Whats interesting about all this and things I have seen from experiance, is that when you fall out with your girl and she is around other men who want to fu** her - In her hatred for you she could sleep with another guy just to spite you. Its interesting in this case that not even a week had gone by and she was willing to spread her legs for the first guy to console her and feed her fragile likkle ego - And to get back at the BF.
Infact a mate of mine used this exact thing to fuc* a girl whilst on holiday who she had a falling out with her current BF, because she was going on holiday - he told her to get back at him, she should sleep with him (and kept that line up, your BF clearly does not understand you, he is trying to control you, will you marry him? Nope, then at least this way you will have something over him) - it worked. This same guy also fuc*ed his Ex-GF using the same tactic, when she phoned him about a break up with her BF over marriage arrangements - My mate just told her what she wanted to hear and went over to 'console' her - Yes she married the BF and the relationship lasted around 3 years, poor fuc*er never knew his GF was sleeping with other guys just to feed her fragile ego.
PUA will call this Boyfriend destroyers, when infact even a simp could get poon by being at the right place at the right time, when the girl is thinking of a way to get one up on the BF.
Also the girl is a fruit nut - probably borderline BP - After the first stupid email she would have been gone, sleeping with the other guy just shows what a dumb ass girl she is, but I know from experiance that sort of thing is not an isolated case.
Another perfect reason why girls who have guy friends and are still in touch with Ex BF is a BIG no no for me! What more of a perfect example could any man need?
A women in her desperate need to feed her damaged ego, will spread her legs to reward her attention and validation need, again this is a product of narcisitic attention seekers - her ego has been damaged, even by the product of her imagination but this was enough for her to jump in bed with a guy who isn't a stud or a Alpha or a playa, but an omega of the highest order i.e the chump friendzoned guy - who managed to say the right things at the right time, which happened to be a break up that could have been resolved the next day.
Do you trust women? You wonder why my trust in women is fragile at best, if any guy could have seen the things I have seen in my life-time and im only 34 they would find it very hard to trust women too - This is not an isolated case by any degree -
Pissed Off
Not getting the attention they want
Need more excitement
The list is massive and there many reasons why your so perfect GF will fuc* another guy at the drop of an hat - Keep girls at arms length distance - Even when she shows great character (before she went ape0shi*) like the GF in the above video, you still dont know what she will do when one of the above situations dig in.
I've slept with bored wifes, happy in relationship girls - I have mates who have screwed women because of the most trivial shi* they have with there partners, whilst the Husband and BF is sat at home looking after the kids or thinking of the next romantic getaway.