High Character Belongs to a Don Juan


Feb 10, 2005
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guru1000 said:
Now you are justifying your inability to think deep.
See this is the problem I have with your threads. If someone disagrees with a point you make you respond with off-the-wall personal jabs.

If all parties are in agreement with the terms , then there is no hypocrisy. I never stated I was a NUN nor do I advocate that.

I made unequivocally clear the importance of adhering to one's code.

I nor anyone has a right to dictate what your CODE entails.

The Feds tax your income and will throw you in jail if you refuse to pay. Is that JUSTICE? But it is FULL DISCLOSURE. Yet you make a CHOICE to stay in this country with this arrangement.

Don't cry WOLF because you WILLINGLY and KNOWINGLY accept the terms.
I don't know how willingly and knowingly people accept the fed's tax code, but I agree the code is fully disclosed somewhere. My point is revealing and sticking to one's code is important, but the hypocrisy comes in when one says their code is right and fair to another party when it clearly is more beneficial to them. You are not distinquishing between beliefs and actions basically. Anyway, to truely claim no hypocrisy would require to admit that your self-centered or make no claims that you have high character.

I can see, Interpretation was never truly a strong point for you. No pun intended.
Dude I'm interpreting what you're saying. I'm just not fully agreeing with it.

I never said XYZ (a personalized belief) is right or wrong. I stated "To each , his own". Adhering to one's belief is essential so we do not fall into HYPOCRISY, which is anti ACCOUNTABILITY. To go furthur I even suggested a Cardinal Rule one COULD incorporate into their CODE to make them a better Don Juan.
I know you said that. This was my point to Jophil that you have a very relativistic way of looking at what a good code should be.

Adhering to your beliefs does not create JUSTICE. It certainly shows Discipline and Strength of Character. This incorporated with CONTEXT awareness as a cardinal rule are important characterics of a DJ.

Do not make this thread a discussion of MORALS and ETHICS. This thread addresses adherence to one's code , the importance of such code as well as the correct context. It as well points out that within the correct context, a Don Juan with High Character has the advantage.
But see maybe stuanchly adhering to a strict code is the wrong way to go, and maybe it's not. What you're basically saying in other words is as long as your head-strong, have narrow-vision and inflexible you will always do the right thing. I think that's a silly argument. It's analogous to someone beliving Karate is the only way to fight while his opponent believes a mixed style is more effective.

I agree with your point a person shouldn't profess one code and then act a different way. And the point that a person should mostly stick to their code. Where I disagree with you is on whether all codes are equally as good and whether strictly adhering to your code will necessarily bring only postive results.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
romangod said:
What is more important? One's actual code of beliefs or the adherence to that code? Personally, I believe they are of equal value because if either one is flawed it will have a negative outcome in the bigger picture of things. IMHO
Well said - bang on.

One's own Code needs careful and thoughtful design and freqent amendment. Then the implementation of the code needs courage and steely resolve when the time comes.

I also learned long ago that speaking out, sticking to your guns and never selling out to immediate gain often brings social disapproval. Many times you seem to be the only one swimming against the tide. And that is just the way it is .
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Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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ketostix said:
My point is revealing and sticking to one's code is important, but the hypocrisy comes in when one says their code is right and fair to another party when it clearly is more beneficial to them. You are not distinquishing between beliefs and actions basically.
This is not about right or wrong. Neither is it about ethics or morals. This is what I meant by missing INTERPRETATION. No jabs against you. You tend to take what I state and TWIST it; so I question if I should even address it.

Anyway, to truely claim no hypocrisy would require to admit that your self-centered or make no claims that you have high character.
I am self centered. I center around my LIFE. I come first, ALWAYS. However, this has nothing to do with this thread.

I know you said that. This was my point to Jophil that you have a very relativistic way of looking at what a good code should be.
This takes away from the thread's purpose and indirectly attacks how a code should be constucted. This AGAIN is not the purpose of the thread. This thread focuses on CONVICTION of your Code and it's advantages.

Again, you are diverting the pertinent topic.

