hey there, hope you guys can help me out


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
First off, this is a great site. wish i knew about it a while ago. Then again, i just recently had a pretty hard break-up, and now i think i'm in a better state of mind to absorb it all.

Getting to the point;

I'm planning on going to Australia for a week or two in september. now, it's not my primary motivation, but i definitely would not mind getting laid while i'm there.
Problem is, while i've been absorbing the stuff here like a sponge, (and yeah, i read the book of Pook) i'm still not entirely sure how to go about it. i don't want to be like "ZOMG SEX NAO" with the girl, but at the same time i don't want to be too subtle or accidentally pass up an opportunity to score. my experience with women is rather limited, due to a lot of other factors, but i'm hoping to change that, as you can see. how would i go about propositioning a girl without coming off like a horny bastard?

and, if and when i do get there, when it comes to actual sex, i've only had it once and i don't want to ruin the entire experience for either of us. i like to think i know my way around a woman more than a lot of other guys, (i've been physical before, i'm just not experienced with sex proper) so i'm not particularly worried about getting her off, i just don't want to disappoint her and have her leave like >=\ and ruin any chances of a future hook-up.
i'm looking for more of a fling than a one night stand.

i'm guessing i should be reading up a bit more and then going to practice around town a bit before i go. any other advice or something you guys could give me/link me too? thanks



Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
as an aussie, i can tell you, being american probably won't help you in your quest to lay an aussie chick.

my advice: pretend you're canadian.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
yoimjamie said:
as an aussie, i can tell you, being american probably won't help you in your quest to lay an aussie chick.
damn; i thought being a foreigner was at least worth half a foot in the door.

yoimjamie said:
my advice: pretend you're canadian.

i don't really know any canadians, =\
i can pull off the accent fairly well, but as far as mannerisms go, i'm kinda lost.

anything else i should know? as fas as what to say/what not to say?


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
well yeah, foreigner is half a foot in the door, that's true... and many people won't care whether you're a yankee or not, but some do (not me, i'm dating an american chick right now).

but aussies definitely have more of an affinity for canadians. And trust me, you won't have to work hard on the accent, just throw the occasional 'abowt' in there.

further advice: you shouldn't give a **** about your own sexual experience. You can't go wrong with a tongue in the *****. the less you worry about the better.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
If you're going to Australia, just behave as you do IN any other country unless that country is conservative certain ones in Asia. Don't pretend you're "Canadian," that's just poor advice.

If you don't want to come across as too forward and eager for sex, then ACT like a LOCAL. Don't feel like you're under any time constraint as most tourist are, therefore compelled to indulge in one nighters.

Instead, give it some time. Go for a date or two before the bedtime rumble.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Allurre said:
If you're going to Australia, just behave as you do IN any other country unless that country is conservative certain ones in Asia. Don't pretend you're "Canadian," that's just poor advice.

If you don't want to come across as too forward and eager for sex, then ACT like a LOCAL. Don't feel like you're under any time constraint as most tourist are, therefore compelled to indulge in one nighters.

Instead, give it some time. Go for a date or two before the bedtime rumble.
Yeah, you're right, never mind the pretending crap. you wouldn't want to bone a racist anyway (though maybe you're not as picky as me, lol)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
I have a better advice. Don´t go to Australia, go to Hungary! There are the hottest chicks ever and all of them are crazy about foreigners.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
Allurre said:
If you're going to Australia, just behave as you do IN any other country unless that country is conservative certain ones in Asia. Don't pretend you're "Canadian," that's just poor advice.

If you don't want to come across as too forward and eager for sex, then ACT like a LOCAL. Don't feel like you're under any time constraint as most tourist are, therefore compelled to indulge in one nighters.

Instead, give it some time. Go for a date or two before the bedtime rumble.

that's what i was thinking. i'd still have to work relatively quickly, but if i'm there for two weeks i should have enough time to make a somewhat proper pursuit, even if i have to have the date 3 nights in a row.

and how long should i wait after i get there? i'm staying with a buddy of mine i met over another forum and i don't want to come off as ignoring him for the sake of poon. i'm still planning on making moves the first night i'm there, but i'm not entirely sure how hard i should pursue it at first.
also, he said he'd bring a few friends to come hang out with us, and some girls. that's fine and dandy, but would it be better to go after those women or the random ones in the bars/wherever we go?


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
also, how should i go about asking if there's anything i might have to worry about, such as STD's or something like that? i'd be asking anyway, i just don't want to come off as assuming they're a slut or anything like that.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
United States
You're going to another continent halfway around the world -- and, judging by the sound of your posts, I'd guess you're probably not much older than 21-22. It's the kind of experience that the majority of people in this country never get a chance to have.

Go have fun!

Do touristy stuff, see sights, experience the local culture, and ENJOY YOURSELF. Don't make "getting laid" priority number 1, 2, 3 or 4 even. International travel should be all about expanding your own horizons, not looking for strange in some foreign country.

If you do get a chance, by all means, run some game on women in the bars. Again, HAVE FUN! Even if you strike out, use it as an opportunity to talk and learn from people who are different than you are.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
#41 said:
You're going to another continent halfway around the world -- and, judging by the sound of your posts, I'd guess you're probably not much older than 21-22. It's the kind of experience that the majority of people in this country never get a chance to have.

Go have fun!

Do touristy stuff, see sights, experience the local culture, and ENJOY YOURSELF. Don't make "getting laid" priority number 1, 2, 3 or 4 even. International travel should be all about expanding your own horizons, not looking for strange in some foreign country.

If you do get a chance, by all means, run some game on women in the bars. Again, HAVE FUN! Even if you strike out, use it as an opportunity to talk and learn from people who are different than you are.

like i said, getting laid; it's not a huge deal, but if i can help it i don't see a reason to pass it up. i'm mostly going to get a good look at things from a civilan point of view, before i leave for BCT in October, and to hopefully get my head completely clear of my ex, and see how many other great things and people there are out there.
plus i have a buddy i met on another forum that i'd like to meet; real nifty guy.

and yeah, i'm 19, 20 in december.