hey doctor loves ?


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
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Hey docs ?

whats up ? you always talking about attraction level , if its up good , if its down we lose our wives , girls , watever .

What you saying ? that women are not capable of loveing a man ?
Women dont love they only get attracted to ? There no such thing as love only attraction ? ummmmm ? somethings not right here !


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
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a come on , there must be some genius out there with an answer .

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
Originally posted by DRACO
Hey docs ?

whats up ? you always talking about attraction level , if its up good , if its down we lose our wives , girls , watever .

What you saying ? that women are not capable of loveing a man ?
Women dont love they only get attracted to ? There no such thing as love only attraction ? ummmmm ? somethings not right here !
Attraction is what keeps people interested in each other. The few successful couples I know who have been together for 10+ years are still very attracted to each other. They flirt and do lots of unconscious C&F to keep the relationship spicy.

Love is what keeps them together through the rough times, ironically love is found during those points when people can't stand each other, or are facing many difficulties, because it is easy to stay with someone when things are peachy keen. Hardships are the true test of love.

I think its a balance though. We are only humans with limits and we need some sort of reward for dealing with so much bullshyt, naturally. So yeah, you can lose your GF if all the attraction is lost and you don't try to keep the fires burning. Love is not enough, people can get that from their moms.

As for distinguishing between the two:

Attraction isn't a choice. Love is.

Simple as that.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
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Attraction isn't a choice. Love is.

i disagree here . i dont choose to fall in love or love a women . it just happens , and i just do .

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Wherever I am.
You are confusing love with infatuation.

There is a difference between the endorphin rush/butterflies in the stomach and lasting love.

"Falling in love" is actually extreme attraction, which is why you don't have a choice in the matter. Sometimes this blossoms into real love which I believe is when you choose to stick with this person, even when they annoy the shyt out of you, or it is just not the easiest thing to do..

Ask any married couple who has been together for a long time and they will agree with me. I got this perspective from my grandma of all people. 50+ years of marriage and she loved my GrandPa till the day he died.

I remember telling her I was in love with a girl and she set me straight. She said "Fingers, that is not love. You have a crush and there is a big difference. Tell me, if this girl all of a sudden became very fat and unattractive, would you still feel the same way?" I had to admit I would have dumped her like a ton of bricks.

I also remember her taking care of my Grandpa when he had cancer. It was hard for her to watch him die slowly, but she stuck by him. Why? Not because she couldn't help it, in fact there were times when she would confide in me that she wanted to just put him in a home because it was too painful. But she made the difficult choice because she LOVED him.

Next time you think you love someone,

1) Picture them 100 pounds heavier.
2) Imagine yourself cleaning their bedpan everyday and helping them take a shyt!

Now THAT'S love, my friend!


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score

bin marreid a good ten years .

Listen , i know what love is and it aint a choise is what im saying .
You love someone and you cant help doing so .

You said attraction is what keeps people interested in each other .
I say it is love , just as the exsample of your grandmother stuck by the old man cause she loved him .