"Game" can help within your social circle though.
I'd say since I've got better at escalating and just getting things to where I want them to be in my social circle. If you don't know how to close hanging around girls can just leave you in the friendzone and mighty confused.
But I mostly get laid through my social circle because you can pull hotter girls with less effort...if you know the right people. You have the logistics sorted on the most part, you will see them more than once so you dont even have to get their number and just go for the casual facebook.
"Game" is for guys who just don't roll in those circles and I won't lie, it makes it so much harder to pull. That's why nerdy guys are really into it because it speaks to them, it's like infiltrating a secret club. Getting assess to the hottest girls is so much easier if you know them in advance, if you don't they might talk to you or even give you their number but you'll have to do well to get them out again.
I think it's like anything, get your pvssy from a variety of sources. Nightclubs, during your everyday interactions and through friends. The more sources you have the easier it will come, guys who purely do cold approach tend to be robotic and weird. I've said before get female friends who you can hang around with regularly because they know other girls, you can be explicit and go through their facebook and be like "she's hot" and "invite her to XYZ" if you have the right rapport. They invite their friends out, there are no awkward openers just chatting, keep it light, sexual and you literally have to fvck it up. From my experience, if she's comfortable with you and you have enough "game" to get attraction, then you're in with a good chance.
I have 2-3 good female friends who I know will set me up and have set me up with their friends and I have done visa versa. It's just an easier source to get pvssy and it's not like you have to do a lot to maintain these friendships, you don't have to act like her gay best friend. Just be a cool guy, invite her out to something occasionally, be someone she can enjoy hanging around with rather than acting like all women are little sluts and they'll come to you. I've got with girls far hotter and more easily than with cold approach which is a numbers game, social circle game is great because you just by-pass all the crap and just get onto the stuff that makes a difference which is where experience from "game" can really help.