kids. They even state this on thier on-line profiles

So lets not try to tell the "big lie" here. Yes, kids can be an advantage with some women, but not with most. And, they can be a real disadvantage with many women.

I really hate the "big lies" society/religion tries to tell all the sheep/chumps. The biggest lie is that having kids is 100% wonderful. It is not. There are plenty of down sides to it.

Don't let them fool you, men....



Master Don Juan
Jun 12, 2006
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dietzcoi said:
Well, I know from personal experience that about 80% of women do NOT want a single father, regardless if they have thier own kids. They even state this on thier on-line profiles

So lets not try to tell the "big lie" here. Yes, kids can be an advantage with some women, but not with most. And, they can be a real disadvantage with many women.

I really hate the "big lies" society/religion tries to tell all the sheep/chumps. The biggest lie is that having kids is 100% wonderful. It is not. There are plenty of down sides to it.

Don't let them fool you, men....

I’ve never claimed having kids is 100% wonderful. I’ve written some pretty negative things on how hard it is to have them.

But if you have them, what are you gonna do, cut off your d*ck? Deny you ever had them. That’s AFC/PUSS behaviour.

A DJ adapts, A DJ learns, a DJ somehow “finds a way” to succeed.

I agree many young women, in their online profiles, and in general have been warned, the same as we have, to stay away from single/divorced dads with kids.

So I agree with STR8UP and you that 80% is a good number of women that SAY they are not interested.

Going back to STR8UP’s fridge example.

Once you get far enough you have them in your house looking a pics of kids, what happens next depends not at all on whether you have kids or not: It totally, and solely, as it always does, depends on the quality and character of the man.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
dietzcoi said:
Well, I know from personal experience that about 80% of women do NOT want a single father, regardless if they have thier own kids. They even state this on thier on-line profiles

So lets not try to tell the "big lie" here. Yes, kids can be an advantage with some women, but not with most. And, they can be a real disadvantage with many women.

I really hate the "big lies" society/religion tries to tell all the sheep/chumps. The biggest lie is that having kids is 100% wonderful. It is not. There are plenty of down sides to it.

Don't let them fool you, men....

If you have a child or children why on earth would you want to date anyone who obviously doesn't like or respect children? Sorry, but no one should even WANT to date someone like that. Don't EVER let some random online idiots cause you to be ashamed of your children...that's the lamest thing ever.