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Homage to Doc Love's The System.....


Aug 19, 2015
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Doc Love's The System was the first book I came across in the "dating game" genre written by a man for men. I loved the simplicity of it, the directness, the efficiency. In my opinion, what it offered was
1. A simple framework (structure) in which to view dating. Every game has a framework, every dance and every sport. First structure, then freedom.
2. Basic principles. Like the law of gravity, they just seemed to ring true each time. "Look at her actions, not her words"
3. A filtering system. She may be a stunner, but she can damage your financial and mental health. filter the users and the nags.
4. A personal development barometer. Gauge your own constant personal development by reflecting off the male character traits that raise interest level.
5. Knowledge. Truth can sometimes be harsh, but it's always enlightening.
6. Plate spinning: The good ol' Doc didn't use this term however, he did explain the power of a man with options.

Again it's the simplicity of it all, cutting through a lot of nonsense. Doc Love's goal is to "find you a good one", in other words, it's "girlfriend game". That being said, for me this works regardless of your sexual strategy i.e. he recommends that you don't become "boyfriend / girlfriend" until you have around 8/10 dates in which should be around the 8 week mark AND she should be the one that brings it up...........exclusivity should be her idea..........which sounds like it would be her FRAME........but you tell her that you want to sleep on it and it's at this point you negotiate your expectations before accepting exclusivity......back to YOUR FRAME..........of course for those who wish to perpetually spin plates you simply never have to accept exclusivity and either go beyond the 8 weeks as you were or you let her go with ease as you have other plates and prospects around you....

Sound familiar? Of course, Doc Love has many imitations. Imitation is the best form of flattery.

So here's a Doc Love The System homage......with additions.

The Doc says that if a man comes to him and he has a problem with a girl or/and a relationship it's usually down to one of three things. These three things are represented on a triangle: the truth triangle. Imagine energy flowing from three points of a triangle. The energy is alive, it's flowing.......should one point have a problem.....it cuts the flow. The energy is no longer flowing.....if the energy is no longer flowing......there's no life. Things start to die and decay.

The three points are:
1) Interest level
...............the degree of feelings that the woman has towards you. The most important factor of all. She has to like you first.
2) Three major Male character traits..........masculine traits which increase attraction. Think polarity. Opposite male and female energy attract. Like the polar ends of a magnet.
3) Three major female traits (Female attitude)..........qualities that the female must have if she's to be considered a long term mate.

Two basic Principles
1. It's all about the interest level
. The key is not to project your interest level on to her, instead observe and rate her interest level. You tend to have more fun with a girl with high interest level. Simple philosophy.
2. Bottom line her actions. She'll tell you her interest level via her actions, not her words. Women generally communicate covertly. Bottom line her actions, don't bother analyzing her words, you'll save yourself time.

Remember "A tiger can smile, a snake will say it loves you......" (Fight Club).....don't believe anything, at least until they've got some time in and have proven themselves, even then, take the words with a pinch of salt. The motto is "how does she treat me?". This cuts through so much confusion. "but she says she loves me" how does she treat you!!!!

Instead of rationalizing her actions. "oh she broke the date, because she was tired", "oh she must be busy" etc bottom line her actions. Broke the date? Low interest.

Reality Factor: Men need to look at reality no matter how ugly it may be.
50th Law: Intense Realism: Seeing things for what they are.
"The greatest danger you face is your mind growing soft and your eye getting dull"

You consume more calories than you burn.....reality factor....you put on weight
You spend more money than you have coming in.....reality factor.....you're building debt
She doesn't treat you well............reality factor......she has low interest or a bad attitude....


Aug 19, 2015
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Three Major Male Traits: Men need to always develop and observe, develop and maintain. Sane women respond positively to these traits.