What you're basically saying in other words is as long as your head-strong, have narrow-vision and inflexible you will always do the right thing.
Finally , you get to the heart of the matter. This I do not mind addressing.

To be disciplined does require fortitude. Yes, it is considered head strong. However, is this a good or bad quality?

Narrow Vision and Inflexibility deals with whether a scenario is in contradiction to your CODE. If you have placed hopefully reasonable STANDARDS to to adhere to, being inflexible to counter-productive advice or suggestions will be an ASSET. (ie My GAME may appear inflexible to an AFC, but genius to a Don Juan)

Being inflexible and narrow minded is a disadvantage to those whose Rules Of Play are counter-productive to their goals. As I stated earlier, To Each His Own. It is your duty to give careful consideration before declaring a RULE to adhere to. Ultimately, it is you that has to live with the result of your conduct.

Where I disagree with you is on whether all codes are equally as good and whether strictly adhering to your code will necessarily bring only postive results.
I never stated "All codes are equally as good". AGAIN.

Never stated adhering to your code will bring only positive results. I did state adhering to your code shows disclpline and strength of character. As well, implementing the Cardinal Rule with adherence to your CODE is not the END ALL but an important foundation to build on.

Keto, I don't dislike you. I just don't like to rebuttal points that do not serve the topic.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
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the great beyond
jophil28 said:
I am not really sure what the Left mentality thinks or does in times of crisis or urgency - perhaps they write a report or attend meetings or seek counseling to discuss their feelings.
What they do is stand around New Orleans and wait to die.

Their minds have been overthrown by an ideology which tells them that everything is subjective and therefore knowledge is not possible and that man's mind is impotent in solving any problems in this world.

jophil28 said:
Getting back to "character" ( we really mean "good character") ...Read Rollo's example of the AFC who "believes" that putting women on a pedestal is a behavior of high character and therefor he is assured (in his mind ) of being a noble person. Whaaaat?
It's called a "straw-man".


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
Colossus said:
I think GURU was referring to the CONTEXT of character.

Any of our three models--the DJ, the PUA, or the AFC--can 'live by their code'. The difference lies in the motives and context of their respective ideologies.

The PUA lives by a code of selfishness. It is HE--and only HE--that matters; so much to the point that he will disregard the well-being or basic human decency of others to achieve his means. The PUA is a master MANIPULATOR; and nothing more. His methods serve one purpose, and that is putting his pipe in as many women as humanly possible.

The AFC lives by a code of self-sacrifice. He feels that by sacrificing his time, money, and emotional reserves he will attain (and deserve) the affection and intimacy of his target woman. He is not like those selfish PUA's--he is DIFFERENT. And by golly, women should se that and respect his devotion and depth of character; or so he thinks. He is not enlightened to the truth that sacrifice does not by natural law give the product of loyalty and intimacy.

The DJ lives by a code of enlightened self-interest. The DJ knows himself, first and foremost, and respects himself to the degree that he will neither abuse and manipulate others to serve his own agenda or compromise his own identity and principles to attain a goal. DJ's arent necessarily knights in shining moral armor, but as the great Kenny Rogers penned, they know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, and know when to run. DJ's know how how to recognize and pursue High-IL women--one of the tenets of successful, sustainable game. It is SELF RESPECT that is the crown of a Don Juan.

Good points made! I would say though that the AFC doesn't live by a code of self-sacifice. Maybe on the surface level they do but deep down AFC's do nice things because they want something in return.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
guru1000 said:
I have high expectations and make quite a few demands from the women I date. Some demands such as an exclusive/ non-exclusive arrangements (woman is exclusive, I am not) are very common. As anti-character as this may appear, it is quite the opposite. With enough character displayed, a woman will play ball with such an arrangement.

Guru is not being hypocritical for his exclusive/non-exclusive arrangements (although I personally wouldn't do it). If he did something he said he wouldn't then that would be hypocritical. Women and men are different and if you expect a woman to wear a skirk and generally dress feminine and you don't then that doesn't make you a hypocrite.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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jophil28 said:
Supplicating to women or worshipping them from below cannot EVER be included in the common definition of "character" .
Since when did 'fawning' sneek into "good character" ? It is just fawning, and it will never be something else just because someone wants it to be and finds it convenient to believe so .
I bumped this old thread looking over it to see if it served as an asset or liability to me in the past 12 months.

