Hot girl too easy?


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2012
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There was this hot girl (Sarah) a while back that I wanted to get with but in the end it never happened and I didn't really care but I was wondering recently whether I was too harsh.

Basically, we liked each other but I was playing it cool and then one night I saw her in a club and we talked for a while and I got her number. I then just left her to it because:

a) I'm that kind of guy
b) She was with her best friend (they are always together)
c) She was smashed

Anyway, I happened to bump into her friend as I left the club. She was on her own, looking for Sarah, so I took her back to their house and Sarah has brought some guy back. I promptly leave, she texts me in the morning to apologise and I just decide I'm not interested anymore. I still see her now and again in passing and we're friends but no more.

Originally I thought well, she might still have wanted me but she couldn't have cared that much if she got with this other guy and anyway, I try to stay away from these types of girls but it just occurred to me recently that I may have been harsh in my thinking and I wondered what everyone thought.

Plenty of girls like to go out and have fun, it doesn't necessarily make them bad people. Also, many of you guys on here talk about the importance of seeing more than one girl at a time so does it work both ways?


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
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Yes, it works both ways. Girls have options - always will. But let me edit this to say that the girl should make YOU her only option. (By being alpha)

Next time, don't pvssy around - its obvious you still like this girl and this is your jealousy post. Man up, put you d!ck against her and SHOW her that you mean business. Otherwise people like me, any other DJ in here that knows the game just a little bit, would be the ones taking sarah back for a good smash.

a.) You need to be alpha, not beta.
b.) best friend means nothing, she could be mother hen - plan accordingly, or smash the best friend.
c.) Girls ALWAYS are aware of whats going on. (If she says she blacked out and couldnt remember, shes a lieing *****. slvt. wh0re.)

Without big risk, comes no big reward. Take the risk, get the reward.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2012
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TRSX, that was pretty much what I was expecting to hear. Fact is, I don't really believe in banging a girl on the first date or whatever. If that makes me beta, so be it. If I wanted to bang her, i'm sure I could.

Let's say you want a relationship with the girl in this situation. Is it likely to happen or best to stay away?


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Being alpha has nothing to do with banging a girl on the first date, second date, etc. Just means you need to show her you're the prize, better then any other guy shes going to meet, and that she should know what your intentions are with her.

Shes going to decide what she does regardless of what you do, but if you just give her some sense of who you are and she likes it.. she'll pursue.

Be cool about it, don't let it phase you. If you want a relationship you need to start escalating out of the friendzone. She NEEDS to know you have a spine.

Sounds like shes waiting for you to make a move. and you havent.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, my point is I wanted a relationship and then desided against it because, like I said I stay away from girls who are easy. I've sort of changed my views abit recently though but I still don't know whether I could have a relationship with someone who likes you and then sleeps with someone else.

I don't think a relationship would be possible now so I'm not going to make a move anyway, just curious.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
You didn't make a move on her.. how can you expect her to just sit around and wait?

You're sounding unreasonable. You don't want anything to do with her because she was out having fun? Get with it dude.

Make a move if you want a relationship, or just leave it be if you dont.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
DJ Dave, how old are you? Age can really affect the kind of advice you get here. This question is totally different for a 17 year old than it is for a 28 year old.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
You don't seem to understand what i'm asking. I got her number that night. I would expect her to be able to wait for me to call her the next day or whenever. Like I said, I didn't want anything to do with her but I feel that may have been a harsh view, that's why I'm asking for opinions.

I can't make a move now because she has moved away and I think she has a boyfriend. That's not the point.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Last post for me.

Dave this is the timeline you have painted based on your original post.

- Met this girl (Sarah) didn't think much of it , no number close whatever.
- A while later, i went to club X, ran into her and her best friend at club x. chatted her up, got her number, didn't make it seem like you wanted more, didn't setup a date, didn't escalate and kino her on the spot. BUT EXPECTED HER TO FALL OVER FOR YOU (This is what you did wrong.)
- Another guy came up to sarah, played the game, escalated and f'closed her that night.
- You got butthurt, didn't want anything to do with her because you thought she was a slvt.
- You still see her from time to time and wonder what could of been.

Now you're trying to get validation on this forum for something that you clearly did wrong. What I am trying to tell you is that you're downgrading this girl in your mind because some other guy had the balls to do what you didn't.

Girls are going to sleep with other guys if they are single. Thats a fact you NEED to get over. If you give them enough reasons to chase you and be attracted to you, they will respect you enough to wait and pursue you.

In this case, she didn't respect you enough. Sorry.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
OK, thanks for the advice. I'm 21 and actually I always viewed girls who go to clubs and pick up random guys as slvts basically, whether I was interested in them or not but i'm trying to decide whether I've had it wrong or not. I don't really know, she might have known this other guy for a while but I think not.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
DJ Dave, it sounds like you are looking for the 1% aka good girl type. They are out there but they are rare. My sister is pretty hot and she never slept around, actually distanced herself from her long time friends when they became club skanks. She married at 25 and still married (I can almost be certain she was a virgin till then). However she's got issues too. Not perfect but not a slut. Lol.

I think I just met a good girl type as well. But I fear I am not looking to settle down. She mentions she has no bf even though I didnt ask (who does that). She's hot, smart, very feminine (she makes sure to make you feel like a man).. basically knows her role as a girl.

You just gotta put in the numbers and make sure you are looking at the right places. (clubs and parties is not where they are at)


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks Juicy, yeah, she doesn't have to be a good girl but not too much of a slut. Where do you recommend looking then? I've never really been a fan of the club scene for that but i'm not sure where the best places to go are.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
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The dance floor
Next time strike while the iron is hot! This is one of the most useful catch phrases i've heard on these forums, second only to self respect is more important then pvssy.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
DJ_Dave said:
Thanks Juicy, yeah, she doesn't have to be a good girl but not too much of a slut. Where do you recommend looking then? I've never really been a fan of the club scene for that but i'm not sure where the best places to go are.

I was with a "good girl" for 4 months, earlier this year.

I met her on POF of all places. I was shocked it was even possible.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
No, it doesn't.
And yet, we say attractive women always have many orbiters.
She might have guys to take them to dinner, guys to take her dancing, guys to take her to concerts, guys to take her to weddings, guys to fix her car, guys to hook up her computer, etc. etc.
Hopefully she's not screwing all these guys.