Confidence: made up of self confidence and self esteem. It's all in the way you carry yourself. You've get swagger in a quietly confident way because you take care of business. Always.
Self Confidence: This is product value and how you fare in life. Think Sexual Market Value. You basically have your ****e together. You know women and know game (think red pill knowledge and game knowledge) This breeds an inner confidence. You progress in your career. You progress with your finances and your financial education. You carry a similar life philosophy as Sam Keene expresses
"Two questions a man must ask himself, Where am I going? and who will go with me? If you ever get these questions in the wrong order you're in trouble" from Fire in The Belly, On Being a Man.
  • Self Esteem: Put simply, you love and respect yourself fully. You have well defined boundaries and you have the ability to kick back if these boundaries are crossed. You have the ability to stand up to a woman. The all important ability to say the magic word NO. She's got to know that you have the ability to walk, without you expressing those words. She covertly understands. The ability to walk away from a bad deal. (remember anyone who takes ****e from anyone in a relationship cannot be fully loving or respecting themselves in that moment. If you don't fully love and respect yourself why would anyone else)
  • Dominance and Boldness: Always set boundaries with everyone. Never be a pushover to anyone. Fight back. Your boundaries are your private land. If you don't fight for what's yours and demand and expect more, why would anybody be bothered to give you more. If you ordered your steak medium rare and it comes out to you well done, what do you do? Accept it? Accept to be ****e on in life? No. Fvck that. Send it back.
Law 34: Be Royal In Your Fashion: Act Like A KING To Be Treated Like A KING.

Control: Self control, not control of anyone else. Self control, calm, composed, suave, classy.
Control made up of the following elements:
  • Not reacting: KEEP FRAME. Learning to be pro active instead of alway reactive. Remember women are supposed to be the emotional ones. You are the island and she is the waves. The island stays strong and is weathered by the waves. Two emotional people in a relationship and the relationship will sink. It will not survive. None of your interactions will. Women are often like emotional children, so the tried and trusted FRAME of "treat her like your bratty kid sister" works a treat when she is being emotional and looking for an emotional row or exchange. You don't have time for silly beggars. Do not become reactory and thus lose control and enter into her games. You will be respected for this alone.
  • Discipline: watch maths coming out of your trap. Basically this is paramount for those who often wish to turn their women into a version of their mother or/and their shrink. Think about it. Is telling her how your mother never loved you as kid going to raise her interest level. Keep it light and funny and don't be fooled into confiding your secrets to her in the warm sanctuary of pillow time. 70/30 rule: let her babble on, I mean talk, for 70% of the time, let her think you're a great listener and let her open up and reveal herself, for she will if you let her. The other 30% build rapport, tease her, gently mock her. You simply must learn to mock women.
Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends. Learn to use enemies.
Law 3: Conceal your intentions.

  • Patience: Never be in a hurry to commit to anyone. Never rush things. You have options, take your time, lack of hunger is a good sign. Slow and steady wins the race. think long term with your goals, have a long term vision....this puts all of your actions into perspective and really makes other's actions unimportant when you have your long term vision. Plant, cultivate and harvest. Remember: fools rush in. Men are the gatekeepers of commitment, women are the gatekeepers of sex. A woman that gives up her sex too easy loses value in the eyes of others. A man that gives up his time and commitment too easy loses value in the eyes of others.
Law 35: Master the Art of Timing

  • Self control: master the art of patience and learn to control your emotions.
Law 4: Always say less than necessary.

Challenge: Be a challenge and make her chase you. It's what she wants, why deny her the little pleasure of the chase. Be naturally busy, not as a tactic, but because you have built and interesting and busy single life. You genuinely have to think to yourself "where can I fit her in?"
Law 16: Use Absence To Increase Respect And Honor.


