This is a tough question and it depends on a lot of variables such as....
* How hot is she? The hotter she is, the more trouble you are going to have playing your game right - because she for sure knows her game since she was 15 manipulating boys around her pretty fingers.
* Has she been exclusively spending private time with you one on one, and when she do, does she give you 100% of her attention (she doesn't look at her fUUCKEN iPhone every 25 seconds). If she every 'primps' her make-up in front of you, you are friendzoned most likely.
* Attention Whooring tendency - you will have to determine by nature if she is AW-proned.
* Go by her action and not what she says - has she initiated anything with you first (calls, texts, asking you to do something with her, touch you when you don't do it to her, etc)
* If you ignore her for a few days, does she initiate staying in touch with you. The ultimate test for me (oh yeah, we can give women sh!t test too!) to sort out if a woman is worth my time to pursue her further, is to give her the dangling carrot (go on a date or 2 with her to get her hooked on you if you have charm and game). Then ignore her after that and see if she reaches out to me - if not ever, then I move on to the next woman.
Sometimes you need the woman to WORK to know that she wants you and she WILL chase you if she realizes you HAVE OPTIONS. A lot of women are just pure ignorant - they want what they can't have, sure that is not the first time you heard that before. If a woman doesn't show some sign of chasing me after a date or two, I am not going to waste my time and money on her, period. This is my way of sorting out free-loaders and AW-proned women who are not into me 100%. Why waste your time?? Find options.
Also if I sniff her playing games on me (waiting a long time to reply back, mixed signals, what she says are not congruent, emotional BS), I NEXT her. Say I am picky and strict, but after 41 years, I am not wasting time and energy on immature girls in an adult meat suit. We have to TEACH women again what we men ARE THE PRIZE, and the only way to do so is to make them realize what they have lost by attempting to manipulate us. The more we start doing this, the more we will gain back our power as men.
FIND THE POWER TO WALK AWAY FROM WOMEN AT ANY TIME IN YOUR LIFE, and you will transform yourself into a true DJ.
Good luck.