This is relative and I don't tend to use unit of time as a measurement. (Minutes, hours, days, beggining/mid/end of date, etc).
Women love mystery and they are attracted to men whose feeling are unclear (proven fact).
I use suggestive comments, remarks, questions and body language for, both this and this... Below.
Make her work for it. Keep her guessing whether you're into her or not.
If she replies with an off comment, that doesn't align with my principles, she might get a hmm... With a raised eyebrow. On the other hand, if she says something agreeable, she might get rewarded with a pulling comment, remark or body language, which could also be a HMMM... With a raised eyebrow. I prefer to expand, beyond the spectrum of physical communication to communication on a subconscious level as well. More tools for me to operate within, rather than something as simple as say, withholding a kiss. Also, she will feel as if she is entering my frame gladly and of free will.
The golden formula is to get her laughing, tease her a bit, touch her appropriately (arm, shoulder, small of back when leaving).
Much of the comfort and rapport has been built, has been escelated and barriers been broken down via text and call, depending on wether I met her online or grabbed her number on the fly, while running errands. If met at a party or social circle, obviously this has to be done in real time. I'll use my date last Friday as an example. When, I drove up to her house and she met me at the door, I greeted her with a hug, slapped her a$$ as she walked away and made the remark that it bounces like a basketball too. Our texting interaction had been highly sexual and she commented, that her a$$ was lke the size of two basketballs, so I was able to push the boundaries of physical touching so quickly and get away with it, because the groundwork had been laid through texting over several days.
That also shows neediness, and that you're over-eager, IMO. Would
My confidence and willingness to leave are unshakable ATM and there is nothing about my body language and demeanor, that would suggest otherwise, rather confirm it. This allows me to be a little more aggressive in my pursuits and trumps having to use more overt tactics, like withholding the kiss. It also depends on my goals ATM and what I see out of her in regards to my approach. If I see something I like and that she may be a little more worthy of just the lay, I usually employ a little more patience. Its situational, depending on the woman and circumstances.
NO woman wants to be known as a slut.
I have a saying... "Water the tree, that bears your fruit", that I like to live by. One would be hard pressed to find many women, that have developed buyers remorse, after being with me in the last 7-8 years or so. I operate on the up and up and am not afraid to gratify their emotional needs, so long as they are investing in my needs as well. I think it would serve alot of the men here well to adopt a more fluid and less stringent approach to strategy, techniques and tools, rather than what you usually see with our newer guys, like "should I kiss or not" as a model of operation. Great song btw!