Aug 19, 2015
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Three Major Female Traits: Basic qualities that the female must have if she is to be considered a long term prospect.
  • Integrity : made up of loyalty, trust and honesty. Strong moral principles. Granted life is not always so black and white and people don't fit neatly into "good" and "bad" qualities, but women, if you observe them over time, will reveal themselves to and will give you indications of their level of integrity. Some women are trustworthy, some are snakes in the grass. Some are responsible, some women are not. There are degrees, but if she cannot be trusted at all, which is clear from some people's behavior, she should never be considered as a long term prospect. Never. Granted even mafia dons are often betrayed by their first in command, but there's a sense we get from a person's behavior. Set tests. See if you can rely on them. Do they keep their word. Do they do what they say they are going to do. Some people are solid, others aren't.
  • Giving. There are two types of women in this world: Givers and Takers. One girl wants to cook for you, she wants to do things for you. If you pull a back muscle she's the type that wants to look after you, where as a taker wouldn't do ****e. You invite a giver to a picnic and she says "what can I bring?" You observe the giver attitude. You tell her "don't worry, just bring yourself and look good. It's enough" an indirect compliment. But she was brought up better than that. She arrives with a cooked chicken, with some wine and some fruit. She looks at you with a gracious smile. Whereas the taker will accept the invite and she'll probably think "cool, free food and booze for me" She arrives empty handed. You don't mind because you're the type of guy that has everything arranged and you don't expect anything......but you do observe. And you do note that being with a giver you tend to have a better time.
  • Flexibility.......a flexible women is easy going by nature and is open to try new things. You contrast that with the opposite, a structured or hard headed woman. They are easy to spot because they are stubborn. A stubborn woman does not know how to communicate. She cares more about being right. Whereas a flexible woman cares more about being happy. Your happiness. She cares about communicating like an adult. The structured woman will drive you crazy over the long run. This is why it's always a good idea to provoke women a little, in a playful manner. The stubborn woman gets annoyed and reveals her self every time. The flexible girl will probably smile and call you silly, maybe play punch you on the arm.
The accuracy of these three traits in revealing to you a woman's character and thus showing you what her future behavior will be like is incredible. For the first two months or so we are only really concerned with two things:
  • Her interest level...............which we raise by demonstrating masculine qualities and dating/hooking up with her and having fun
  • Red flags...........observe red flags in her behavior. This is the moment to cut her off in the early moments while you are not emotionally attached. Most men having relationship problems with a bad woman can look back at the early months and their were plenty of red flags, but because they were too concerned with their own interest level and enjoying the honey moon period they chose to ignore the red flags.........then they go emotionally attached. Never be afraid to cut her off and always stay detached.......
...If she gets to the two month period with hight interest level and no red flags.......she may be considered a long term prospect. Now you start observing more and more her character.......sometimes it's difficult to fully see someones character but within the 2-6 month period you should have a fair idea........

taker? not to be considered for long term
stubbon? not to be considered for long term
lacks integrity? not to be considered for long term..

too many men are too hungry to jump into a relationship with the first woman that shows them hight interest. Date around, spin plates, don't be afraid to reject and next her, although it may be in your long term "it would be nice category" a long term relationship should be the last thing on your mind........there so much to get through and consider before agreeing to tie up to her wagon....

extra: THE BLUEPRINT.......these ar extra qualities which would be personally important to you. Write them down. Maybe some of them are deal breakers. Maybe there could be two categories 1. Must haves (eg be in shape, non smoker) 2. Nice to haves (eg shares the same taste in music or whatever)


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Great post. The system sometimes gets panned for being out of date with messaging and online game. I assume you would back up the standard advice to keep both to a minimum.

In line with the principles of minimising behaviour that lessens her attraction and be a busy self-improving guy.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
Crucial post, in my opinion. Especially the part where you suggest that for the first couple of months to look at the red flags. Integrity is the red flag I missed with my last ex even though she showed it a couple of times, I overlooked it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 23, 2012
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Frame was everything 1,000 years ago. Frame will be everything 1,000 years from now.


Mar 12, 2011
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Hate to say it but way back when I got his "System", he words were always "be a challenge, be a challenge, be a challenge, be a challenge."

I was a challenge way back when and I lost: a Maxim model, a 20 year old girl, another decent looking girl, a very good looking girl.

Sorry guys, personally I would forget Doc Love and listen to Poon King. Doc Love writes like the girl CARES about you. Girls would rather you be dead and wiped off the face of the earth if they could get your money.

But hey, be a challenge!

Red Legg

Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2016
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^^^^^ Amen Trump women simply do not give a sh!t...... kudos to you for knowing this.........OP I thought you knew better,and I think I saw a spotted unicorn run through your post....A women will destroy you if she can and then dance around your dead body and then set it on fire and roast marshmallows and hot dogs over your burning corpse and then text her friends so they can come watch.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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....dance around your dead body and then set it on fire and roast marshmallows and hot dogs over your burning corpse and then text her friends so they can come watch.
Lol, funny stuff man. It's hilarious how much sh!t they talk with your mutual friends after they dump you and are already hooking up with the new side monkey branch.

