Homeless Natural...Yes he's Homeless

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
I am in awe I want to pick this guys brain. He sees me and my wings almost all the time. He seen my wing approach and was talking sh!t.

Today he took me to the side and showed me pictures and video. This man says he has had 3somes.

Now the kicker...

He is Homeless, my wing didn't get it...

This guy's survival depends on gaming because he needs a place to sleep. He kept going back on my wing saying he's doing all this BS but not getting sex.

This guy has pulled a chick from smooth magazine...security guard confirmed it. This guy lays chicks in venues all over that area. He was 100% real. It's insane because he is 100% congruent. My cell battery is going out so will post what I extracted from him later.

Just got home. I spent 10mins with him and this is what I extracted...

First of all he is in a "MUST PULL" mindset. He doesn't give a fuk if your not pulling then don't talk. He says he now fuks 100 chicks a year. He's been doing this for 8 years and like he said in order for him to survive he has to know how to flow. If he doesn't pull he has to sleep on the train. He currently does that 3 nights a week, and the other days he sleeps at a girl's house. He stated at one point in his life he had 17 women.

Next he talked about not chasing chicks because he seen my wing running down chicks. He was talking about how needy it looks and how you as the man should be leaving her wanting more. He said a great example that made a lot of sense. I was impressed.

He also is completely unaffected about the outcome. He has a focus and if it happens it happens if it doesn't then it doesn't. He could CARELESS. Heck he's homeless.

He talked about never spending Sh1t on women because you can fall in the frame of being the guy who buys her sh!t. He stated he never bought chicks sh!t, some chicks he doesn't get there #s and some he doesn't even know there name.

He will pull anywhere, this guy has pulled in so many different places.It's insane how many public pulls he has done. I might ask him more on that.

He has standards that he sticks to, to the T. Like he wouldn't drop his standards for nothing. He wouldn't even demonstrate his pickups because he didn't find the type of chicks he goes for. It's funny because a Asian chick walked by saying hi to him by NAME. He reveals to us that he's been to her house, ate food...but never laid. But that alone impresses me because he is HOMELESS.

This guy has no money nor looks but he pulls. His mindset and personality is 100% congruent. None of the chicks he fuks knows he is homeless.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Being able to pickup chicks isnt everything. If hes such a badass and you worship him so much...why doesnt he have a place to live? Or a job? Ask him that.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
This story puts me to shame because I usually like to blame my looks and economic circumstances on my lack of success with the ladies, and this story just blows that concept out of the water if it's correct. Pretty soon I'll be running out of excuses if people keep posting stuff like this as this puts me to shame.

Are you sure he doesn't have looks? These girls know he's homeless and still want to fvck him, give him food, money and whatever? What does he gave going for him like that? Why is he homeless - if he has such a magntic charm, then shouldn't he be able to take care of himself, have his own house, job, etc....? Are these hot in demand babes we are talking about or ugly girls he's pulling?

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
Reaction score
^^ :crackup: you are such a ***** sir

edit: don't post before me jackass!


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
How interesting. He connected his need to survive with getting girls. It's became an art that he has perfected. I wonder how long it took him to get to the level that he is at now?

It's nice to know that it is possible to get girls without being good looking or rich. It's all about what you say and how you act.

Try to learn more about the Hobosexual method.

Nice terms MooseGod.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Fvcking haters on here.

Who are you to say how other people should live their lives?

I bet he is happier than most of the people on this board. Even the ones that make 6figures and are depressed as hell.

Snow, try to find out more about this dudes game. Ask him if he ever compliments women and what he talks about with them.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
I see the point other people are also saying about this guy tying game to survival, although, in that context it seems like man-wh0ring and is not much different than a street girl selling her body since both are driven by economic need rather to a large degree. If you are able to view porn, masturbate with a fleshlight, and are already in a cushioned type of life in some sort of comfort zone, then I could see the motivation to find sexual opportunities would be drastically cut down and would see my own issues as one where there is a low motivation power.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
oakraiderz2 said:
Being able to pickup chicks isnt everything. If hes such a badass and you worship him so much...why doesnt he have a place to live? Or a job? Ask him that.

This is a Seduction website not some fuking analyze his life situation beyond pickup. Why he can or can't do certain things is irrelevant. No one is saying picking up chicks is everything.

If you didn't realize the irony in this man's life. Pickup is a big thing in his life because in order for him to survive he MUST PULL. He actually has a job with the homeless organization if you MUST know.

No one is worshiping the guy, but I damn well will give credit where credit is due, I want to see you walk in his shoes and try and live his life. I know I surely can't, it would take me awhile to adapt.

He told me his life story, but it's irrelevant to the topic of this forum, all you need to know is the pickup portion and his mindset.

Luke Skywalker said:
Are you sure he doesn't have looks? These girls know he's homeless and still want to fvck him, give him food, money and whatever? What does he gave going for him like that? Why is he homeless - if he has such a magntic charm, then shouldn't he be able to take care of himself, have his own house, job, etc....? Are these hot in demand babes we are talking about or ugly girls he's pulling?
Trust me he doesn't have the looks. One of his teeth is like rooting or something. The chicks don't know he is homeless and you can't really tell that he is homeless besides the fact that he wears the samething everyday. Some chicks know he is homeless and they give him food and money. Those chicks he hasn't fuked.

All the chicks he laid he stated never knew he was homeless. The only thing I see he has going for him is his personality. Seriously that's all he really has. The pics he showed me and the video of him getting head, the chicks were average 6s and 7s. But the security guy confirmed that he did pull a chick who was in a men's magazine...so basically a model.

All I know the guy is 100% congruent to what he was talking about. What made it fully click and opened my eyes was when he was telling me his life story. IN ORDER TO SURVIVE HE MUST PULL. He told me all these different places he pulled in the area. All these different people I could've gone too, to confirm it.

