It's not that it doesn't work, there are just better ways to train. I understand what he's trying to say in regards to recovery, but here's the issue:
Muscle protein synthesis is elevated for 48 hours, which means it is ready to be trained again after that amount of time. So why the hell would you wait 168 hours to hit a muscle again? That period of time will cause the muscle to start detraining.
He harps on about recovery, because you're going to failure and beyond. Training like this drains your central nervous system more than your actual muscles. It takes longer than 48 hours for your nervous system to recover, hence why it is better to leave 1 or 2 reps in the tank. You'll still be able to have an effective training session on the same muscle group in a couple of days time. Going to failure and beyond? No.
Who's going to make better gains? The person that squats/benches 156 times per year, or the one that squats/benches 52 times per year?
Have an open mind about training and nutrition, don't get married to one particular style or routine.