She found the goods to get that fire started:

Doc Love was a good source to begin frame work when there was none for me. While although I do agree with many of his points, I do take issue with some of his material that is dated. You shouldn't be a push-over, that's a no-brainer for a DJ. I just take issue with some his iron-fist rules. We can filter to the best of our ability, yet we can't all date unicorns. ;)
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Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
I agree the red flag thing is a bit over done. Every ltr I have had there has been a certain amount of BS. It's really about her baggage your baggage and the relationship baggage ie the expectations and dynamic you setup.

The difference is a DJ should be eliminating his baggage and know how to handle the relationship BS. Most woman just spend their whole lives accumulating more baggage.


Feb 13, 2017
Reaction score
Hate to say it but way back when I got his "System", he words were always "be a challenge, be a challenge, be a challenge, be a challenge."

I was a challenge way back when and I lost: a Maxim model, a 20 year old girl, another decent looking girl, a very good looking girl.

Sorry guys, personally I would forget Doc Love and listen to Poon King. Doc Love writes like the girl CARES about you. Girls would rather you be dead and wiped off the face of the earth if they could get your money.

But hey, be a challenge!
Yep, "be a challenge" is the same thing as "don't make yourself too available", I did that and was never missed by the women of my desire. Anyone who gives themselves the nomenclature of "Doc Love" is just cringeworthy of a name...I mean, he could have at LEAST come up with something a bit less cringe-worthy sounding?


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
Sorry guys, personally I would forget Doc Love and listen to Poon King
Listen, if listening to Poon King is getting you what you want in life and love then you're absolutely right to follow that path. By all means, keep
doing what you're doing if it's getting you what you want.....

But here's the thing....going by your posts you are a long way from getting what you want from women at least. Your posts give the impression that you are certainly not satisfied with regards to woman and your "love life".

It's worth noting that you've honed in on the one thing that you strongly disagree with in this thread. Now there are three parts thus far written in the thread, so one is to assume that you found no value at all within the thread and simply focused on one thing you strongly disagreed with because of past experience. Or rather who your interpretation failed to produce results for you in real life.....

If I were to hedge a guess, I would say that this is exactly how you view the world and how you view women. Again, this is simply an observation from your posts and from your "contribution" to this thread: you focus strongly on what you don't like.

It leaves no doubt as to why you are not getting what you want from women. I can imagine you out on your "dinner date" with a nice looking girl and things are going relatively well and a normal healthy young male might focus on the pleasure he's going to have with the girl maybe thinking "mmm that mouth that's yapping away there is going to have my c0cok inside it shortly" exuding a sexual presence with a delectable smile eyeing the girl. Whereas it's probably at this point that the poisonous thoughts start to seep into your toxic brain "Look at that fvcking bytch. She doesn't give a fvcking damn about me". I would bet my life that at this moment instead of exuding a sexual presence, a poisonous energy starts to seep out of you as your face turns to disgust while eyeing the girl. She can feel it off you and is instantly turned off......

......you "lose" another girl and instantly run to so suave to read some Poon King posts about those unscrupulous bytches.....you've clearly been burned badly in the past and you're not getting what you want in the present.
here, there's one for you: All women are prostitutes:

Your RAS is giving you exactly what you want to see.................

Hate to say it but way back when I got his "System", he words were always "be a challenge, be a challenge, be a challenge, be a challenge."

I was a challenge way back when and I lost: a Maxim model, a 20 year old girl, another decent looking girl, a very good looking girl.
You never stated how you interpreted or how you calibrated challenge.

Back in the day, I listened to quite a few of his radio shows. I would say 80% of the callers were what he referred to as wimpus americanus ........or quite simply the wimp.......no this type of guy was way to needy with women and he was making himself way too available. They were also the type of men who were trying to tie the girl down to a relationship.....

