Don Juan
Hey y'all! Quick question. I have read lots about sh!t tests and still have a problem dealing with this one girl I work with. This isn't directly related to picking up, but it still affects my overall "social value" around work.
There is this one girl who is a total b!tch to me. For NO reason. She constantly, constantly puts me down. She calls me names, jumps on ANYTHING I say incorrectly, points out EVERYTHING I do wrong. Tells me she thinks short guys look like "kids" etc.
The weird thing is that she turns it on and off. Actually, the way she acts is kind of like what the mystery method guys say about qualifying, then dis-qualifying. I feel like I'm being played. She'll be REAL nice one second, and two seconds later, she'll disrespect me again. She'll be a TOTAL ***** and five minutes later she'll offer to grab me a coffee.
Today, she initiated a conversation with me while we were working. She asked a question to which I had an elaborate reply. First of all we (people at my work) always talk to each other while working. We often have conversations while NOT looking at each other; such is the nature of my job.
As I was answering her question she cuts me off with:
"I'm not even listening to you, you know, I havent heard anything you said in the last minute or so, I'm TRYING to eat and I'm surfing the net"
I was so pissed. Here we have someone asking me a question and when I answer she says she isn't paying attention. Whats the deal? It made me so enraged....I blurted out something about "girls her age" and basically made myself look like an ass in front of my other co-workers.
So..heres the question:
When someone is blatantly ignoring you while you are talking and then TELLS you they aren't listening (with a snotty tone of voice), what is the appropriate response? Or how would YOU respond?
There is this one girl who is a total b!tch to me. For NO reason. She constantly, constantly puts me down. She calls me names, jumps on ANYTHING I say incorrectly, points out EVERYTHING I do wrong. Tells me she thinks short guys look like "kids" etc.
The weird thing is that she turns it on and off. Actually, the way she acts is kind of like what the mystery method guys say about qualifying, then dis-qualifying. I feel like I'm being played. She'll be REAL nice one second, and two seconds later, she'll disrespect me again. She'll be a TOTAL ***** and five minutes later she'll offer to grab me a coffee.
Today, she initiated a conversation with me while we were working. She asked a question to which I had an elaborate reply. First of all we (people at my work) always talk to each other while working. We often have conversations while NOT looking at each other; such is the nature of my job.
As I was answering her question she cuts me off with:
"I'm not even listening to you, you know, I havent heard anything you said in the last minute or so, I'm TRYING to eat and I'm surfing the net"
I was so pissed. Here we have someone asking me a question and when I answer she says she isn't paying attention. Whats the deal? It made me so enraged....I blurted out something about "girls her age" and basically made myself look like an ass in front of my other co-workers.
So..heres the question:
When someone is blatantly ignoring you while you are talking and then TELLS you they aren't listening (with a snotty tone of voice), what is the appropriate response? Or how would YOU respond?