Hollywood is Pushing For More Homosexuality

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJDamage
Notice how all those ancient civilizations were destroyed one way or another?? the new civilizations who were rebuild after have stopped this practice all together.
I think all of those civilizations had far more issues than rampant homosexuality or bisexuality. And unless I am mistaken, the cilivizations that replaced the ancient ones (18th century England or China comes to mind) seemed to pick up right where Rome and Egypt left off.

Its not about me or you. Its about society as a whole who are constantly told to evaluate our behavioural and change according to what the media is saying. You don't think the media television is brainwashing you to believe and accept things?? just because popular culture tells you its right does not make it so. Things like this that end up destorying familes and societies as a whole. You put little kids in front of the t.v and they will believe everything once they grow up to be adults.

Tyler Durdan "Fight Club"
- "Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy **** we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off. "

- "We're consumers. We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty, these things don't concern me. What concerns me are celebrity magazines, television with 500 channels, some guy's name on my underwear. Rogaine, Viagra, Olestra."

Oh yes... I knew this was going to come into play at some point. And you just reminded me why I hated this movie so ****ing much. I'm sick of all of this external control bull****. "Advertising does this, the media does that... this wouldn't be happening if Hollywood wasn't so ****ed up. MTV is corrupting little girls..." Oh, get the **** over it. People seem to forget that all forms of media is nothing but a business and a business' primary function is to make money. They don't care about corrupting you, they don't care about brainwashing you... all they care about is getting you to spend as much money as possible, and they will do anything to make sure that happens.

Except of course, put a gun to your head and force you to buy their products... only you can do that. And if you do it just because of some commercial where a bunch of hot women are fawning over a guy because of the deordorant he has on then you deserve to waste your hard earned money on that bull****.

It's time we start placing the responsibility on ourselves instead of blaming things on everything else.



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Antichrist_Star
. People seem to forget that all forms of media is nothing but a business and a business' primary function is to make money. They don't care about corrupting you, they don't care about brainwashing you... all they care about is getting you to spend as much money as possible, and they will do anything to make sure that happens.
Some people seem to forget that there are independed forms of medias and groups with money who will give money to businesses so those businesses will advertise for them. You are right businesses do not care about corrupting you but they do care about money and as long as people with agendas got money and willing to give corporations money to send out the message, it doesn't change.

sorry if you don't like fightclub, its your own taste and not everyone have to agree with your taste.

Its like being an independed arms dealer, you don't care where your weapons are going as long as you get the money.

Originally posted by The Antichrist_Star
. Except of course, put a gun to your head and force you to buy their products... only you can do that. And if you do it just because of some commercial where a bunch of hot women are fawning over a guy because of the deordorant he has on then you deserve to waste your hard earned money on that bull****.

It's time we start placing the responsibility on ourselves instead of blaming things on everything else.
See the thing is that you don't even know when you are brainwashed. That is why this website exist! There are reasons why the male AFCness catering to female whims are rising. It has everything to do with how our media control and you are in denial if you can't see that. Your claim of "how we are not brainwashed" is the exact reaction of someone who doesn't even know he is.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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While you hate that movie as it's trumpeted around the boards and many PUA sites, tell me what you see when you go out...anywhere. Clubs, bars, courses.

Recognition. You recognize style and clothing accordingly. Maybe not you specifically, but if some girl is wearing all black and lots of piercing, she's "goth." And if some dude is wearing burberry and has on a pink button-up, he's "metrosexual." And if some dude is wearing a skull cap and tims he's a "thug."

The clothing is worn by people many want to empathize with deep down. 50 cent, Eminem, Sean John, and even female singers looked up to by little girls are now being produced.

Is it that far-fetched?

Hollywood, like any big business, puts out what makes money. That's all. It's not pure capitalism, but all that is surrounding us is what makes money, not necessarily what is the best product. You'd have a better position of society were so fluid, with no grey areas, and met the ideals for which it could stand for.