Doc's advice: Be more of a challenge.......how?
1. Have options. in other words date multiple girls thus making yourself less available. Also known as spinning plates.......do you disagree with this advice to be more of a challenge? Why?
2. Do not talk about the future.........too many men are too eager to make the next date while still on the present date. in other words instead of enjoying the date/hook up and leaving her wonder and letting her miss you a little, letting her come at you a little later.....the man tends to rush in and try to nail her down for another date straight away. Sorry but in my experience this works.....I practically always get a text later that night.....in other words she's coming at me declaring her interest. She was given the space to do it..........do you disagree with this advice to be more of a challenge? Why?
3. Do not ask her to be your girlfriend.........men who give away their time and commitment too easy lose value in the eyes of others......women who give away their sex too easy lose value in the eyes of others.........date her and have fun......do the same with another........and another.......repeat........let her come at you with talk of a relationship or talk or being boyfriend of girlfriend............let her display her interest level......when it's her idea it's usually stronger........do you disagree with this form of challenge? Why?

These are three examples of being a challenge. Again the average chump on the street usually does the opposite of these things and comes across as too needy......

I can only imagine that you interpreted challenge incorrectly and maybe took it too literally and you stayed in your house with the curtains drawn instead of dating the women in question. That's down on you fella.
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Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
A women will destroy you if she can and then dance around your dead body and then set it on fire and roast marshmallows and hot dogs over your burning corpse and then text her friends so they can come watch.
That's quite a healthy mindset you've got there. A woman doesn't care about you? Wake the fvck up. It was your mistake for thinking that in the first place. Newsflash: Nobody fvcking cares about you. Man or woman. Every person on this earth is motivated by their own self interest........now, isn't that a relief for you. Don't you feel unburdened with your past expectations.

You were hurt in the past because of your own naivety and your own lack of experience. You were burned because of your unrealistic expectations. That's not women's fault. That's your fault. Take some responsibility instead believing in an unhealthy conspiracy theory. People have always being motivated by their own self interest. Always.

But go on, enlighten me. Say my sexual strategy is PLATE SPINNING and I'm not seeking an exclusive relationship and I also don't believe in marriage. Say that three is a number that suits me. I'll spin three women, maybe seeing two of them once a week and one of them every fortnight or something like that. Now, I wish to garner pleasure out of my experience, pleasure for me and pleasure for her, as I'm a win win kind of person......I only wish to hook up, maybe have some wine, fun and get physical. That's it, nothing more nothing less. I still wish to filter the girls if I'm going to be bringing them back to my house on a regular basis. I still wish to filter the girls if I wish to have a pleasurable time with them......there will be conversation so I'll filter boring morons, I'll filter for any sign of drug use for example.....which for me....drugs: dishonest, possible theft from my house etc....

How do you geniuses relate this kind of filtering to "looking for a unicorn"? Three of you mentioned unicorns and I can't imaging what kind of fvcktard thoughts are going around your minds.....

If the above is my sexual strategy and after filtering and settling with plates that are compatible and happy with this arrangements........how the hell will this happen:
A women will destroy you if she can and then dance around your dead body and then set it on fire and roast marshmallows and hot dogs over your burning corpse and then text her friends so they can come watch.
I don't see the relationship between plate spinning and your paranoid conspiracy theory.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
That's quite a healthy mindset you've got there. A woman doesn't care about you? Wake the fvck up. It was your mistake for thinking that in the first place. Newsflash: Nobody fvcking cares about you. Man or woman. Every person on this earth is motivated by their own self interest........now, isn't that a relief for you. Don't you feel unburdened with your past expectations.

You were hurt in the past because of your own naivety and your own lack of experience. You were burned because of your unrealistic expectations. That's not women's fault. That's your fault. Take some responsibility instead believing in an unhealthy conspiracy theory. People have always being motivated by their own self interest. Always.

But go on, enlighten me. Say my sexual strategy is PLATE SPINNING and I'm not seeking an exclusive relationship and I also don't believe in marriage. Say that three is a number that suits me. I'll spin three women, maybe seeing two of them once a week and one of them every fortnight or something like that. Now, I wish to garner pleasure out of my experience, pleasure for me and pleasure for her, as I'm a win win kind of person......I only wish to hook up, maybe have some wine, fun and get physical. That's it, nothing more nothing less. I still wish to filter the girls if I'm going to be bringing them back to my house on a regular basis. I still wish to filter the girls if I wish to have a pleasurable time with them......there will be conversation so I'll filter boring morons, I'll filter for any sign of drug use for example.....which for me....drugs: dishonest, possible theft from my house etc....