I have to unequivocally state it was my strongest asset.

In the past year as a result of hard work, perseverance and adherence to my code, I married a beautiful suitable candidate not old enough to post on this forum and my net income increased 70% (from last year) with the opening of two more offices. So much for a recession :up:

This is not to confuse marriage as a goal, it's not for everyone. However a suitable candidate was MY intention so I am able to FOCUS all my time into my businesses. At the end of the day, my world revolves around building a net worth and the many contacts I have developed along the way played ball because I DO WHAT I SAY.

But here is the KEY, my code includes self respect. Along the way, there were times that I was confronted with a decision, compromise my self respect to gain an investor's business (who could potentionally impact my bottom line) or stay true to my code. How many of us would do the latter? As events unfolded, I not only gained the investor's loyalty, I received two other investor referrals. Looking deeper, the investor understood I would not sell myself out for his investment and for this reason I can be trusted.

On the flip side of the coin, it was brought to my attention recently that my x partner who stole a sum of money from me several years back went belly up and moved into an apartment. He had the prerequisites of hard work, perseverance and dedication. His only flaw was inconsistency (code) and as a result lost access to the same pool of investor capital.
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Feb 10, 2005
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Well guru. I agree with you that all men should have code they adhere to. I don't agree that all codes are equally valid just so long you stick to it. You claim a lot of success with your code and I'm not going to argue with success. What I also agree with you is that "nature" isn't some invisible hand that applies equally to all living species and if only you follow it you'll acquire the most success and happiness. Humans don't model reptiles any more than lions do. Neither would find the highest "survival" rate if they did.

On the flip side of the coin, it was brought to my attention recently that my x partner who stole a sum of money from me several years back went belly up and moved into an apartment. He had the prerequisites of hard work, perseverance and dedication. His only flaw was inconsistency (code) and as a result lost access to the same pool of investor capital.
But see I would argue that it wasn't necessarily inconsistency with his code. He may have had a code to be a liar, cheat and a theif and it failed. Funny thing about human nature is it generally doesn't look to kindly on others that do that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
ketostix said:
But see I would argue that it wasn't necessarily inconsistency with his code. He may have had a code to be a liar, cheat and a theif and it failed. Funny thing about human nature is it generally doesn't look to kindly on others that do that.

Good point but to gain respect you need to practise what you preach. I doubt a liar, thief or cheat would be open about who they are and so wouldn't be respected.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
I bumped this old thread looking over it to see if it served as an asset or liability to me in the past 12 months.

I have to unequivocally state it was my strongest asset.

In the past year as a result of hard work, perseverance and adherence to my code, I married a beautiful suitable candidate not old enough to post on this forum and my net income increased 70% (from last year) with the opening of two more offices. So much for a recession :up:

This is not to confuse marriage as a goal, it's not for everyone. However a suitable candidate was MY intention so I am able to FOCUS all my time into my businesses. At the end of the day, my world revolves around building a net worth and the many contacts I have developed along the way played ball because I DO WHAT I SAY.

But here is the KEY, my code includes self respect. Along the way, there were times that I was confronted with a decision, compromise my self respect to gain an investor's business (who could potentionally impact my bottom line) or stay true to my code. How many of us would do the latter? As events unfolded, I not only gained the investor's loyalty, I received two other investor referrals. Looking deeper, the investor understood I would not sell myself out for his investment and for this reason I can be trusted.

On the flip side of the coin, it was brought to my attention recently that my x partner who stole a sum of money from me several years back went belly up and moved into an apartment. He had the prerequisites of hard work, perseverance and dedication. His only flaw was inconsistency (code) and as a result lost access to the same pool of investor capital.
The entire premise of your post is valid, and I agree 1000% that within the context of business and general social interactions it is very important to uphold a strict code of honor, but when dealing with women it's a whole 'nother ballgame.