Positions like your's, my friend, are why violence and sex on tv has steadily become the norm, rather than just a "choice." It doesn't program people, but it does make it more "socially acceptable", so when it is seen in magazines, on tv, in movies, on billboards, and advertisements @ schools, or anything related to it, people think "gee...that's ok."

8 or 9 o'clock, most tv is sex or violence, and what was once family, is now inclusive of sex as well. The topics might be wrapped in tough lingo, but the appearance is all there.

Hot Properties.
Desperate Housewives.
Sex and the City.

The question I ask is Why?

Why gay? Why not gay?
Why heterosexual? Why not heterosexual?

Why is it ok for schools to ENLIGHTEN kids to homosexuality, but NOT heterosexuality?

Kids haven't displayed nor experienced their sexuality, yet they're shown homosexuality first? They're taught tolerance of homosexuality, but not heterosexuality? Is the display of homosexuality not a reverse attack on heterosexuality?

All the guys on these boards, collectively, have more experience with women than does hollywood, or will ever have. If we know the reality from a man's standpoint, why isn't it portrayed? I venture at some point, between all the boards of DJ, PUA, pimphop, etc, we could create a fascinating movie and perspective on women that might zero on the REALITY rather than the HYPE.


I 100% agree with the lack of societal responsibility, but somewhere in there people confused it all and became helpless. Between social welfare programs, minimum wages, forced schooling, and how family's raise kids, people just started forking responsibility and choice to someone else.

The real deal here is...no conspiracy exists, because people get what they want. They HAVE choice. They don't use it. And CHOOSE not to USE it.

People will evolve in the time they choose to. Darwin was right, life is evolution, but not physical, it's spiritual. Guys here don't necessarily want women. I can't say what they want, but if they did, it's easy as...

1. Setting one's goal.
2. Setting one's mind to it.
3. And doing it.

It really is. All the other stuff is crap. It's filler. I don't get mad at people for what they are. To me, that just is egotistical as to believe LIFE SHOULD BE PERFECT AND IDEAL and NO POVERTY and EVERYBODY gets laid and EVERYBODY has the best body and all the other crap you see on TV. Frankly, it isn't that way. Life isn't that way.

Guys here even get pissed about HOW the boards are, and HOW nobody is progressing, or posting Field Reports, or offers constructive criticism. Quite honestly, that's because NOBODY WANTS to. They don't want to. That's it. Until someone experiences pure PAIN and the lowest part, you can't truly enjoy the sweetness life offers on the other side.

It reminds me of SAW...in which people wallow in useless lives, in quiet desperation, desiring nothing, hoping not to be noticed, and getting away with it. Again, a movie, but it's true.

And only when you have bills up the arse can you suffer to succeed. THAT's the problem with society. I socialize with an older crowd, basically 40+, and they mostly grew up with less. Parents didn't pay for their college educations, or use credit cards near as much, nor did they have our technology or internet. So they had less. And if they worked for it, they got it. Kids had less so they had to DEVELOP skills and PERSONAL Traits to survive or sink. That was it.

At one point I'd moved out on my own, bills mounted and I was 3 months late with little to no cash. It was a low point b/c I'd burned alot of dough on things I shouldn't have. You can get by in life if no problems or catastrophies happen. If nothing rocks your world and you remain in a supreme comfort zone. But you'll never grow or experience the sweet either. Because the sweet exists with the sour, where some pain hides. Where you're learning to walk or ride and skinned knees are.

Guys here have not suffered enough. Just ENOUGH is ok in their lives NOT to change DRASTICALLY. Maybe they have lots of good friends, or like video games, or have money, or live @ home, or have the comfort of college. Whatever, but as long as you have that, you won't be motivated to change, because you have that. Until you lose it all, or realize YOU DO NOT OWN IT and IT WILL LEAVE, nothing and nobody will be motivated, because that's comfort.

If you KNEW that NOT talking to girls and just HAVING fun with them was required, or you WOULD never have kids or sex again, and your time table was 1 year, WOULD YOU DO IT?

Of course, some would, some wouldn't.