How do you geniuses relate this kind of filtering to "looking for a unicorn"? Three of you mentioned unicorns and I can't imaging what kind of fvcktard thoughts are going around your minds.....

If the above is my sexual strategy and after filtering and settling with plates that are compatible and happy with this arrangements........how the hell will this happen:

I don't see the relationship between plate spinning and your paranoid conspiracy theory.
So you geniuses believe no woman on this earth will care about you and make you a priority? Such a bleak view.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
It's hilarious how much sh!t they talk with your mutual friends after they dump you and are already hooking up with the new side monkey branch.
Listen mate, here's the reality of the situation......your ex is over you and she's out getting on with her life......and what are you doing?

You're on so suave starting threads about trying to control your compulsive masturbating. That's down on you.

Why don't you fellas that have been badly hurt try to get this into your head.......it's not just women.....nobody gives a fvck about you.
everybody....every man and woman on the planet is driven by their own self interest.

What do you want your woman to do? sit on the sofa crying about you? Will you feel like you are worthwhile person then?

All of you crybabies in this thread are attaching way too much importance on whether the woman cares for you or not.....

It's logical that she only cares about what you can do for you. I hate to break it to you.....but it's the same for everybody.....

Why would anybody keep you in your life if they are not getting a benefit from you. Why why why....

For nostalgia sake? Fvck sake, get fvcking real. You fellas are attached to the woman's approval of you.

Here's the kicker.......everyone wants a benefit from you......but it's up to you and your boundaries to only accept WIN WIN psychological deals that come your way......

.....most of you are so fvcking thirsty for the woman's approval, that you constantly put yourself into win lose situations to the woman's benefit........why shouldn't she take advantage of you. She probably doesn't even realize that you're losing.

This is on you and your boundaries and your expectations.

yet we can't all date unicorns.
who mentioned unicorns? What is a fvcking unicorn?

Your thinking is all over the place, mate.

You're a compulsive masturbator because you won't approach woman and make the effort.

That's down on you, not them. Easier to be a complaining wanker.
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Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
I agree the red flag thing is a bit over done. Every ltr I have had there has been a certain amount of BS. It's really about her baggage your baggage and the relationship baggage ie the expectations and dynamic you setup.

The difference is a DJ should be eliminating his baggage and know how to handle the relationship BS. Most woman just spend their whole lives accumulating more baggage.
You're absolutely right.

A truism of the Doc's was that "there are no clean deals". There are certain things that you have to decide if you can live with or not. For example, there's a thread on smoking right now. Is that a red flag? No it's not really. It's a personal choice whether you can live with that or now..........

I think the danger is always taking everything too literal and not learning to be calibrate and be fluid.

Imagine as a kid you were playing football for years with your friends against the kids from the other neighborhood. It was eleven a side, but it was always a little chaotic, everyone running up wanting to score a goal but then leaving the defense wide open and conceding goals. So your side loses more times than it wins. One day this old geezer comes along to watch and he calls you aside and says "hey, if you adapt a little system into your play, for example try this 4-4-2 set up, you'll probably have more success....score more goals and concede less. granted you won't score all of the time but you'll be more efficient and increase your chances.......you adopt the system and it does seem very organized and structured.........at the beginning it's difficult because your defense still finds it hard to control itself and their defined positional senses.........nobody is getting the hang of this offside rule and it's initially causing confusion and your conceding more goals.........
.....but eventually it becomes second nature. Not only that your defenders are learning the art of counter attacking and you are becoming a fluid unit. You can now express yourself with ease with in the system.

