Many men calibrate to the social rules we call "social game." Very few have the social game calibrate to them.
Whenever you are operating outside of the social norm and solely within your own volition (assuming your volition and the norm do not coincide), you are sending a powerful implicit
message that YOU operate boldly, shamelessly, and unapolegetically within your desire and do not care of the consequence of their or general social approval.
This type of vibe/energy is magnetically attractive to women.
When you first meet a woman, and not enough comfort is built, and you go for the kiss, and she rejects you,
you smile. You genuinely smile because you know that she desires to kiss you but under false pretenses, she must pretend not to be that easy as she is a slave to the social norm of the ASD (Anti-Slut Defense) or even better she is attempting to show she has value and cannot be taken that easy. But YOU, are no slave to social constructs. You operate solely as you desire to irrespective of how society or she will perceive, label, or judge you.
The second reason you are smiling is because you know that although she cannot kiss you because she is a social slave,
that she WILL kiss you (eventually), and so both you and her are in this social dance of kiss attempt, reject, kiss attempt, reject, kiss attempt, accept. It's almost as if you are playing this board game--YOUR board game--where the rules are fixed in your favor, but, nonetheless, you must go through the motions knowing very well the end result. (<==Btw this is the frame you should always carry)
The kiss-reject dynamic is powerful because if you go for the kiss, she rejects, you smile, and then go for the kiss again shortly thereafter as if the previous rejection was
non-existent outside the scope of your awareness, you are implicitly demonstrating that the way
you and she will operate will be solely within your frame, and if she continues to deny your frame, she won't be in it as your reality is the only reality that you are conscious of (and so if she denies your reality, she will eventually lose her place and your awareness of her in it). This dynamic is extremely powerful as you are setting the precedence for future relations as you are implicitly training her to understand that compliance to your frame is a natural precedent to your continued investments of time and attention into her.
Remember, she will forget that guy who never tested and pushed her compliance. She will never forget the guy who forges her compliance into his frame, especially as early as the first date. (This is not to be confused with forcing anything upon a girl against her will.)