Originally posted by frivolousz21
what time is it over there hotice?
and whats the weather like in Finland?
Finland is GMT+2 hours
Figure it out from there...
Right now it's 09:50 PM here. I'm drinking beer before going to club.
To the thread:
Haha, nice one Player Supreme!
Yeah, you are the one who PM'd her for sure!
Anyways, to be honest I've never thought it from this point of view that those dear capitalist sell the AFC'ism to BOTH genres EQUALLY.
I've always concentrated on FINE women and I've been thinking lately that every women is like this. I have just ignored the normal girls who get all the same bull**** advice and leading them to buy more things to get men.
Personally thanks for a reminder that we have some great power on our hands us men!
I know this stuff already though, but it was just nice to hear it from a female.
Hahah, soooo many hearts I've broke.
Yet, more I do it, more I love it.
Just like those attractive looking women!
The one who is in control has gives those tests and games and the one who is getting dominated always loses and ends up heart broken. That's how it is.