First comes structure, then comes freedom.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
You're on so suave starting threads about trying to control your compulsive masturbating. That's down on you.
It was one thread that I started. I'm writing responses in Narcissist's thread now. The goal with the self-control is to work on self-confidence. I'm not compulsive, yet developing better control of impulses or any kind of craving or need, I think that is a generally good thing for a man.
...every man and woman on the planet is driven by their own self interest.
What do you want your woman to do? sit on the sofa crying about you? Will you feel like you are worthwhile person then?
No. Once a relationship ends it's a free for all to game others free and clear. Guilt, shame, or resentment doesn't help anyone's interpersonal development.
All of you crybabies in this thread are attaching way too much importance on whether the woman cares for you or not.....
Validation comes from self. I'm working on that.
...most of you are so fvcking thirsty for the woman's approval, that you constantly put yourself into win lose situations to the woman's benefit
Right. That's why we talk about the importance of screening on this forum for optimal dating outcomes.
You're a compulsive masturbator because you won't approach woman and make the effort.
My personal priority is on getting into grad school. For right now spinning plates is a distraction. I'm focusing on staying social, so I don't get rusty.
That's down on you, not them. Easier to be a complaining wanker.
Not sure what I said to piss you off in my post @Reykhel.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
It's worth noting that you've honed in on the one thing that you strongly disagree with in this thread. Now there are three parts thus far written in the thread, so one is to assume that you found no value at all within the thread and simply focused on one thing you strongly disagreed with because of past experience. Or rather who your interpretation failed to produce results for you in real life.....

If I were to hedge a guess, I would say that this is exactly how you view the world and how you view women. Again, this is simply an observation from your posts and from your "contribution" to this thread: you focus strongly on what you don't like.
I guess I can't say what didn't work for me wouldn't work for others. Everyone interprets what they read differently.

It leaves no doubt as to why you are not getting what you want from women. I can imagine you out on your "dinner date" with a nice looking girl and things are going relatively well and a normal healthy young male might focus on the pleasure he's going to have with the girl maybe thinking "mmm that mouth that's yapping away there is going to have my c0cok inside it shortly" exuding a sexual presence with a delectable smile eyeing the girl. Whereas it's probably at this point that the poisonous thoughts start to seep into your toxic brain "Look at that fvcking bytch. She doesn't give a fvcking damn about me". I would bet my life that at this moment instead of exuding a sexual presence, a poisonous energy starts to seep out of you as your face turns to disgust while eyeing the girl. She can feel it off you and is instantly turned off......
Well I don't think any girl cares about any guy. She cares about what she can get out of him.

......you "lose" another girl and instantly run to so suave to read some Poon King posts about those unscrupulous bytches.....you've clearly been burned badly in the past and you're not getting what you want in the present.
here, there's one for you: All women are prostitutes:

Your RAS is giving you exactly what you want to see.................
Don't know what RAS is but ok.

You never stated how you interpreted or how you calibrated challenge.
Pretend you are busy while not actually being busy.
Wait a few days to call her back
Pretend tons of girls are chasing you
Pretend you can always get another girl in 15 seconds.

Back in the day, I listened to quite a few of his radio shows. I would say 80% of the callers were what he referred to as wimpus americanus ........or quite simply the wimp.......no this type of guy was way to needy with women and he was making himself way too available. They were also the type of men who were trying to tie the girl down to a relationship.....

Doc's advice: Be more of a challenge.......how?
1. Have options. in other words date multiple girls thus making yourself less available. Also known as spinning plates.......do you disagree with this advice to be more of a challenge? Why?
2. Do not talk about the future.........too many men are too eager to make the next date while still on the present date. in other words instead of enjoying the date/hook up and leaving her wonder and letting her miss you a little, letting her come at you a little later.....the man tends to rush in and try to nail her down for another date straight away. Sorry but in my experience this works.....I practically always get a text later that night.....in other words she's coming at me declaring her interest. She was given the space to do it..........do you disagree with this advice to be more of a challenge? Why?
3. Do not ask her to be your girlfriend.........men who give away their time and commitment too easy lose value in the eyes of others......women who give away their sex too easy lose value in the eyes of others.........date her and have fun......do the same with another........and another.......repeat........let her come at you with talk of a relationship or talk or being boyfriend of girlfriend............let her display her interest level......when it's her idea it's usually stronger........do you disagree with this form of challenge? Why?

These are three examples of being a challenge. Again the average chump on the street usually does the opposite of these things and comes across as too needy......

