High IQ, value and logical men struggle in making women feel "good"


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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One way to stop acting too boring is to master the art of Story telling and keep the conversation subject interesting.
In this regard, a good storyteller will give women the groovy feelings that they don't get from mere intellectual conversations.
Aug 22, 2024
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IMO the issues high IQ types have with females is part of natural selection. Usually fortes for this type come up late - it allows to weight the decision concerning females for LTR better (out of available females for them), they have ability to lead the female but with other set of tools (including power, status, money) - not necessarily looks.

It also makes this type produce less offspring (which is understandable, human species needs and will need more workers than mid- and high-tier employees or contractors). Main risk is going over-intellectual in various fields of life (including relationships). This type of males is also prone to falling into p.ussy carousels (if high IQ is not matched with development of EQ, but male is to some extent successful in career/money/status).

Both the results/impact of IQ tests is also exaggerated (they are mostly logic/linear thinking/spotting differences tests, you can be trained to pass them successfully to significant extent). It is also a great way of earning money on above-average IQ people that have self-worth deficiencies (in the end it's the impact that you have in life that matters - you do not need IQ tests to be impactful). For more neurotic males, IQ tests results may actually do more damage than good. Being tied to the high score may fuel delusions of grandeur or illusions of loss ("I could take that path of career at this point because I was smart enough"). The reality is other factors tend to matter more than intelligence (like being strong willed or able to take "punches" from life and keep going). Character tops intelligence in most of situations.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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It becomes clear that I should father more children before I retire to the graveyard. The world needs them.