I agree with what most people are saying, and want to expound using examples on the "why" following a pure passion is a fools gamble for many.
I started a thread a while ago about a business I wanted to start. The overarching goal has been the same for nearly two years, but what started as a passion underwent drastic change and a lot of challenges. However, there is something there that keeps me wanting to make progress every day so the key ingredient has been something a lot of dreamers don't want to admit , "hard work". In order to master something, you have to work through the ****ty parts and that is the only way to learn something.
For example, I started simple html/css because it was a fun way to maybe make websites and start my own business. I loved computers and programming as long as I can remember and endeavored to make a great idea ( that I might eventually) so figured why not pursue that passion. As I went from simple html/css to front end JavaScript and eventually back end programming, it became incredibly complex with no real results from my efforts. I still remember wanting to put a blog functionality on my resume website *within a week*, but couldn't even tie in my front end to the backend. Hell, I couldn't even get rich
text formatting to work right. This shakeout period would have been enough to stop 99% of the people out there, but I kept at it for a long ass time. Picked up python, learned another framework in hopes to get a beta version of my idea out 2 months ago...that never happened either. Even still, I have adjusted this process and am not discouraged in the least.
However, its been the constant struggle and having to learn things that have made me 100 times better than 2 years ago. The latest incarnation of my idea looks beautiful, and I can tie in all the data seamlessly now. When it is done, it won't be the passion that gets it done, but the preserverence through the bad times that did. Its those times I didn't go get a drink, or to a sailing regatta but instead tied in a laravel controller to a view to serve the data from my huge database. Those little times add up...all those times a regular person would say "its just one thing, I can put it off", and I said "well lets get this done and get it done". However its not to say I haven't been social - I reword myself by being social when I get something done.
I am not successful yet. Having crafted my knowledge of programming and investing is taking time, but its starting to pay its dues. However, there is still so much to be done but the curious things is this - I absolutely love doing it. If someone gave me 20k to live off of, I would finish my application , than build my proprietary investing/trading platform with most of my waking hours. I do it for free right now. However, in order to be able to do this full time, one needs a marketable edge so that also takes work. It would be nice to divorce myself of working full time at my job, so as to be able to dedicate 100% to this, not the current 50%. To be smart about it, one needs to listen to what people want to spend money on. Passion doesn't help here either...but listening does.
For example, someone I know needs an Ecommerce site, so I'll need to learn how to manage products and payments , as well as maintaining the site. These are areas to improve on. its not passion, its just common sense.
But at the core of it all is a passion. Maybe it'll pay off, maybe it won't. All I know is that the journey through all its ups and downs is rewarding, and interesting. I'd love to do this for others, and sometime soon.
Why won't "passion" work for most? Simply because they will capitulate when times get bad. And times WILL get bad. Life can suck. Most people crumble like a tent and blame everything under the sun while foolishly maintaining an entitled attitude. Those people will stay in limbo until they die, complaining the entire way. Passion won't work because they will refuse to go outside their comfort zone and learn something new.
Life needs people who punch in and out every day and entrepreneurs. Some are not cut out to run a business, others not cut out to work for the man. People should embrace either option since the work really needs both to function right.