I can only imagine that you interpreted challenge incorrectly and maybe took it too literally and you stayed in your house with the curtains drawn instead of dating the women in question. That's down on you fella.
I hate advice that says 'do not do this', 'do not do that,'. What, you have movie star girlfriend who wants to get married and have kids with you and you are not going to talk about the future? You have a movie star girlfriend who is in love with you and having sex with you, you are not going to ask her to be your girlfriend? A little more than pretentious, don't you think?

PK words just resonated a lot more with my experiences than Doc Love. I followed DLs advice, didn't work for me. PKs did. To each his own.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
The Maintenance Programme..

"What you'll carry out in order to keep her"

So if she's made it this far with you, she's got to be worth keeping around a while longer. After all, a decent one.....one with high interest, a good personality and a decent character that's fun to be around is probably in the top 20% of human that you date if you're lucky. Let's go by the Pareto Principle for convenience sake and ascertain that 20% of the women that you date have the potential to be considered a long term mate......

....so at this stage she's either your girlfriend or a steady plate and she's worth keeping around....it's at this stage where a lot of men will drop the ball and think "oh I have her now.....she's mine forever" and they stop being the person that the girl became attracted too.....it's not that there was a front....it's just now they become lazy.......they stop dating the woman, they stop having fun, they suddenly lose their sense of humor.........
.....or worse, he allows the woman to change him and she becomes less attractive to him. She fears that what made her attractive to him will make other woman attractive to him and thus she unconsciously tries to mold him into a boring cvnt. he allows that thus losing his masculine frame......(see the 3 C's) in inadvertently she loses attraction to him because he's now a schmuch.

A man's got to maintain his masculine frame.........

Furthermore, the following elements must always be present and active:

  • Respect.........we all know the rule. The minute she expresses any disrespect, is the minute she should be shown the door. Well if she has made it this far she obviously deserves your respect and thus it's fair to say, that you would expect her, as a sane woman with high self esteem to expect respect to always be there. A serene woman with high interest in you, a good fun personality and a strong character who has your best interest at heart is definitely deserving of your respect. A nagging shrew, on the other hand, isn't. When it's earned.....respect is a two way street. If it's gone, expect it to be the end.
  • Affection.....women will rob banks for an affectionate man. The cold fish act only goes so far and simply will not last in a long term relationship or even with a regular plate. Give her affection. She will become addicted to it. But not the affection a gay man shows his girly friend. The affection a father shows his young daughter. Be her father figure. A strong, firm but warm affection. Affection addiction has a dark side. For when her interest seems to dwindle, if she takes you for granted, we turn off the affection. Daddy's not angry at you baby, just a little disappointed. Like a prisoner who is allowed certain luxuries, we punish them by taking the luxuries away when he misbehaves. It's when he's without the luxuries that he really craves them.
  • Romance.....simply put....."date your woman.."......hook up, have fun, positive emotions........create memories. What Malcolm Gladwell refers to as "getting sticky"......have fun and repeat the process......build a pattern. You correct a multicolor factor in her mind. Go to the zoo....take goofy picture.....frame the picture....give it to her. Send her a card every month or so, cheap and corny but she'll gobble it up.......
  • Sex.........discover her ****. mutual pleasure will keep a woman coming back for more. a quick jump like you're trying to drive out the black plague won't. Whatever you want to receive from the world, often you have to give it away first. A happily orally stimulated woman will spend hours reciprocating. Nothing worse than having to coax an unwilling woman into pleasing you......
  • Humour......Cool, calm and sophisticated. Always be witty and humorous. someone criticizes you? agree and amplify. You don't have buttons. Nobody can break this coolness. This suaveness. Learn to banter. Many men on this site lack the ability to banter. It's fvcking tragic. The Doc Recommends some Cary Grant movies: Got to say that the dialogue is good for demonstrations of back and forth banter........
  • Competition Anxiety.........Be alway in great shape, be always social, a man with options or always capable of creating options. Use your bantering skills and social skills while out with your woman and while not out with your woman. Bring her to places that you've already created banter and report with the staff, both male and female. Let her see your social value.
  • Tension..........must always be there. What are "butterflies in the stomach"? smily tension and anticipation. Tease her, kid her, ball bust her, provoke her, mostly alway end the conversations first, end the dates first. Don't always ring her back straight away or text her straight away. Always be playful and mock her in a fun way.