It's that simple.

That time of going broke was the best thing, because you never want that to happen, you know how it happens, and you know how to avoid it, so in response you develop SKILLS and TRAITS to survive and go beyond that. It's the same with women.

But as long as society offers safety nets, nobody will reach their full potential. Even Warren Buffett never handed his kids anything, because he wanted them to learn for themselves. That sort of wealth corrupts and PREVENTS growth.

Why do people think most lottery winners go broke after 5 or 10 years? Not only because their comfort zone for wealth is very minimal, but also because their personal skills are minimal. They've operate in a zone of comfort never to change. Yet, the pains suffered in life are the best lessons. They harden a person's skin, give you battle scars to brag about, and most guys want to avoid them. ARE YOU NUTS?


EVEN IF society could program people, and to some extent they do, because FEW people operate with CHOICE and FREEDOM. If they did, they'd fire most politicians and take REAL control. But they don't. It's given up to others. Once we ditched the farming and self-reliance mentality, most people became the sheep to the shepard. Corporations, the government, their family, their needs, their emotions. Whatever.

So while I dislike the fact only one side is portrayed, and generally the heterosexual side is portrayed WRONG, people use little to no choice in life. And most don't want to change. It's evolution of a spiritual kind and people have to learn it on their own. It can't be taught or forced.



Sep 3, 2004
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welcome to my world
Re: Re:

^yet another 6 star post by A-Unit. I agree with everything you wrote, you just have a way of saying it very well. In fact, if you don't mind, I'm copy/pasting that post and emailing it to a few friends and family members. Most of the stuff you say, we know deep-down to be true, but when someone says it, it reiterates the truth.

This statement stuck out at me, because it is indeed very true. Seriously, I credit most of my rapid turn-around and success to once being a nobody. I f*cking love failure, and the fact that I was at one point a loser who was ridiculed in highschool. It makes me that much stronger, and that's what fueled my drive. I thank God for making me a nobody at one point. I've been through so much sh*t.

Heck, I am sooo thankful that I lost a couple thousand dollars in the stock market last year. It was hard-earned cash from working at a fast-food place every summer in highschool, and I lost it all. But I wouldn't trade that for anything...I love it, I learned from it. That's what makes me so dedicated, and I know I am better off for it.
Originally posted by A-Unit
Guys here even get pissed about HOW the boards are, and HOW nobody is progressing, or posting Field Reports, or offers constructive criticism. Quite honestly, that's because NOBODY WANTS to. They don't want to. That's it. Until someone experiences pure PAIN and the lowest part, you can't truly enjoy the sweetness life offers on the other side.
Guys need to write this on your foreheads backwards so when you look in the mirror every morning you read it.

A-Unit, you should seriously write a book...you could already make a .pdf book from all these amazing posts you've made. I've been searching your old posts to look up every book you've ever recommended, and I'm going to make it a goal to read them all.

edit: actually, I think the reason I and many others really like your posts so much, is that they all seem to carry a similar theme. Every thread, no matter what the topic, it leads back to the same answer, the same truth. In your posts, you seem to be saying the same things, but you seem be able to expand that one philosophy to literally everything, which goes to show the strength in your philosophies/beliefs. Even though this thread technically had nothing to do with failure, etc, it all leads back to the same thing. It's true, and to some it may seem repetitive, but it is always refreshing to read another one of your posts, regardless of that fact. Interesting.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Notice how all those ancient civilizations were destroyed one way or another?? the new civilizations who were rebuild after have stopped this practice all together.
Almost every culture up to now has been wiped out, in fact, your culture will one day be wiped out also. It has nothing to do with homosexuality, if that was a cultures only problem theyd be home free.

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
^ A-Unit...

Very well said, and you just took everything I was thinking and everything I tried to say, and said it better than I ever could. :)



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Hollywood has a liberal tilt and alot of liberal people are gay.

This is no surprise.

I'm not sure if there are more gay people now than before. And if so who cares. Let people live. Let them make choices as long as they don't kill each other (abortion)