First off,I am not rich ok. I live/have lived in a normal middle class house my whole life ok,I live at home yes,but pay for my own stuff,bills,clothes,entertainment,etc. I am/have been concerned about how much living at home all this time,while everyone else was seemingly going off on they're own,has affected me. Ideally,I would like to move up in life,to have reached the top so to say. Is that an ego thing?
So then it is me,my thinking,etc. It is beyond my control perhaps,maybe a therapist can help me put things into perspective. How do I change my thinking? How do I make a more positive reality,when I wake up every day feeling miserable? Is that why some people have more success than others,or others are just more attractive? For me,it's this whole why and what if? It's isolation/loneliness,and very misanthropic feelings.
I mean,I am so used to this not getting laid thing,that maybe I don't even have that much interest,and I only think I do. And it's been going on for so long,I can't even put a plan together,well, I did,a few years ago,when I got laid for the first time,and was that a learning experience. But now,as I get older,I feel more and more inexperienced and behind. At least this guy here, , has a plan.
I also think/wonder about how much all of this has to do with isolation,and overcoming nervousness/anxiety,cause like it said in there,girls are turned off by nervousness. My own worry/nervousness from inexperience,something I just haven't gotten over. I mean,maybe I just haven't been in enough situations where I have thew confidence enough to just go for it. Plus,why are girls so worried about being percieved as sluts when they engage in such behavior time to time,even from rather young ages?