I see him a lot so every so often I'll talk to him...

Maxtro said:
How interesting. He connected his need to survive with getting girls. It's became an art that he has perfected. I wonder how long it took him to get to the level that he is at now?

It's nice to know that it is possible to get girls without being good looking or rich. It's all about what you say and how you act.

Try to learn more about the Hobosexual method.

Nice terms MooseGod.
Yea this is why I was impressed. He said he's been doing that for 8 years...at one point he had 17 chicks in rotation. I'm not sure how long it took him to perfect this.

ChrizZ said:
Fvcking haters on here.

Who are you to say how other people should live their lives?

I bet he is happier than most of the people on this board. Even the ones that make 6figures and are depressed as hell.

Snow, try to find out more about this dudes game. Ask him if he ever compliments women and what he talks about with them.
I will honestly say the guy is happy and doesn't really care about much. You also just reminded me of some other things he was talking about when he was trying to articulate his game.

In the case of chasing chicks which he doesn't like doing...he says if you must then do something which was basically a compliment but very witty that kind of set it up where depending on what she says you'd get the interaction going. It was very slick how he demonstrated it example wise. I personally don't think I could pull it off. Even his movements had a way with it when he was demonstrating. One thing about compliments though, especially the one he stated, he said most guys don't say that to chicks especially if she has a BF. Her BF of 6 months won't tell her she's beautiful. (The way he was saying his stuff was really congruent to his personality)

Also as far as vibing he was talking about how he asks girls about themselves. Certain stuff that guys wouldn't actually ask. To find out and learn about certain things that most guys wouldn't ask. Eventually the chick will start to talk back and add to the interaction. Basically stating it's a two way conversation.

He stated that because he seen my wing interacting with a chick who had a BF and he # closed, but the homeless guy was stating how she wasn't giving much back into the interaction. He was constantly ragging on my wing for talking about all these #s but he's not actually pulling. To him #s ain't sh!t and nothing ain't sh!t unless your pulling.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
Yep, and when you pick his brain your only giving him a reason to charge you so he can continue staying on the train:crackup:

Seriously, If you believe this guy you're as gullible as Screech from saved by the bell.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
what a bunch of fvckin haters

the story's not hard to believe unless you have a jaded reality. if that's the case stop being a fvckin KJ and learn how things really work. there was one PUA who teaches workshops now who got good in a similar way, because he used to be homeless and whether or not he slept on the streets depended on his ability to pull. can't remember his name right now but I'll post it later


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Hey, whatever melts his butter.
If its true - more power to him.

I wonder how he became homeless in the first place, thats the question.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Faded Image said:
Yep, and when you pick his brain your only giving him a reason to charge you so he can continue staying on the train:crackup:

Seriously, If you believe this guy you're as gullible as Screech from saved by the bell.
lol, I could careless if you believe it or not, I'm just passing on the info. Just like my approach journal. Whether anyone reads it or not, I'm just posting my observation. I can kind of tell who has game and who doesn't. I'm out there 5-6 days a week.

Just to give you an idea of the proof he had...
1. He showed PICTURES of his women...some naked
2. He showed Pictures of HIM with the women
3. He showed video of him getting head (He actually didn't want to show any videos because he didn't want me and my wing seeing his **** on video but he still showed us one clip)
4. He had a security to confirm that he pulls
5. A chick walked by who knew him fairly well...they know each other on a name to name basis and it surely didn't look like she just met him.
6. He had another guy who works for the organization...confirm that he goes to a specific place and pulls many times
7. He was telling us stories and even allowed us to go in some of those stores and ask specific people, certain things
8. Just by hanging and listening to the guy he surely knew what he was talking about. His mindset is 100% congruent to his personality and if you seen his demonstration and his theory behind what he was doing...he had it down to a T. If he was acting, then he better get an oscar because some of that stuff was stuff I learned in field.

DJVladdy said:
Hey, whatever melts his butter.
If its true - more power to him.

I wonder how he became homeless in the first place, thats the question.
Like I said I don't want to put his personal life on here, I just want to talk about the pickup aspect of him. In a sense he kind of got fuked over...sort of stranded


Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
why was he keen to demonstrate his pick up abilities to you and your wing?


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2006
Reaction score
This is the funniest thread EVER. oH MY GOD, I was laughing so hard, dude, especially at the climax, when you said this guy is not only just homeless, but he also doesn't have the looks.

Isn't it odd that out of all the preppy DJs out there, our messiah happens to be a homeless man who wears the same sh!t everyday?

Inspirational stuff, nonetheless. I believe it.

Post more about his strategies and perspectives on playing the game cuz otherwise this thread is just fluff.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
This is fvcking funny. So, at the end of the road for the master PUA DJ lies . . . homelessness. (But you will get plenty of puzzy). Makes me glad I'm a well-off AFC ;-)


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
I'm happy for him, but if he is so good why can't he find a lay that will let him live with her or support him.

Better yet if he's so good with this nailing a job or better position in life shouldn't be too hard...

Unless he just loves being homeless...


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Sounds like my hippy friend that some of you may remember.

What is this guy's game like then? What does he say to the girls, and how often does he get rejected - it sounds to me like he plays a huge numbers game, if he's homeless and not particularly attractive, I'm sure the majority of girls wouldn't even give him a chance.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
If hes that good i would let him live in my house and help him out and let him teach me how to do that stuff. I belive that this is true but i want to know why is he homeless if he is such a smooth talker. Is he doing drugs... alcoholic ... its got to be something. If you are smoothin with the ladies than you are a pretty cool guy alpha male therefore it shouldnt be hard for him to get a good paying job IMO.