Bit of devil's advocate here...joekerr31 said:here's teh thing guys.... and this is kind of what my posts about people are good, live without fear, don't limit yourself to just hb10s, etc. is all about...
you only get this one life. the clock is ticking. one day the lights are going to go out and never come back on.
so you have a choice.
you can wake up each day and make the most out of life or you can wake up each day and complain about life.
if you wake up and make the most of it that means that you emphasize the positives. you give people in your life a chance. you love and accept yourself. you live without fear. you stand by your principles (and if you haven't developed them yet, then work on doing so). and more than anything, you show appreciation for everything that you have - no matter how little it may be (because whatever you've got, you could always have less!).
If it's so short and the clock is ticking then i question why waste of it on principles. Or why should I care about anything but my own needs? Who has time for that? I have sh1t to do and happiness to attain! tickticktick
Principles aren't gonna matter much when I'm dead.
I don't? I don't know how to reach some buddha state when i'm cold without a home and have an angry, empty don't need a woman, a job, money, a car, etc.. to have what you want. its all in your head. if you want to be happy and enjoy life then be happy and enjoy life (and i've just told you how in my wordss above).
don juan kitteh