Originally posted by Viking25
They seem to assume that I would know,but sometimes I can't figure out untill the end of conversation and of couse I don't want to offend them by asking : who the hell are U?
First of all, who cares if she's offended? This is the problem with most guys, they want to play everything safe and go out of their way to earn women's approval.
Broads do that as a way of marking their territory, specially when they leave you a voice
message, just like leaving crap at your place, or trying to leave tacky hickies on your neck. The best reply is to tell her exactly what several posted above, ask her "Who's me?"
If she acts offended don't let it throw you off and make you sound apologetic. If she leaves a message you can even repond with "I can think of about 3 different people who sounded like the voice left on my cell.
And yes, as staed before, them knowing that there are other prospects in line that also call you, will only make you more desirable; but only if you don't appologize for it.