i think that i may have been too available to her from the start. i would hardly call her at all, but i would always answer the phone and
text her back right away when she called or texted.
and maybe she got upset because i didn't make a move, but that's hard to tell. she said in the beginning that she wanted to take it really slow because she was hurt over this past summer, so i didn't want to push her and try and make a move too early. maybe that was my bad.
her IL was sky-high for a long time though and i guess i took it for granted. she would call me over to watch tv, cook for me, etc. she would always accept dates and we were having a GREAT time together.
i just wish i knew what the heck she was thinking so i could stop thinking about it.
my plan is just to call her up one more time, see if she wants to grab some dinner and go from there. if she doesn't answer, or doens't call back, or doesnt accept, then i'm moving on.
any more suggestions?